Finished A New Dawn RPG. The game has just ended! Please leave comments Pokebeach!

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RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

Maybe I should start off small...
*trys to do a simple backflip, but ends up flying 20 ft in the air, and doing a quintuple backflip, and landing, without a sound*
"Okay...I'll take that as saying that my acrobatics aare functioning..."
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

*New Mauville*

Me: Wow this is a cool place.
In B: Yeah but before we took of I think I got hit by something.
Me: Weird. Maybe it was someone heading for the Gym and they didn't see you.
In B: Yeah that must be it. Hey look it's Joey and Isa.
Me: Well that was convienient.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

OoC: Oh... let's redo the storyline a little bit then
In: "Their's nobody here. Hm... better head back to New Mauville, look for clues"
*Walks out, sees Natu*
"Wait a minute, if that is Joey's Natu, this could be a way to find him, find out what'sgoing on, then I can head to New Mauville, and come up with a plan, after the info I get from Joey."
*Looks at Pichu*
"You and I both aren't going to like this, but it's our best shot."
"Use Thundershock on Natu, get its attention."
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

Outside: TUTUTUTUTUTU! *Super angry Natu* NATU! *Uses Confusion, throwing them all back to... Rustboro. Only way to get through fast is by taking the tunnel east of Rustboro.* Hint: NEVER attack Natu.
Inside: Dang! Umm... *Sets up wooden and metal planks* Try breaking these.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

*Not only chops with her hand through the blocks, but fents some of the concrete too*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

*Rustburo City*

Me: Wait how did we end up here?
In B: I have no idea. Oh well let's try to get back.
Me: Want to go through the Rustruf Tunnel?
In B: Eh sure why not.

*Route 106*
Me: All seems quiet here.
In B: Yeah a little to quiet.
???: Oh and who have we here?
???: Two kids that helped destroy our base under New Mauville.
Me: Huh who said that?
Aqua Grunt 1: We did.
Aqua Grunt 2: We are members of Team ROUGE.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

*Wakes up in middle of street passed out... again*
*Looks at people staring at him*
"Oh, I'm alright, uh.. go on now."
*People go away*
"Second time he's done that to me."
*Looks around. Recieves telapathic message that he's in Rustboro City*
"Of course, shoulda known I was here. Well, I think Mauville city is near New Mauville, the quickest way to get their is that tunnel on the east. I'll go their."
*Goes to tunnel. Sees Brandon with Team ROUGE members*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

OK, looks like your skills have returned. And so has your natural look! What about confidence? Before, you had confidence to spare. I hope that plate you put in your back did it. So, how do you feel? Like your old self?
OoC: It's under New Mauville, not Slateport!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

OoC: Okay I fixed that in my last post.

Me: You look more like Aqua Grunts to me.
Aqua Grunt 1: That's because we are.
Aqua Grunt 2: Now we challenge you two to a battle.
In B: Well Tyler what should we do?
Me: Battle them. Sneasel could use the exrecise.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

*Team Aqua Grunts. Hm, I wonder if this will work. Looks through backpack. Finds and puts on Team Aqua costume.*
"I shouldn't go yet, if they don't need my help, I'll change back into normal clothes, and greet them normally."
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

Me: Sneasel let's go!
In B: Snorunt go!
Aqua Grunt 1: Zubat get them!
Aqua Grunt 2: Poochyena take 'em down!
Me: Sneasel use Quick Attack on Poochyena!
In B: Snorunt Double Team now!
AG1: Zubat use Bite on Snorunt!
AG2: Poochyena use Take Down!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

"I-I don;t know about that. I don't want to be so...unpredictable."
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

Me: &&&& %%%%%%%%
Brandon: &&&& %%%%%%%%%
AG1: && %%%%%%%%%%%
AG2: & %%%%%

Me: Sneasel use Screech on Zubat!
In B: Snorunt Double Team again!
AG1: Zubat use Confuse Ray on Sneasel!
AG2: Poochyena use Bite!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

*Lights up plate area on Isa's back with Thundershock used on the nearby wall. It shows a jolt of electricty will activate the plate.* Isa, it says that a jolt of electricity will activate the plate that says "Dignity... I'm sorry, Courage and Bravery". It also says it will also unlock Isa's super-smart intelligence. Can I use Thundershock on the plate?
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

Me: &&&& %%%%%%%% *Confused*
Bandon: &&&& %%%%%%%%%
AG1: && %%%%%%%%%%
AG2: & %%%%%

Me: Here Sneasel! *Heals Sneasel's confusion with a Persim Berry*
In B: Snorunt use Blizzard!
AG1: Zubat use Leech Life on Sneasel!
AG2: Howl Poochyena!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

*Watching battle*
"Wow, those two are pretty good."
*Quietly brings Pokemon out of Pokeblls. Whispering*
"Hey, you guys, watch this battle, you might learn something."
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

Me: &&&& %%%%
Brandon: &&&& %%%%%%%%%%%
AG1: X& %%%%%%%%%%%
AG2: X

AG2: Aww man I'm out of Pokemon!
AG1: Well you should have brought more Pokemon. Carvanah use Rage on Snorunt!
Me: Sneasel use Screech!
In B: Snorunt use Icy Wind!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

*Takes a deep breath, then closes her eyes*
"Hit me."
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

Me: &&&& %%%%
Brandon: &&&& %%%%%%%%%
AG1: X& %%%%%%%%

Me: Sneasel time to heal! *Uses an Super Potion on Sneasel*
Brandon: Snorunt use Icy Wind again!
AG1: Carvanha use Focus Energy!
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