A REAL Solution

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Master of the six kings said:
Togeshroob said:
Señor Noobnerd said:
But then again, we have little problem with immaturity in the Gaming forums. It's the TCG forums that are full of kids. THAT is where you would want to handle your problem, not here. I am currently looking through the reports. Out of nine that no other mod has handled, 8 are from the TCG section. How about that now?

... You were talking in general about the first part, right?

Absol, yes your post does cover a lot of ideas... Although, I'm not sure about the patrol members thing... I mean, we're already going through this whole One Star thing. :/

Oh, and I hope this thread doesn't turn into a spam thread, like One Star has.

Thankfully, the only n00by visits we'll get here will be small, 2-4 word replies of 'ZOMG, I hate Tis!" Unlike One/4 str(s), you can't get away with guessing anything, this is going to be one of the few, intellegent threads on the beach. Few people would dare spam here, as we've already quoted and insulted the one member who has about five times now.

I still don't like age discrimmination, and there will already be a test, so it should just be for all members.

Shroob: I doubt you'll have to share your age, as anyone who would say you wouldn't be in the top tier has serious brain issuses, and would be ignored anyway. So as long as you ignore Cumquat Noob, you'd be surprised how many people would nomiate you to move up.
*Raises Hand* I do!:D
Do you really want to hear my honest opinion? Really really? Well here goes then... (This is gonna be long)

That is the stupidest idea I've ever heard!!!

The first thought that popped into my head was "That's age discrimination!"
Second, "What if they are better in posting that their years let us to believe?" followed by (when reading further) "how can you keep track with all the young members and have time to follow their posting so well that you can determine if they are "worthy"
Third. "What if the older members behave baldy" Will they just get a slap on the wrist? Other older members just bash them about it? Will they get dropped into a lower age category? (Would you really dare to do that?)

Age does not define you when it comes to being n00b. Most of the time it does, but in many cases it doesn't. Why go to such extreme actions that you'll have to erase all the forum and start a new one on the base of discriminating certain types of members.

AND now that you've told everyone about this, what will keep some of the n00biest n00bs from creating a new account for them where they claim to be over 17 years of age?! I bet you'll get a storm of new members with false accounts!!! How are you gonna regulate that? Ask them to show some ID? How is that gonna solve anything? And yes I know you can see their IP addresses. But it'll only make more work for you to keep track of them all. You'll just be in more trouble than before.

And no, I didn't have time to read all the answers yet cause I need to go now. I'll read them when I get back and possibly edit this post afterwards.

My voice echoes on empty wall on this forum, but if you really read this now WPM, trust me, it is a bad idea! But do what ever you want. It's your forum.
Mewstor. There is there wonderful thing called IP Adresses. If anyone tries to make a new account, just to post in older categories, WPM will know :p
Lol @ Krucifer. =p

Anyway, if this were to happen, I would like to say that the Gaming Dicussion forum should be for everybody to view. Since there are people from the lower age group that can help, why not? Nevertheless, I completely support this idea. =]
In a very nice way ( I'm not sure how to put this ) People, even among there own age group can be more intelligent than others, but often to an extent they would appear to be cintellegent enough to join the older Forums or unitellegent enough to have to be demoted to another Forum. I don't think age sorts the Problem, BUt how long you've been a member???

We could have 3 forums ( for now, this number may keep growing)

1: New members to 5 months.
2: 5 months to a year
3 A year +

By the "age" of only five months, you will have learnt how to use the Forums, post well, ect, then get promoted a forum, if you are 5 months + then you will be a reasonably good member, generally is more well known or a higher poster maybe (as long as they aren't a spammer poster), And the last age group is for members who have been here a while, know what to do, and are very likely to be moded or super moded, and are very reliable and responsable members.

WPM, do you think this is a good idea?
The year of membership doesn't affect the "mature-ness" or the "nooby-ness" of a person. It is the person him/herself. No, the "age" of their membership does not make them any more responsible, smarter, wiser, etc.
Mewstor said:
Do you really want to hear my honest opinion? Really really? Well here goes then... (This is gonna be long)

That is the stupidest idea I've ever heard!!!

The first thought that popped into my head was "That's age discrimination!"
Second, "What if they are better in posting that their years let us to believe?" followed by (when reading further) "how can you keep track with all the young members and have time to follow their posting so well that you can determine if they are "worthy"
Third. "What if the older members behave baldy" Will they just get a slap on the wrist? Other older members just bash them about it? Will they get dropped into a lower age category? (Would you really dare to do that?)

