BW/BW2 A Pokemon Colosseum for BW? We All Hope So!!

Should They Make One?

  • Heck Yes!

    Votes: 73 94.8%
  • No

    Votes: 5 6.5%

  • Total voters


Im a BBoy xD
Hopefully with the release of Pokemon Black and White they will release another 3D game like Pokemon XD or something. If so i hope they will have add-on's for the game so i wont get bored lol.
What name should it Be?
Should there be Add-ons?
Any other questions, Talk here!

Give me your thoughts guys! :)

For starters, they should use everything Pokemon Stadium 2 had. Earl's academy, rental Pokemon, mini-games, GB Tower (so to speak). The Gym Leader Castle could still be there, but I'd prefer it if they had a complete story mode instead. I think Mystery Dungeon 2 has the best story out of all the side games - this game should have one on par with MD2's. Or Colosseum/XD, if you like them better. Both of those games also had good stories.

I think the online capabilities (oh yes, there will be online) should be more fleshed out. And by fleshed out, I mean have actual rulesets. God.

Trainer customization is something I think most everyone wants, and PBR was okay about this, but it should be expanded upon.

And, of course, we'd need pimp graphics, too. Y'all ever seen what PBR used to be?

That level. Or better. For the entire game.

That oughta do it.
PMJ said:
I think the online capabilities (oh yes, there will be online) should be more fleshed out. And by fleshed out, I mean have actual rulesets. God.

Trainer customization is something I think most everyone wants, and PBR was okay about this, but it should be expanded upon.

And, of course, we'd need pimp graphics, too. Y'all ever seen what PBR used to be?

That level. Or better. For the entire game.

That oughta do it.

I always wondered what happened...
Yeah, I think this would be cool. I also think it would be cool if they did the GBA-style Gym-Leader and what-not should be done in 3-D on the Wii. Ooh! Ruby/Sapphire re-makes on Wii!
PBR was rushed because Nintendo wanted it out before the holiday season (which translated to almost immediately from a developer's point of view). So they pretty much had to cut everything they'd had planned out of the game, and we got stuck with the $50 lamefest we all know and... uh... love.
PMJ said:
For starters, they should use everything Pokemon Stadium 2 had. Earl's academy, rental Pokemon, mini-games, GB Tower (so to speak). The Gym Leader Castle could still be there, but I'd prefer it if they had a complete story mode instead. I think Mystery Dungeon 2 has the best story out of all the side games - this game should have one on par with MD2's. Or Colosseum/XD, if you like them better. Both of those games also had good stories.

I think the online capabilities (oh yes, there will be online) should be more fleshed out. And by fleshed out, I mean have actual rulesets. God.

Trainer customization is something I think most everyone wants, and PBR was okay about this, but it should be expanded upon.

And, of course, we'd need pimp graphics, too. Y'all ever seen what PBR used to be?

That level. Or better. For the entire game.

That oughta do it.

I just hope we can lv. up and walk around for christ sake; like XD: gale of darkness/colosseum...and start with starter pokemon, but not their 2 evo. I want standard starters
PMJ said:
For starters, they should use everything Pokemon Stadium 2 had. Earl's academy, rental Pokemon, mini-games, GB Tower (so to speak). The Gym Leader Castle could still be there, but I'd prefer it if they had a complete story mode instead. I think Mystery Dungeon 2 has the best story out of all the side games - this game should have one on par with MD2's. Or Colosseum/XD, if you like them better. Both of those games also had good stories.

I think the online capabilities (oh yes, there will be online) should be more fleshed out. And by fleshed out, I mean have actual rulesets. God.

Trainer customization is something I think most everyone wants, and PBR was okay about this, but it should be expanded upon.

And, of course, we'd need pimp graphics, too. Y'all ever seen what PBR used to be?

That level. Or better. For the entire game.

That oughta do it.

All that and how about a real 6 on 6 random match? On pbr u could only do 6 on 6 if u were over fiend codes!
What if like how PMJ said, they have all of those in modes like this:
Story Mode
Stadium Mode
Games Mode
Wi-fi Mode

Like that but hopefully with more and a lot more stuff to do! :)

I'd love a continuation of the 'Shadow Pokemon' series!...

