Finished A New Dawn RPG. The game has just ended! Please leave comments Pokebeach!

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RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

OoC: Oh, lol
"A tunnel, why would I be dropped off here. Might as well walk through."
*Starts to walk through tunnel*
"I can't leave the building though, I'm gonna have to wait and hide outside for Joey. Hey, I remembered his name! I have to wait and find him and see what's going on."
*Continues to walk through tunnel*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

*waked up five minutes later with a black eye*
"Ouch. Okay, payback time!"
*Punches one in the face, KO'ed!
Kicks one in thier ribs KO'ed!
Hedbutts one KO'ed!*
"Want some more? Isa is BACK!"

RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

OoC: The pokemon inside are fighting, with Natu slamming Numel into the ROUGE agents while Pikachu swoops into them. Also, how can you get outside if you can't leave the building, jirachinick?
In: *Continues to hide* OK, this is ambush. If anyone runs outside, I hit them with Metal Claw so they fall into this lake here.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

*After 75% of them getting beaten senselessy by the Pokemon and Isa, they run away(towards the outside to Joey ;) ) Meanwhile....
C: "3...2...1...lets go!"
*jumps onto his giant aircraft into the sky*

RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

No way! Cyrus! *Ducks* Bayleef, Prinplup... huh? *A Remoraid jumps out the water and uses Lock-on on the aircraft*
*Super rare, I know. At the same time, Isa and my pokemon come out with Natu's Teleport.* PERFECT! Pikachu, Fly up with Numel! Bayleef, Prinplup, Razor Leaf and Bubblebeam! Natu, use Confusion to bring the aircraft down! Now I got this stupid person. That leaves his Commandors, Team Rocket, Team Magma, and Team Aqua.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

OoC: I'm just assuming that's where the secret tunnel leads. That doesn't mean it will.
In: "Wow this tunnel seems long for a building."
*Notices door. Opens it.*
"Hey, this is where I started."
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

In B: Hey Tyler you ready to head out?
Me: Not yet. Why do you ask?
In B: Well the contest ended a while ago so I wanted to see if you got the supplies.
Me: Oh... well I'm ready to leave but I just battled some Rocket Grunts and then they went into that building over there.
In B: Think we should check it out?
Me: Oh yeah big time.
*They enter the strange building*
Me: Where do you think we are?
In B: I have no idea. Maybe it's a...
???: Lair of Team ROUGE's.
*They both turn to seea mysterious figure*
Me: Who are you?
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

OoC: Mention explosions if you can see them.
In: Keep it up! Huh? *Sorry, Cyrus needs to DIE!* *Lapras come out using every Ice move (Ice Beam, Ice Shard, ect...) they have in their arsenal on the aircraft.*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

"You know what, Joey is probably still inside, I should go find him, see what the big deal was, locking me up here."
*Starts walking through building in search of Joey*
"That's weird, it seems colder all of a sudden."
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

*Pikachu gets above the ship* Perfect! Numel, jump off! Fortunately, as Natu uses Teleport, he will Teleport you down as you Ember in Fire Spin fashion while Pikachu cuts the aircraft with Fly and uses Thundershock on it!
OoC: The lights should be off too.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

Giovanni: I'm am Giovanni. One of Team ROUGE's leaders.
In B: Wait weren't you from Team Rocket?
Giovanni: Yes I was. Excatly why are you here?
Me: Well I just battled some of your Grunts who were trying to steal my Pokemon.
Giovanni: Ahhh yes your the one with the Bagon.
*Random explosion*
Me: Huh what was that?
Giovanni: Ugh it's one of the traitors. I'll deal with you later. I have more important mattersto attend to.
*Giovanni leaves*
In B: Well Tyler what should we do.
Me: We follow him. Maybe the traitor he was talking about was that Joey kid from that note.
In B: There was a note on that tape recorder? Oh well I'll do it.
*They follow Giovanni hopefully to a new ally*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

OoC: Can't continue without activity outside. I like dragging a battle out and adding details versus the Culex style.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

OoC: Eh everyone has their own style of doing things I'll admit it.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

"I don't think I can find Joey by just walking around the building. Does he have any friends?"
*Has flashback*
"Oh yeah, that's right, her. But, what was her name? Wait, wasn't she the one that picked me up earlier. I should find her."
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

*At the site of the battle*
Giovanni: Ahhh there you are. What are you doing to our blimp young man?
Cyrus: Giovanni quiet your lollygagging and help me out here!
Me: Hold it right there you two.
Giovanni: What the... how did you... WERE YOU FOLLOWING ME?!"
In B: Yeah and it's a good thing we did to.
*Turns to Joey*
Me: Hey you okay over there?
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

Perfectly fine! Hey Cyrus, guess what? *Takes off ROUGE uniform and revealing regular clothes* Looking for this? *Holds up Lance's Pokegear and Trainer Card before the aircraft crashes* Well, I've got this under control. You, whatever your name is, get Giovanni!Isa, help me destroy your "boss" here!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

Me: Got it. Brandon let's take him on.
In B: You got it Tyler.
Giovanni: Fine I'll still be able to beat you two.
Me: Sneasl let's go!
In B: Snorunt it's show time!
Giovanni: Is that really all you got? Dugtrio, Persian let's get them!
Me: Sneasel use Screech on Persian now!
Giovanni: That's your plan? Hah, Dugtrio Rock Tomb lets go!
In B: Snorunt use Icy Wind to stop Dugtrio!
*Icy Wind hits Dugtrio freezing it*
Giovanni: What the... no matter Persian use Slash now!
Me: Sneasel use Faint Attack block Persian!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

"No proble-"
*she is shocked by Cyrus taking out a remote, that you can tell she obviously recognizes*
C:"You thought I would throw this away? No...Isa. I still control over every single atom of your DNA."
" NOW!"
*is basically screaming and crying at the same time*

RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

Not without you! *Gets Natu to Teleport and Pikachu to Fly up with Isa and his pokemon. In mid-air...* NOW! *Natu grabs the remote the Confusion* And take this! *Once Joey hands Isa's fate remote to her, Natu uses Confusion again. As it is close-range, Natu gets full control of the airship, crashing it directly in New Mauville's lake.* Take that! *Swoops to Mauville* Okay, hold on... *Gets Nate back* Am I missing anyone? Oh yeah! *Gets Brandon and Tyler* Anyone else?
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

Joeypals!! said:
Not without you! *Gets Natu to Teleport and Pikachu to Fly up with Isa and his pokemon. In mid-air...* NOW! *Natu grabs the remote the Confusion* And take this! *Once Joey hands Isa's fate remote to her, Natu uses Confusion again. As it is close-range, Natu gets full control of the airship, crashing it directly in New Mauville's lake.* Take that! *Swoops to Mauville* Okay, hold on... *Gets Nate back* Am I missing anyone? Oh yeah! *Gets Brandon and Tyler* Anyone else?

OOC: wouldn't let me do ANYTHING...

IC: C: "Remote, Code Red."
*the remote is voice activated from any distance, Isa grabs the remote, sends out Ralts and haves her teleport back. Then she grabs a laser and starts trying to shoot Joey and his pokemon*
"Run...please...if you go can be saved!"

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