Age does not define you when it comes to being n00b. Most of the time it does, but in many cases it doesn't. Why go to such extreme actions that you'll have to erase all the forum and start a new one on the base of discriminating sertain types of members.

AND now that you've told everyone about this, what will keep some of the n00biest n00bs from creating a new account for them where they claim to be over 17 years of age?! I bet you'll get a storm of new members with false accounts!!! How are you gonna regulate that? Ask them to show some ID? How is that gonna solve anything? You'll just be in more trouble than before.

And no, I didn't have time to read all the answers yet cause I need to go now. I'll read them when I get back and possibly edit this post afterwards.

My voice echoes on empty wall on this forum, but if you really read this now WPM, trust me, it is a bad idea! But do what ever you want. It's your forum.

I thought about this. Maybe some members from 13-17 years can monitor the "lower" age forums and see who deserves to post in the higher aged forums. Maybe, if he messes up, give him another chance and then "demote" him.

Fire_Pokemon_Master - How old you've joined the forums doesnt make you any better. Its what your post and you character ... etc. Like me, when I've joined the forums for about five months, I still coudn't get over spamming sometimes.Now I've changed ... I think.
Well, I was just suggesting...

Anyway, I'll tell you the truth behind my reasoning. I'm a little insulted in a way because on the forums people think that others are unitellegent because they made one or two silly posts they happened to have read. However, you really have to know the actual person to know they're level of intellegence. I feel this has happened to me often and it annoyes me to think people think I'm a n00b. I only really post in the fan creations now, because that are of pokemon interests me, but I think partly because if people se me as a good spriter they will not think I'm a n00b.

I think putting people into age groups will get people upset if they see other members being moved up or down because they were posting more intellegently. If people are in the lower age group it will label them as n00bs and this includes myself.

Aex and a few others may be moved up, but they post very freaquently, so it is easy to tell how intellegent they are, but for people who have limited time to post ( I'm only aloud the the Computer for x amount of time because of Homework, etc) I don't think you will be able to tell how intellegent people are, and the only way is to assume how intellegent they are is to put them into groups that show how long they've been on the forums, becasue generally, new people are n00bs, and the members have that have been here for longer are more accustommed to the ways of PokéBeach Forums. Members could move up and down according to when WPM thinks they are ready. This could be after a day, or two years if necessary.

Please listen to my idea, and don't just pass it because you may think I'm a n00b. I hope you don't.
Why would you think that? Did anybody called you a noob or something? If somebody did, you should report him or her, its flaming.


One or two silly posts don't make you a noob. Its not the frequency of your posts, either. People will know you're an intelligent person when you make meaningful, well elaborated, helpful and proper posts.
Exactly my point, although they don't make you a n00b, other members think it does. Exactly my other point again, if oyu don't post as often as many members, your posts aren't noticed, even if they are intelligent.
Fire_Pokemon_Master said:
Exactly my point, although they don't make you a n00b, other members think it does. Exactly my other point again, if oyu don't post as often as many members, your posts aren't noticed, even if they are intelligent.

Exactly what I was gonna say next!

(Since there a good and readable posts in between I'll bring up my other ideas I hadn't had time to write earlier in this new post. I actually made notes while riding on the bus :p)

How are you gonna keep track of all the intelligent posters? Most intelligent posters will not post that much. Their post count can be so low that when you bring up their name to a mod even they don't know who you're talking about! How can they get promoted when no one even notices they are there? Are they gonna have to come and PM the mods and tell them "Look at my posts. Am I good enough to be promoted or not?" It could take months even years before they are noticed.

If you are still seriously considering making certain groups from the users, DO NOT make it according to age. You could have some other categorization method. You could just have some "VIP" forum for the elite members that post intelligent posts, can use good grammar and are all in all very good and notable members that really deserve their own forum. Make one category for the total n00bs that will seriously restrict their posting on the forum. Everyone else would just be normal members.

I couldn't find this forums statistics anywhere to see how many members this forum has. The forum I run has 2660 members and we are doing pretty well for a forum with that many members. For me the real solution has been delete,delete,delete/ban,ban,ban. It really makes the members think about their posting. If their messages keep disappearing, they will start to make them more readable/understandable/intelligent. We have a mentality of "Post wisely and your post can stay". We have this "Not allowed to post at all bans" that are the most efficient way of making them understand that they are going the wrong way. It desecrates them cause everyone can see they are banned from posting. They don't get to post but can read the forum, so they don't miss anything. They just can't post. If we get those total idiots on our forum, they get IP banned immediately (like I would imagine every forum does).
We also have the group method where we assign people to certain groups according how bad they behave. We have normal members/read the rules/last warning and then the post ban. And it works. They can see their own category clearly cause it reads so below their names and everybody else can see it too.
If I see a new member who's posts are slightly braking the rules, they won't change their habits when they have the "Read the Rules" group assigned to them but still show potential of becoming a good member, I send them a PM with a link to the rules and shortly explain what they are doing wrong. And this ONLY if I have time and see that they are really worth my time to make them good members.

