A REAL Solution

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MM and KaM might know what they're talking about, but, let's face it, they still act their age... Which is not a good thing...
AEX is more of an example of someone who should be moved up IMO.

17+ would be pretty isolated, I think, the general Pokémon public is pretty young, I don't see why we'd need an adult-only group. I doubt an adult plays Pokémon so he can hang around with other adults... Do you?
I was actually going to mention him. Come to think of your post C-M, Kevin Garret's one seems more reasonable.
Yes, AEX would be a prime example. It's the level of your posting that matters (the intellectual part), not just using correct grammar and spelling and stuff.

17+ being isolated would bring more people here.
cute-mew :F said:
17+ would be pretty isolated, I think, the general Pokémon public is pretty young, I don't see why we'd need an adult-only group. I doubt an adult plays Pokémon so he can hang around with other adults... Do you?

I believe WPM is trying to prove these forums to be a place where adults and children can be on the same forums, but they are able to post with other members of their own age. This problem has popped up a few times around here - we have been criticized for being a place where young people grow. Once they grow up, they leave. There was a thread on this at PokeGym a month ago.
So you mean, for example.
"Great job, I like that lots" Wouldn't count as its short and dosn't state why, etc?
cute-mew :F said:
MM and KaM might know what they're talking about, but, let's face it, they still act their age... Which is not a good thing...
AEX is more of an example of someone who should be moved up IMO.

17+ would be pretty isolated, I think, the general Pokémon public is pretty young, I don't see why we'd need an adult-only group. I doubt an adult plays Pokémon so he can hang around with other adults... Do you?

1. paragraph: I totally agree with every single word.

2. paragraph: Did you say that only because you aren't 17 yet, or because you really think it shouldn't be like that? I guess you wouldn't say "because I am not 17 yet" anyway. Never mind previous two sentences. I think those ages are ok. Yes, it's true, there aren't many people 17+ that are still playing Pokemons, but you can come to that group, even if you're not that old yet, you just have to show that you're worth it. So it may be a good "final" goal. You really have to act intelligent to come to that group!

Edit: Is the post below really meant to me? I spent minutes to write that post and then that.

then instead of age groups because not all little kids are noobs, make it a new thing under your avatar like there would be 3 levels: and under your avitar it would say what level you are and if you were level 3 then you can post in any thing, 2 is semipro, intelligent person, and 1 is just above a newbie, and 0 is a new member
Statement? Which one? Anyways, 17 plus isolated could also make people think, "There aren't many older people on this forum, I doubt I'd mix in with anybody here", instead of "Better populate that forum!".
yay... whay is it based on age thought... what about some old people who are new to pokemon, i could se a 18 year old spam this place up... that's why we should have level like things that allow us to post in certain forums
Interesting idea, WPM. Aren't you afraid of protective mothers and stereotypes :D?

Anyway, back to the topic, I think its a great idea. My only question is: Who is in what age group?

Also,are you serious about restarting the forums? Will the members be pre-signed on the new forums, or have to sign up again?
yay but you said in the first post that this would be based on age... whynot another thing like your level or hit points (if it actually shows that i don't have 8/892... faulty forum thing stuff.... whatever -_-)
Ketchup and Mustard said:
Interesting idea, WPM. Aren't you afraid of protective mothers and stereotypes :D?

I don't think our mothers care about what we do on internet. Maybe your does... If she actually does, you have some serious problem :p

Anyway, back to the topic, I think its a great idea. My only question is: Who is in what age group?

I can tell you, that I heard somewhere, you'd be in lowest. For others... I don't know

Also,are you serious about restarting the forums? Will the members be pre-signed on the new forums, or have to sign up again?

Worrying about your many posts would get deleted? I don't know, does post count restart? I don't actually care, I don't have many posts for the time I'm on PokéBeach Forums (BTW: great that P B f = PokéBeach Forums now)

I think Clans & Clubs should be in a 13+ group. Just a suggestion. In many clans/clubs, there are many young people, who spam a lot... And it would be another goal to reach, by posting intelligent posts.

Age is usually a pretty good general factor for separating people's levels of cognition. :)
Dr. Ooler :F said:
Ketchup and Mustard said:
Interesting idea, WPM. Aren't you afraid of protective mothers and stereotypes :D?

I don't think our mothers care about what we do on internet. Maybe your does...

Anyway, back to the topic, I think its a great idea. My only question is: Who is in what age group?

I can tell you, that I heard somewhere, you'd be in lowest. For others... I don't know

Also,are you serious about restarting the forums? Will the members be pre-signed on the new forums, or have to sign up again?

Worrying about your many posts would get deleted? I don't know, does post count restart? I don't actually care, I don't have many posts for the time I'm on PokéBeach Forums (BTW: great that PB f = PokéBeach Forums now)

I think Clans & Clubs should be in a 13+ group. Just a suggestion. In many clans/clubs, there are many young people, who spam a lot... And it would be another goal to reach, by posting intelligent posts.


Many noobs look up to post count, rather than intelligent posts, and that results often in lots of spam. I think WPM stated there would be tests of some sort to determin, every few months.
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