Finished A New Dawn RPG. The game has just ended! Please leave comments Pokebeach!

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RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

*Tyler and Brandon arrive at Slateport and Draco once again flies off*
Me: Well I'm gonna get some supplies from the Poke Mart. What are you gonna do?
In B: I'm gonna see if they're still having that contest.
Me: Alright tell me if they are and we'll prepare for it.
*Brandon heads twords the Contest Hall and Tyler goes to the Poke Mart to stock up on supplies*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

"I finally got out of the ropes!"
*Hears intruder alert sound go off*
"Uh-oh, hope that isn't for me. Need to hide 'till the siren clears, then search for..."
*Tries to remember name*
"Arg, I can't remember it, but I remember facing him in a contest, he didn't seem to happy about losing."
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

Contests are over unless if you are in the main plot with Porygon, aggie, and I.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

OoC: I know I'm just doing it to progress my plot till we meet you guys.
In B: Darn the contest just ended. I'd better tell Tyler about this.
*Meanwhile outside of the Poke Mart*
Me: Well I got the nessicary supplies for the road I'd better find Brandon before something bad happens.
*Bumps into two Rocket Grunts*
Me: Guess I spoke to soon...
Grunt 1: Hey kid what's the big deal bumping into us like that.
Grunt 2: Wait... your that kid we saw at Littleroot with the Bagon. Well we'll just take that from you now.
Me: No way! You want a Bagon go find your own!
Grunt 1: Alright the if won't hand it over to us...
Grunt 2: Then we'll just have to take it from you.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

"It's that kid whos down there! The one who won the ontest, Nate is unconicous down there too! We need to have one of us break down the computers while the others saves them. Which one of us?"

RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

Meh.... I have nothing to do.
*An Aqua and Magma grunt pop out*
Aqua: We are willing to assist. Four on one thrashing, then take that thing and sell it to J so she can have a second Salamance!
Magma: Ah, yes. J on our side equal mass choas. Unfortunately, she is in a secluded location after her vehicles were drained of gas.
EDIT: Let's see... they will punish you more than me... I got the computers! I work fast! You rescue! And that newbie did not deserve to win after I sent his Cynidquil to the ground the same time the two Magnitudes hit. Also, I got this. *Holds out un-enscribed contest ribbon* Somehow, one stuck to Pikachu. Anyway, I am on target now.
Pikachu, Fly around and Thundshock! Numel, Ember like crazy! Prinplup and Bayleef, Metal Claw and Razor Leaf!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

*slaps her forehead at his contest statement then starts to head downstairs*

RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

"I don't have time to hide, I have to get out now! Riolu, come out and use Force Palm on the door!"
*Riolu uses Force Palm on door, door breaks open, Runs out with Riolu*
"Come on Riolu, let's go find an exit."
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

OoC: Epic double battle with two Rocket Grunts in this post but before you read the rest of it play this to have a better feel of the battle

Me: Alright go Sneasel and Chimchar!
Grunt 1: Koffing show that punk who's boss!
Grunt 2: Ekans take him down!
Me: Chimchar use Ember on Koffing, Sneasel use Screech on Ekans!
Grunt 1: Koffing use Sludge attack!
Grunt 2: Ekans use Poison Sting!
*The Ember and Sludge attacks hit each other and Sneasel hits Ekans with Screech but get's hit with Posion Sting*
Me: You hurt Sneasel?
*Sneasel shakes off the attack*
Grunt 1: Hey that Sneasel's not bad. We should take it to.
Grunt 2: One Pokemon at a time man.
Me: Chimchar use Taunt now and Sneasel use Faint Attack on Ekans.
*Chimchar taunts Koffing and Sneasel knocks out Ekans*
Grunt 2: Aww man I'm out of Pokemon!
Grunt 1: Serves you right. Now Koffing use Posion Gas!
Me: Didn't you forget Chimchar taunted your Koffing?
Grunt 1: NO WAY!
Me: Chimchar use Ember and Sneasel help it out with Quick Attack!
*Koffing falls down and faints*
Grunt 1: This is bad.
Grunt 2: Very bad indeed.
Grunt 1: We must report this to Cyrus now.
Grunt 2: You got lucky this time, but next time we'll be victourious!
*Both run twords a suspicious building*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

*Sees him and Riolu blast through the door*
"Okay kid, were in some deep **** now!"
(Sorry about that, it just had the moment^)
*10 ROUGE agents appear*
"Okay, climb on my back, piggy-back style!"

RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

"Go Cyndaquil, use smokescreen so they can't see us!"
*Cyndaquil surrounds the hallway with smoke*
"Come on you guys, I think the exit is the other way."
*Runs some random way, hoping t find the exit*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

*Finishes, sees no one around.* Perfect. Alright guys, to the control room! This top floor is abondoned, so we got time to screw this place up! *Arrives* Good, everything unlocked... come on guys, again! Natu, if you see anyone in the hallway besides us, Teleport them out of here!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

*Grabs Poke off the ground and onto her back then runs at her full speed, which is pretty dang fast, considering she DNA created*

*Zooms down into the basement headquarters*

"Okay...where do we go now I know! Follow me!"
*opens a secret door and runs in*

RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

OoC: Did you pick up Natu?
In: OK, so let's see... Numel, you set two rooms on fire... nice... Pikachu, you shorted out the sprinklers... Prinplup and Bayleef, nice job taking out all power systems! All that remains is Cyrus's blueprints. As he left the room and should be in that chase I am hearing, it is all clear. Hopefully Isa has Nate. *Walks out of control room to go Cyrus's office*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

OOC: No, I picked up Poke.

IC: "Go down this tunnel you reach the lab. That holds all of our greatest prisoners. Release them all."
*leaves to get Nate*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

*Goes in, room emptied* Sweet! *Grabs all papers and folders* Let's go! *Runs out to Natu and Teleports down to the New Mauville entrance, waiting for people to come out in a hurry. Joey hopes Isa and Nate come out.*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

*finally reaches the room where Nate is in, only to see ROUGE agents in it*
"Hehehe... I always thought you wouldn't last..."
*the ROUGE agent chokeholds Isa against the wall, but Isa kicks the agent in her junkies, if you know what I mean.*
"Su-" Isa is interrupted by getting punched by another agent in the face.
Not good. NOT GOOD!!!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

*Isa does not rush out* Crud! Natu, this is a big wish. Take yourself, Numel, and Pikachu and Teleport to Isa. Lay a mass ambush to set Isa and Nate free.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

"Woah, let go! Where are you taking me!"
*Squirms and tries to get off*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

jirachinick said:
"Woah, let go! Where are you taking me!"
*Squirms and tries to get off*

OOC: You are already let off, and in front of a secret tunnel...

IC: *sees Joey's pokemon*
"Oh thank Arceus, can you guys-"
*Is KO'ed from a kick from one of the many ROUGE agents*

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