So as you can see I basically only made a fuss about the age group thing. Groups are not that bad, but don't go destroying half the forum to do it. First of all I think you should just be more strict about the posting and make it known that the rules are being enforced.

And lastly (now that it popped into my head) if you create groups, are you just gonna let the n00bs have their way in their own area of the forum? How does that make this forum any more clean of spam? You would still have to enforce the rules on the n00bs, and on top of that, keep track of all the other members to make sure they belong to the right category. How's that for making your work doubled?
Actually, we should not separate people based on how long their membership are. Why? Some people may be here for more than 1 year but still never change and act n00bishly. On the other hand, a mod from another forum may come here, and all he gets is just n00bs as friends.

Personally, I don't hate you. Seriously, I don't get why you're so paranoid over that matter. Sure, 2 members come along and bashed you, but we didn't bash you for fun. We wanted you to learn, not to have inferiority complex. We criticized you so that you know where to start when changing to be a better member. In fact, I respect you as much as I respect WPM; I will read your post and not ignore it just because you seem n00bish in my eyes.

Actually, you're not n00bish. No one is a n00b by heart, it is just the way they post/bring themselves to others that separates n00bs from veterans. If you continue to post like you did for the post above mine, then you're fine (Besides some major spelling/grammatical mistakes). Don't think you're a n00b, you're only a n00b if you act like one.
So you were still considering the New World.

Well, myabe not their actual age, but maybe an "age" classified by Pokebeach. So based on how n00by you are you get sorted into a different "age" group. We can still have 17+ or whatever but not based on actual fact, but rather by how intelligent you are on Pokebeach.But then again there's the problem of deciding if your going to be elavated/demoted, there's so many members here and you'll have to search through every member's last post? Sure there are people you can decide instantly but won't it be a hard job seperating everyone?

I guess it is a good motivation for n00bs to start acting more intelligent, so it can work both ways.
In that case, the names 'Junior' and 'Senior' would fit into the category. So, I still stand with my idea. Unfortunately, for some weird reason, I cannot quote myself (or anyone, for that matter), so you guys have to navigate through the spam to find the treasure chest of great ideas :p

Will edit when Internet doesn't lag.
Absol said:
Actually, we should not separate people based on how long their membership are. Why? Some people may be here for more than 1 year but still never change and act n00bishly. On the other hand, a mod from another forum may come here, and all he gets is just n00bs as friends.

Personally, I don't hate you. Seriously, I don't get why you're so paranoid over that matter. Sure, 2 members come along and bashed you, but we didn't bash you for fun. We wanted you to learn, not to have inferiority complex. We criticized you so that you know where to start when changing to be a better member. In fact, I respect you as much as I respect WPM; I will read your post and not ignore it just because you seem n00bish in my eyes.

Actually, you're not n00bish. No one is a n00b by heart, it is just the way they post/bring themselves to others that separates n00bs from veterans. If you continue to post like you did for the post above mine, then you're fine (Besides some major spelling/grammatical mistakes). Don't think you're a n00b, you're only a n00b if you act like one.

You mean me right? I'm a n00b to you? Riiight... Ok, I'm fine with that. Everyone can think what ever they want of me. I'm writing on this forum cause I have nothing better to do and I feel the TCG rulings area needs help for the sake of the poor players who possibly go to tournaments and get a bad wake up call when they get prize losses over some stupid mistakes.

And yes I have grammar errors. A lot of them sometimes. I don't use the best possible words for some things I write in my text. Right now I'm writing so fast that I miss some "the and some" type of words in the text. That's because I'm not an English speaking person originally. It's not my country's native language. It's not even a second language.
But I often go and edit my posts if I find anything really weirdly written stuff in them.

Edit: Sorry Absol! My mistake! I just took the part where you say "If you continue to post like you did for the post above mine" and mine was above you :p
Mewstor said:
Absol said:
Actually, we should not separate people based on how long their membership are. Why? Some people may be here for more than 1 year but still never change and act n00bishly. On the other hand, a mod from another forum may come here, and all he gets is just n00bs as friends.

