A REAL Solution

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Oh no... Does this mean I'll finally have to reveal my true age to the public...?!


As stated several billion times by now, this will definitely help solve the problem of the n00b invasion. They could freely post their "Duh" questions, and learn in time how to be a good member. Although, the "law" will still have to be enforced, as spam would still run rampant in those forums. One thing I see wrong about the younger, more restricted forum, is that with it being so resricted, many members will easily get bored, and go to other forums, forgetting all about poor ole Pokebeach. I guess this would get rid of many n00bs, but they'll need to learn someway or another.

I agree with c-m, KG, and everyone else who was talking about that it should be split into two groups, instead of three. It would be a nice idea, as the adult forum would be pretty inactive. And, I think that Pokemon is just not quite big enough to be spilt three-way. Well, two-split just seems....empty, and three-split just seems like too much for Pokebeach as it is now.

I don't really like the idea of being seperated from some of our buddies, though. Semi-n00bs or not. Like some active members of the Sinnoh League, back in it's time (well, it's still alive, but with everything going on, it's died down a bit). :/

WPM, how exactly are you going to decide on doing this? I mean, are you just going to read over this thread, count how many people say "Good idea (and are good members)", then work from that? Or are you going to make the final decision based on discussion in this thread as to if it's a good idea or not? Either way, if you do go through with it, it's going to be sometime, at earliest, a little after Christmas, right?

If I had to give an over-all statement, I'd say: Good idea, go for it.

EDIT: After reading NN's post. Yes, I don't want to have to have the forums restarted.... KG will lose his crown as post king :)F)
I refuse to read the whole thread. I'm sure most of the posts say "good job WPM, do it!" However, I did read CCloud's post. :F

Alright, I like this idea a lot, but I say "no" to restarting the forums. Simple reason: I accumalated many posts after these few months. I don't want to lose them. :(
Same here!:) Also Togeshroob, in order to be with your older buddies, you would need to post intelligently and you could be given a chance to be moved to the higher society. Same here, d master and PPM are good friends of mine!:D
Togeshroob ALREADY posts intelligently. Look at his post in this thread. It owns. But then again, we have little problem with immaturity in the Gaming forums. It's the TCG forums that are full of kids. THAT is where you would want to handle your problem, not here. I am currently looking through the reports. Out of nine that no other mod has handled, 8 are from the TCG section. How about that now?
I always knew he posted intelligently, just told him that he would practically make it in the new system. If I couldn't say so myself, he posts a lot better than I do!XD(Maybe even mod worthy?o_O)
Why would you not want the forums to be reset due to post count. I dont care who you are (Josh!) but if you CARE about post count, your a n00b in your heart still. Post count means absolutely nothing.
Señor Noobnerd said:
But then again, we have little problem with immaturity in the Gaming forums. It's the TCG forums that are full of kids. THAT is where you would want to handle your problem, not here. I am currently looking through the reports. Out of nine that no other mod has handled, 8 are from the TCG section. How about that now?

... You were talking in general about the first part, right?

Absol, yes your post does cover a lot of ideas... Although, I'm not sure about the patrol members thing... I mean, we're already going through this whole One Star thing. :/

Oh, and I hope this thread doesn't turn into a spam thread, like One Star has.
Togeshroob said:
Señor Noobnerd said:
But then again, we have little problem with immaturity in the Gaming forums. It's the TCG forums that are full of kids. THAT is where you would want to handle your problem, not here. I am currently looking through the reports. Out of nine that no other mod has handled, 8 are from the TCG section. How about that now?

... You were talking in general about the first part, right?

Absol, yes your post does cover a lot of ideas... Although, I'm not sure about the patrol members thing... I mean, we're already going through this whole One Star thing. :/

Oh, and I hope this thread doesn't turn into a spam thread, like One Star has.

Thankfully, the only n00by visits we'll get here will be small, 2-4 word replies of 'ZOMG, I hate Tis!" Unlike One/4 str(s), you can't get away with guessing anything, this is going to be one of the few, intellegent threads on the beach. Few people would dare spam here, as we've already quoted and insulted the one member who has about five times now.

I still don't like age discrimmination, and there will already be a test, so it should just be for all members.

Shroob: I doubt you'll have to share your age, as anyone who would say you wouldn't be in the top tier has serious brain issuses, and would be ignored anyway. So as long as you ignore Cumquat Noob, you'd be surprised how many people would nomiate you to move up.
As someone else in this thread pointed out, it is not the amount of posts you have or the level you are at. It's whether you can post good, intellectual, on-topic posts. You may have a large post count and it may be all spam. You may have a small post count and it may be all spam. All I'm saying is post-count will not and should not matter in the present or the future.

On subject to the thread I do think that If you carry out this "solution" of yours, WPM, it will take a lot of work. Age is the thing that obviouxly matters here and as some have pointed out, yes, noobs can lie about their ages but it wouldn't take a lot of effort to see if they post well enough to be upgraded/downgraded. This brings me to Absol's counter-idea, if you will, that patrollers can watch the noobs/seniors carefully. I agree with your idea wholeheartliy Absol.