PMJ pretty much wrapped the thread for me.
Hellion said:
I'd love a continuation of the 'Shadow Pokemon' series!...

PMJ pretty much wrapped the thread for me.

What if the story was rapped around Yin and Yang like there is good guys against bad guys and you are neutrul and you must stop the fighting because both sides are trying to wake Reshram and Zekrom and if they do that there will be a chaotic battle if you dont stop It!
I know as im typing it sounds like R/S/E but it would still be good with better graphics though lol

Proably why they havent made any for the DP series. Because PBR diddnt sell like it was supposed to (which is their fault for rushing it), but thats their fault...and if they cant see that then their blind. But we 100% need a new XD game. Pokemon Colesseum mixed with XD with Black and White and Diamond and Pearl. Amazing game. So that way you can choose to just do online wifi battling. Or do the great storyline from XD and Colleseum on gamecube.
blastoise91 said:
What if like how PMJ said, they have all of those in modes like this:
Story Mode
Stadium Mode
Games Mode
Wi-fi Mode

Like that but hopefully with more and a lot more stuff to do! :)


U forgot DS battle mode! :)
blastoise91 said:
What if the story was rapped around Yin and Yang like there is good guys against bad guys and you are neutrul and you must stop the fighting because both sides are trying to wake Reshram and Zekrom and if they do that there will be a chaotic battle if you don't stop It!
I know as im typing it sounds like R/S/E but it would still be good with better graphics though lol


Well, I could definitely see the new legends playing into the plotline. There's so much potential for games like these, especially if Black and White are well received. B&W + Past Gen. Pokemon + Graphics = Happy fanbase. Online features are just a bonus.
Hellion said:
Well, I could definitely see the new legends playing into the plotline. There's so much potential for games like these, especially if Black and White are well received. B&W + Past Gen. Pokemon + Graphics = Happy fanbase. Online features are just a bonus.
BW+ Past Gen Pokemon + Graphics = Very, Very, VERY, happy fanbase ;)
rockinpikachu said:
U forgot DS battle mode! :)

That could be apart of Stadium Mode but yeah your right it would probaly be best seperate :)
Also what if on the "DS Battle Mode" there would be a bunch of modes like:
Single Battle
Double Battle
Triple Battle
Rotation Battle
Wager Battle(Each Person puts some kind of item in and the winner gets both)
Prize Battle(The Winner Recieve a Prize for Winning)
And More!(I have a lot of ideas in my head for this lol)

blastoise91 said:
That could be apart of Stadium Mode but yeah your right it would probaly be best seperate :)
Also what if on the "DS Battle Mode" there would be a bunch of modes like:
Single Battle
Double Battle
Triple Battle
Rotation Battle
Wager Battle(Each Person puts some kind of item in and the winner gets both)
Prize Battle(The Winner Recieve a Prize for Winning)
And More!(I have a lot of ideas in my head for this lol)


-cough- Built in Pokemon Ranch :)
blastoise91 said:
That could be apart of Stadium Mode but yeah your right it would probaly be best seperate :)
Also what if on the "DS Battle Mode" there would be a bunch of modes like:
Single Battle
Double Battle
Triple Battle
Rotation Battle
Wager Battle(Each Person puts some kind of item in and the winner gets both)
Prize Battle(The Winner Recieve a Prize for Winning)
And More!(I have a lot of ideas in my head for this lol)


definently all 4 battle modes would e added ut those last few would be after u choose which type of battle
Game: choose 1 of the four battle modes
Me: *chooses single battle*
Game: Miricale Shooter on or off?
Me: *chooses off*
Game: Any added rewards for the winner?
That's when u would choose one of those last few
I think people were dissapointed to see PBR and not a new Colosseum because it was such a great idea back then. But, it's not GameFreak that makes the Colusseum games, it's Genius Sonority and if they're not lazy enough, I'm pretty sure they would do anything for money. I can see this happening.
Something like Battle Revolution would be cool with me.
and i would love the idea of them putting the gym leader castle back in from Pokémon stadium 2 except with gen.5 gym leaders.!
also a story mode similiar to colliseum where everything was in 3D except we didnt have to catch "shadow Pokémon"... more like patches of grass and wild Pokémon would be nice.