Personally, I don't hate you. Seriously, I don't get why you're so paranoid over that matter. Sure, 2 members come along and bashed you, but we didn't bash you for fun. We wanted you to learn, not to have inferiority complex. We criticized you so that you know where to start when changing to be a better member. In fact, I respect you as much as I respect WPM; I will read your post and not ignore it just because you seem n00bish in my eyes.

Actually, you're not n00bish. No one is a n00b by heart, it is just the way they post/bring themselves to others that separates n00bs from veterans. If you continue to post like you did for the post above mine, then you're fine (Besides some major spelling/grammatical mistakes). Don't think you're a n00b, you're only a n00b if you act like one.

You mean me right? I'm a n00b to you? Riiight... Ok, I'm fine with that. Everyone can think what ever they want of me. I'm writing on this forum cause I have nothing better to do and I feel the TCG rulings area needs help for the sake of the poor players who possibly go to tournaments and get a bad wake up call when they get prize losses over some stupid mistakes.

And yes I have grammar errors. A lot of them sometimes. I don't use the best possible words for some things I write in my text. Right now I'm writing so fast that I miss some "the and some" type of words in the text. That's because I'm not an English speaking person originally. It's not my country's native language. It's not even a second language.
But I often go and edit my posts if I find anything really weirdly written stuff in them.

But grammar isn't the only thing that's important. Having good grammar isn't going to autmatically get you into an older age group. It's also about how you type, look at AEX; the way he types you'll never guess that he's ** (Well I'll let you find out yourself). Anyway, What you type is a bit more important than how you type. Sure good grammar is a good sign but it's probably not the most important thing.
Zaroco said:
But grammar isn't the only thing that's important. Having good grammar isn't going to autmatically get you into an older age group. It's also about how you type, look at AEX; the way he types you'll never guess that he's ** (Well I'll let you find out yourself). Anyway, What you type is a bit more important than how you type. Sure good grammar is a good sign but it's probably not the most important thing.

Yes, I totally agree. Cause there must be some other non English speaking members here too that post incredibly well but lack in grammar and spelling sometimes. It's just that you need to do the best you can with the skill you have. Good thing FireFox has the automatic spell check now :)
Many n00bs even have good grammar and spelling sometimes. It's the message content that matters.

About the category's... I think just two special category's would be enough. For the so called "Elites" a place where they can have a civilised conversation about what ever they think there is a need to discuss about. And the other one for the n00bs (like I said earlier) that will keep them in check and make them easy to monitor.

Something like post count and age groups would have too wide spread range of different type of members in them. With a one huge normal members group, it would be easier to just take members from that group and reassign them to witch ever group they belong to. That way the work load that the grouping method would bring with it, would be cut to a minimum.
Lol. Like I said before in my posts, the activity on the forums, the age, the name, the "high-standard" grammar, it doesn't influence your behavior and habit of posting. It is you. We can be separated, but it doesn't affect how other people think of us. If we are at a lower level, it simply means we have to work harder. This doesn't stop you from going up, it just motivates you to go up. Imagine you see your best friend becoming a president or a leader of something. Will you bring him down so that you can go up? No. We learn from him/her and get ourselves to the top.

However, getting to the top is the easier thing. There is another harder thing to do, and it is to maintain up there. You would have to work harder, even a little, to maintain. You can be a moderator, but if you don't sustain your activity, discipline, etc. there will be a time when you will be de-modded.

@FPM: If a few posts is going to give you a breakdown just like that, imagine real world. People will be talking about you and all, and I bet you're only in school. When you come out to work, ho ho ho, good luck. So, if someone comments about you in a negative way, don't deny (unless it is really not your fault, etc.), just learn from it. What can you do to improve? How? When is the best time? Those are the questions you should be asking yourself.

I can agree that the fact that age is the factor that separates us all, but it is the better way. To prevent getting bashed and all, stay with your current age-group (unless you have/can get/might get other "Friends" here). I remember when I was in the chatroom with DarkJake. He was really bashing me and the strategist program about being too "nooby" and all. What could I do about it? He can seriously just bash you again with anything you say. So what did I do? I improve my writing skills, learned more about TCG, and then he stopped bashing me, but others.

So, what did we learn? Learn, not deny, not bringing the past into the current, but learn. =]
I agree with AEX. Learn, LEARN!

I've ran out of jokes. Can't post till I find bacon for my daily ration.

As usual, still can't quote. I don't like to repeat myself, so just imagine every of my spammy posts in this thread has the long post integrated into them :)
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