As such, this all would just be branching off from the same concept, this will be a lot of work: either following WPM's idea, any other idea, or just trying to get rid of the noob population in general. It will also be a lot of work changing it back after we change it to whatever we think will be the most appropriate idea. I propose we do do something but it has to be something we can agree fully on or it will never work

That's my two cents.

dmaster out.
I just think that we would lose some people if we do this. That is just my opinion.
I'm probably the smartest one in my class in 6th grade (and probably the most mature...sometimes:/, hey you can't be perfect all the time, even though I'm not perfect at all;)) and think of it, we might need people 12 and under for mods in the 12 under forums (let's just not make them tooo young, for example, 6-7-8) I also think we might not be able to (rarely) talk to a friend who's 17 while you are 10.
Yeah. I am mostly friends with people on here that are at least two years older than me. But, I guess it all depends on the ranking.
Restart the forums? Heck no. That would simply counter what your trying to accomplish by destroying the already existent forums. That's worded terribly, but it means:

This new 'method' of de-noobing the newbs who come here is ultimately to help the CURRENT state of the forums. If you restatrted the entire forums, you wouldn't be fixing anything. Just starting over which I'm sure nobody would want...

If anything, have new members be restricted to specified forums where they can learn and be processed. If some people protest being restricted to say forums, have them prove that they can "move out." I think that would be more effective than actually dividing Pokebeach into two groups.
If anything, have new members be restricted to specified forums where they can learn and be processed. If some people protest being restricted to say forums, have them prove that they can "move out." I think that would be more effective than actually dividing Pokebeach into two groups.

The only way WPM can do this is by creating new usergroups... :p

The only way they can prove to be good is by observing how they speak, so my idea on Patrollers still stands.
Bravo WPM! I honestly think this is a great idea, and I love how you worked around some of the problems. If we can get this to work (and, this does sound great, but the reality tends to be different from how things sound) it wouldn't surprise me if other forums with a "noob problem" adopted the very same procedure.

There are two things however that I don't like:
One is the 13-16 age group. I personally am almost 16 and when I walk through school I often marvel at the maturity difference in these years. There really isn't a consistent... line, I guess, but if I had to pick I would recommend the start of high school. If and when you do this, I’d don’t really want to be stuck with a bunch of nooby 13 year olds, because, while some of them may me mature, the majority of them are closer to 12 year olds.

Lol, this is almost requires you consulting a developmental psychologist.

Anyway, the other thing that I don't like is that the clan and clubs forum isn't split. Once again, there can be a HUGE difference in the nOOb-yness of a given clan versus another. More mature members would appreciate not having to look at noob clubs.

Now, playing the devils advocate I also see some issues:
Technologically, would this be feasible? I'm sure you have already put thought into this, and could manage whatever came up, but, hey, I'm just pointing out things that could potentially be issues.

Trying to move mature young people up is going to be a huge pain for the mods. It'll require a lot of time, and, uhhh... modpower. You know that every nOOb and his gramma will want to be moved up, and, every few months or not, if the mods want to be fair it'll take a lot of time. And then there’s the whole judgmental thing, it differs from person to person, and there are members who wouldn’t appreciate being told no.

Just one more; I happen to know that there are mature members that don’t like to reveal their age, and, while this would hopefully convince them to, they may be a bit pissed at being stuck in a younger age group.
Yes bubba we might lose some people but not all. Eventually, as some people have already previously stated, yes we might lose people but we will gain popularity at some point and many people will see that we have refined our ways of dealing with this ever-growing problem.

As for my summarizing point for this thread I agree with WPM/Absol/EDIT: AS, (didn't read your post before)/anybody's idea that seems remotely do-able that we should do something about this. Anybody that says they don't like this whole idea, please post some concrete detail not just your opinion on why we shouldn't do what we absolutely need to do.

dmaster out.
This would be good. Its just that some people will pretend that they're older; just to get to post on the forums that they're not allowed on.

COMMUNITY FORUMS (all ages post together)
News Capsules
Wi-Fi League
Trading Corner
Site Discussion

Forum Help and Questions
TCG Questions

Deck Garage
Card Combos / Strategies
TCG Discussion
Organized Playing

General Pokemon Discussion
Miscellaneous Discussion (?) - Maybe ages 11-12 are the only ones allowed. Tings here like the "Maze Game" that may scare them.
Animetalk (?) - I don't think so. Correct me if I'm wrong, but there were topics of "dark pokemon worships Satan" and things like that.
Fan Creations
I am all for it. It is a good idea...It would take a bit of getting used to...

One suggestion I would have though, is split each TCG category into 2. One for people 10 and under, the rest for people 11 and up. This would seperate the..."Younger" TCG discussion, like, Dialga DP and Speed Stadium being an effective drawing engine (I still <3 that thread) and "Older" discussion like 'Arche-Types' and the like.

So basically seperating the Juniors from the Masters and Seniors. Doing this would leave the "Childish" discussion to just that, the Juniors, so that the "Decent" discussion does not get interrupted.

Besides. Juniors should not be worrying about "Arche-Types" and all the jazz. Whilst when you become a Senior, you should be able to know and discuss things like that.

Of course this would mean changing your age groups around a bit. Perhaps 0-10, 11-14, 15+ is the better option...(And yeah, the TCG age divisions...But it would be alot more effective than yours in my opinion)
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