Finished A New Dawn RPG. The game has just ended! Please leave comments Pokebeach!

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RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

In B: Okay I've got my Pokemon heald up and I'm ready to take on you Bugsy,
Bugsy: Okay then let's go!
In B: Houndour, Zubat take 'em out!
Bugsy: Metapod, Kakuna show them how tough you are!
In B: Houndour use Ember on Kakuna and Zubat use Supersonic on Metapod!
*Ember knocks out Kakuna and Metapod is confused*
Bugsy: No not my Kakuna! Alright Scyther go!
In B: Houndour use Ember on Metapod this time and Zubat once again use Supersonic!
*Metapod is taken out and Scyther is confused*
Bugsy: Err... Scyther try a Leer attack!
*Scyther manages to get in a Leer*
In B: Zubat return. Absol come out! Now Houndour for the third time use Ember!
*The move hits and Scyther barely survives the hit*
Bugsy: Scyther now try Focus Energy!
*Hits itself and knocks itself out*
Bugsy: Noooo not my Bug Pokemon!
In B: Umm... that was a little to easy.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

C: "Are they here yet?"
*calls them with PokeNav*
"Joey, where are you?"

RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Right outside the door.
*Comes in* My pokemon respond to my thought somehow. Guys, stay cool...
Hi! I'm Joey, one of the two people called up by Isa. Sorry for the wait, but n00bs-a-lot here blacked out.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

In: *Starts squirming around reaching for pokeballs*
"Agh! I can't reach my pokeballs! How do I get out of here!"
*Squirms around and hits things with body."
OoC: Where am I exactly?
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

OOC: Your in the ROUGE headquarter dorms. In room 3-something-something, I think.

C:"Well, I can easily say that you are a n00b as well. Why, Mr. Joey, did you deide to join ROUGE?"

RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Me: Now let's see since I haven't battled Brawly yet...
In B: How about we take him together?
Brawly: That's not a bad idea I'm game for it. I'll send out twoof my Pokemon to battle and you two have to beat both of them to beat me.
Me: Works for me so we'll send out one Pokemon from our teams.
In B: Alright go Zubat!
Me: Go Bagon!
Brawly: Machop, Makuhita go now!
Me: Bagon use Rage on Machop!
In B: Zubat use Supersonic on Makuhita!
Brawly: Machop uses Karate Chop on Bagon and Makuhita use Arm Thrust on Zubat!
*Bagon and Machop's attacks collide while Zubat's Supersonic hits Makuhit causeing it to hurt itself*
Brawly: Darn it. Machop use Seismic Toss on Zubat!
Me: Bagon use Rage to stop Machop!
*Due to Rage's increased power Machop takes some damage*
In B: Thanks Tyler. Now Zubat use Leech Life on Makuhita!
Brawly: Makuhita use Knock Off now!
*Makuhita is hit by Leech Life and it's confusion*
Me:Bagon use Rage and finish that Makuhita!
*Makuhita is knocked out*
In B: Zubat use Supersonic on Machop now!
*Machop is confused*
Brawly: Machop use Bulk Up!
*Machop hurts itself with it's confusion knockingit out*
Brawly: NOOO Not my awesome fighting Pokemon!
Me: Alright we won!
In B: Yahoo!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

Need a clever answer... Got it! Same reason you founded ROUGE. For takeover of all regions and to build a lovely empire for secured domination. You also did this because of Lucas and Dawn, the two who kicked you out of Sinnoh. I ran into them shortly after. Their starters kicked me off Mt. Coronet to here. Seeking revenge, I signed up. I will need to lie my butt off!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

C:"Ah, I see. Where are the other two, Isa?"
"They are both unconcious, they just couldn't handle that initiation the more experienced agents set up."
I hope Joey can keep up with his lies as well as I can...
C:"Ah, the initiation. Well, I am glad to see one as outraged as me in this buisness. What pokemon do you have, Mr. Joey?"

RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

These guys do steal... I stole my pokemon; Bayleef, Prinplup, Pikachu, Numel, and Natu; from a pokemon lab. Along the way, they came to trust me, which is why my two evolved pokemon evolved, my Pikachu can Fly, Numel is able to go on it's back, and Natu is able to slam my other pokemon into opponents with Confusion.
OoC: Level-ups!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, but still taking registrations!

In B: Well where to next?
Me: I think Slateport would be our best bet. You know to stock up on supplies and items for our Pokemon.
In B: Okay Slateport it is. Besides I heard they were giving out Pokemon there.
Me: Great. I'll call Draco now.
*Whistles for Draco who flys in*
Me: To Slateport Darco and fast.
Draco: Dragonite!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

I have no reason to. As far as I see, you will turn out like monpyro and sillykyle.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

Wait what does he have to apoligize for?
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

For not letting him play. I have my reasons.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

Okay I thought it had something to do with the level ups
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

C: "Good. You are both dismissed for bed."
*as they are walking out, Cyrus notices something*
C: "I notice that you both have earbuds inside your ears. Maybe you should go to our Science Lab to drop those off before going to bed. It would be awful if we caught you as traitors, wouldn't it?"

RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

"I need to stand up, then find lights."
*Attempts to try to stand up. After about 10 minutes, finally succeeds. Walks around, hits light.*
"I can see. Now I can find something to untie myself. Hope their isn't a security camera watching me."
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

C: Well, better get the execution table ready. *walks out*
Me: *Puts earbuds in pocket. Once he is out of ear-reach...* *Puts earbuds in pocket* Well, where to go now? Use this opportunity to screw up the technology and make a run for it?
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