Finished A New Dawn RPG. The game has just ended! Please leave comments Pokebeach!

On a scale of 1-10, how is this game overall?

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RE: A New Dawn RPG. With only 4 people playing, I may have signups again soon!

Oh no! Only my Togepi and Torchic are okay!
"Well, it's better than nothing! Torchic, Togepi, come out to help please!"
I beat them all before and I can beat them again.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. With only 4 people playing, I may have signups again soon!

*Cipher gets their pokemon stealing machine out* Cipher: Get in the van, we do not take your pokemon. Don't, say goodbye to them.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. With only 4 people playing, I may have signups again soon!

Uh-oh I don't like the look of that machine. Is that what I think it is...
RE: A New Dawn RPG. With only 4 people playing, I may have signups again soon!

Grunt 1: Think that dude is taking our Snag Machine seriously...
Grunt 2: Hopefully, we can make them shadow pokemon...
Admin ???: Get in the van, NOW!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. With only 4 people playing, I may have signups again soon!

"Huh! You think we are that stupid! I helped invent that thing myself!"
Isa responds by jumpin on top of the machine, and kicking a giant hole in it.
"See? It's a worthless pile of junk. Now what are you really here for?"
RE: A New Dawn RPG. With only 4 people playing, I may have signups again soon!

Wow... well there go my chances of purifying any Shadow Pokemon we come across.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. With only 4 people playing, I may have signups again soon!

Admin ???: Wow... It's you. My name Venus. Remember me? I tried to hi-jack you at a young age... Nice to see improvements. But you did not think I would come alone, would you? *Steps aside to reveal the Go Rock Quads and Team Dim Sun* Get in now, or I really will take your pokemon.
*Meanwhile, by the truck, Joey's pokemon are attacking countless grunts, flinging them around with ease before even a single pokemon comes out. Prinplup is struggling though*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. With only 4 people playing, I may have signups again soon!

Awww great. Let's just hope the Go-Rock Quads don't show up now.
OoC: Nice use of the Pokemon Ranger teams.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. With only 4 people playing, I may have signups again soon!

OoC: Fixed! And thanks!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. With only 4 people playing, I may have signups again soon!

"Hah! How do you plan to beat me with those guys? I beat you! I beat you all, easily! Which is why I am Cyrus's little girl even now. Think you can beat now that you have beafy men on your side?"
I hope these taunts are enough to get distracted from Joey's pokemon...
RE: A New Dawn RPG. With only 4 people playing, I may have signups again soon!

???: Hey twerps guess who?
Me: Awww great not these three again.
Jessie: Hopefully you didn't forget about Team Rocket.
James: Cause if you did we'll have to take those Pokemon of yours.
Meowth: Yeah and then we'll hand them over to the boss and take you twerps as our prisoners.
Jessie: Of course now is the perfect time to strike. Seviper go!
James: Carnivine you to!
*Carnivine bites James on the head*
James: No not me them!
Me: Alright then we can take you.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. With only 4 people playing, I may have signups again soon!

*All the sudden, a blunt force of metal strikes Prinplup, causing it to faint* Prinplup! Grr! *Joey then does the unthinkable: He literally kicks Venus in the face, which make a blueprint fall from his pocket* Here Isa. Hiya! *Joey then gets into serious combat with Venus, the fight making it's way to Prinplup*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. With only 4 people playing, I may have signups again soon!

"A blu-blueprint? What for?"

OOC: confused.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. With only 4 people playing, I may have signups again soon!

OoC: A blueprint for your intelligence system and some of ROUGE's plans is what I intended it to be.
In: HIYA! *Venus falls to the ground. Joey then jumps in the van, kicking out everyone else. Getting his pokemon in the van...* Come on, let's go!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. With only 4 people playing, I may have signups again soon!
???: If you want to get to them you have to go through me first.
Me: Wait who are you?
Miror B: The name's Miror B. I was one of Cipher's admins.
Me: Alright then. Bring it on.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. With only 4 people playing, I may have signups again soon!

*Follows Joey.*
"Why are we leaving Venus here? If we take Venus hostage, we could find out more about Team ROUGE."
RE: A New Dawn RPG. With only 4 people playing, I may have signups again soon!

Tyler vs Miror B.

Miror B: Go Ludicolo!
Ludicolo: Lololo!
Me: Monferno let's go!
Monferno: Monfer!
Miror B: Ludicolo use Fake Out!
Me: Monferno use Mach Punch!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. With only 4 people playing, I may have signups again soon!

"Okay, alright."
Isa looks at the blueprint and gasps as she jumps in the van.
How did Joey find this?
RE: A New Dawn RPG. With only 4 people playing, I may have signups again soon!

*Looks at Isa*
"What's wrong? You look terrified."
RE: A New Dawn RPG. With only 4 people playing, I may have signups again soon!

Me: &&&& %%%%%%%%
Miror B: && %%%%%%%

Me: Monferno use Furry Swipes!
*Hits 4 times*
Miror B: Ludicolo use Water Gun!
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