Finished A New Dawn RPG. The game has just ended! Please leave comments Pokebeach!

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RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

"No, its different this time. Cyrus wants to take over the human race, so that no one can stop him. He is first, shutting down all pokecenters, then he will dig away our water source, lastly, all of us will die. Then he will start a new race of Galactic warriors."
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

That's insane! He will die too! What about Maxie, Archie, and the others? What do we do about them? *Hears people walking*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

*starts to act*
"How many of you n00b trainers are going to bother me! I am your superior! Leave me alone!"
*seretly whispers "Sorry, I have to act like the hate you to fit in"*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

OoC: Hey! Who you calling a n00b!? :p JK

In: You don't think we'll stop at someone like you?
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

*Hears alert about infestation of Hippowdon (5 of them) by garbage dumpster* Crud! *Grabs as many Max Revives and Full Restores as possible* (Running to the dumpster) I got it!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Joeypals!! said:
*Hears alert about infestation of Hippowdon (5 of them) by garbage dumpster* Crud! *Grabs as many Max Revives and Full Restores as possible* (Running to the dumpster) I got it!

OoC: Hm, that wasn't confusing!

In: Hippowdons? *Glances back at Isa, and runs along with Joey*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

OoC: I though we were in a supply closet and I bolted out...

In: (at dumpster) These things are huge! Ok, Bayleef and Prinplup, use Bubble and Razor Leaf! Pikachu and Numel, do your flying routine!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

"Nate, I have to go to Cyrus, I'll meet you guys at the room!"
*goes to his office*
"Cyrus, I'm back with three new agents. Both are so far excellent trainers. What did you want to discuss?"
C:"There is a slight change to Code Black..."
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

*The Hippowdons do not budge* What the heck? *Sees they are female and larger than usual* Oh, I see... I need to get them out of here... I know! Pikachu, you stay here and help them with Numel! We three are going to warp them away with these warp pads I found in my pocket!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

OoC: You just happened to find Warp Pads in your pocket!? o_O

In: Wow! Now that's convenient! So, why are we here messing with pregnant(?) Hippowdons? I thought we were infuriating rouge...

*Talks into Pokegear* Ok, but, what room?
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

*Sets up pads* OK, now to lure them with food... *Lays berries on the pads, which the Hippowdons step on to eat the food. They warp to the Safari Zone, a feature on the pads* All good! Let's head back.

OoC: Ready to trade?
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

OOC: Joeypals must have an awesomely awesome pocket....o_0

IC:"Room 301!"
C: "what was that?"
IC: "Oh,nothing. The new agents I found were from the Aqua base, you know those kids..."
C:"Yes, well anyways. We have aquired some new information.."
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Me: Now let's see... how about you red head.
Misty: Um... the names Misty.
Me: Oh right sorry but I haven't been to Kanto yet.
Misty: Your father told me about you though right?
Me: Now that you mention it he did once or twice, but any way let's battle.
Misty: You got it. Staryu go!
Me: Bagon your up!
Misty: Staryu use Tackle!
Me: Bagon stop Staryu with Bite!
*Staryu is able to get in Tackle but takes some damage from Bite as well*
Me: Bagon use your Rage attack!
Misty: Staryu use Water Pulse!
*Water Pulse hits and confuses Bagon who gets in a Rage*
Misty: Now Staryu use Harden!
Me: Bagon use Rage again!
*Bagon tries to use Rage but hurts itself*
Me: Guess that won't work. Alright then Bagon return for now. Sneasel let's go!
Misty: Staryu use Rapid Spin now!
Me: Sneasel dodge it then use Brick Break!
*Sneasel barely dodges Rapid Spin and gets a Critical on Staryu with Brick Break*
Misty: Wow your Sneasel is pretty strong.
Me: Thanks so is your Staryu.
Misty: Aww I'm flattered but flattery will get you no where. Go Starmie!
Me: Sneasel return. Go Pikachu!
Misty: Starmie use Confusion!
Me: Pikachu block it with Thundershock!
*Both attacks zoom past each other hitting both Pokemon*
Misty: Starmie are you okay?
Me: Pikachu you alright?
*Both Pokemon stand up but start staggering*
Me: Here you go Pikachu an Oran Berry.
Misty: Wow your so kind twords your Pokemon. Oh well guess I should use this.
*Misty heals Starmie with a Potion*
Me: Alright then Pikachu finish it with Thundershock!
*Starmie is zapped by Thundershock and faints*
Misty: Wow you are really good. How about a date at some point hmmm?
Me: Maybe after all of this settles down.
Misty: Okay that works with me.

OoC: Hey Hatman you still have a battle to post so if you can please post it.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

C:"We have learned that there might be some traitors here. I want you to exterminite the traitors as soon as you discover them."
"Yes, sir."
C:"I do not want to hurt us in our most powerful time. Tomorrow we attack the most powerful trianer ever. Cynthia."
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

That is sad.

Edit: And rude (punches self)

Edit 2: Also I'm 12, do i think I have time for stuff like that??!?!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

*Walks into main room, which has several hallways* The last person to have this uniform was STUPID! Lazer pens, warp pads, grappelling hook, and... *Reaches in and pulls out both a trainer card and a pokegear* What the heck? Who could have taken... Oh my gosh... This is Lance's belongings! To prove my worth, I could hand over the pokegear, but this trainer card is for safekeeping... *Calls Isa to see if I should hand over Lance's pokegear to gain Cyrus's trust and backstab him later. The word backstabbing is not used, but instead talked about in a codename, Trick. Trick refers to the move*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Joey, Isa said we need to meet back in room 301, wherever that is... Hmmm. Joey! I wouldn't call Isa! She is under cover, remember?
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

*Hangs up before the pokegear could finish dialing* Right, I was just trying to figure out what to do with this pokegear here. It has trainer card with it too... It belongs to... Lance. I should conceal the trainer card, but what about the pokegear?

OoC: Aggiegwen, based on the intro, he is going to have to attack Lance, Blue/Whatever rival name you want, and Steven/Wallace (whichever one) too.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

OoC: I'm back a couple days early!
IN: *Wakes up. Slowly opens eyes, everything looks blurry for a minute.*
"Where am I?"
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

OoC: I will be gone for a week. Isa is in charge. HAve me use items from my pocket and play along. Bye! When I come back, 13 level-ups!
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