A REAL Solution

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Let me say this again:

If anything, have new members be restricted to specified forums where they can learn and be processed. If some people protest being restricted to say forums, have them prove that they can "move out." I think that would be more effective than actually dividing Pokebeach into two groups.

You guys are still talking about "dividing the forums" and seem to have forgotten about this possibility. If I need to elaborate, please say.
Well I'm thinking this is a Not so great/ great idea.
It's great on how we get to hang out , but
no one will post if one section has few members.

Yeah, just read. This changes, IMO, would make PokéBeach Forums a better place.

Absol said:
Bad Idea

Actually, not really :p

After looking through the entire thread, and most importantly, WPM's post, I have come into conclusion that major tweaks of the proposal would make it better.

Firstly, the forums should be 'split up' into two, not three. The first being, as we call it, the 'n00b forums' but is really called the 'Junior Forums'.The second, which we know it as the forums for Veterans, is called the 'Senior Forums'.

There will be n00b patrol, or as we call it, mods of the n00b forum, patrolling the n00b portion of the forums. These n00b patrol is officially known as Advisers, but are really less-powerful mods. These mods have access to both parts of the forums, but can only mod in the n00b area, where they can Lock threads, Delete posts, etc. but cannot sticky threads/make forum announcements. They will be the observers of PokéBeach Forums' n00b area, and reports to WPM once every week to inform him of those who should be moved to the Seniors Forums.

The Seniors Area, on the other hand, is restricted to only people the n00b patrol deem worthy of being upgraded. The seniors have access to the entire PokéBeach Forums except the mods forums.

Speaking of mod forums, let me show you how the forums will be split up:

Water Pokémon Master said:
COMMUNITY FORUMS (all ages post together)
News Capsules
Wi-Fi League
Trading Corner
Site Discussion
Clans & Clubs

Forum Help and Questions
TCG Questions
Gaming Discussion and Questions

Deck Garage
Card Combos / Strategies
TCG Discussion
Organized Playing

Pokemon Strategies

General Pokemon Discussion
Miscellaneous Discussion (?)
Animé Talk (?)
Fan Creations

Mod Forums
PokéBeach Forums Patrols Forums

Remember, seniors/strategists have access to all parts of the Forums except the mod/patrol forums, Mods have access to all parts of the forums, patrols have access to all parts of the forums but the mod forums and juniors have access to the least.

Juniors < Seniors < Patrols < Mods

All in all, people of the higher tier have access to their own forums and those that are below theirs, etc. Patrols can only mod the junior forums, while mods mod all parts of the forums. Members will now be assigned 4 roles = Juniors (n00bz), Seniors (Veterans), Patrols (Slaves) and Mods (Powerful Slaves). Don't forget the usual Super Mods (Even more powerful slaves) and Admin (WPM, the Lord).

For members to upgrade from junior to senior, he has to be acknowledged by a patrol, then the patrol asks WPM he the junior can be considered a senior.

Please don't differentiate people based on their ages, yes, some people just cannot grow up, but some do (AEX) :p Besides, newbies will set their ages to be 20, so they have access to the seniors forums. That's bad.

I'm done.

Here is all the changes necessary to make WPM's idea good.
Togeshroob said:
EDIT, after seeing Zaroco's post: I can see exactly why he put that there. I know how he feels. I feel like that sometimes. Not here, but in other places. Yes, when he posts, he posts intelligently, but having that fear of being criticized if you post something wrong, or something that you think the others might bash you for, is not a very fun feeling at all. It takes the fun out of being around other people in a forum. I'd have to agree with CC on this one.

Let them feel criticizes. If there is proof that the person actually CAN use grammar and write good posts, why that reaction? Cause he is like a kid in a candy store. If he can't get what he wants he'll make a scene. Then too bad. It's fully his own decision what his gonna do about his posting. Bashing and flaming is not allowed, so why is he so troubled to come and post. Just making a fuss out of this possible renewal in his own way. I don't see anything really wrong with that. I just think WPM would appreciate it more if he would just come and post his idea and thoughts of this matter rather than sit in there sulking.

And I STILL have to say this. If WPM really thinks that the group thing is necessary, do not make it according to age. Use some other categorys! Age is the raw spot in this. Make just one new area for the good posters so they can have their peace.

The spam and noob problem? Just delete everything they write and ban them if they don't show improvement. Works for my forum. Yes they feel discriminated and ridiculed!!! But how could they start on thinking about their behavior if they have no negative feelings when they get punished for doing something wrong? If It's all fun and games, sure it'll hit them hard like sledgehammer on the head cause they haven't been used to getting punished.
Just don't be too hard on youngest kids. They are the ones that need a bit softer touch. And you can see their age bu looking at their posting and from their profile. They just need help and guidance. If the little kids turn out to be bullies and total n00bs, ban them too. Forever if needed. any 15+ member should know better and are more than capable of reading the rules. Give those the full treatment.

I've seen it on my own forum. Many leave because of the hars enforcement of rules. Some disappear for good. But what is amazing is that most of them come back! After even a months brake they come back and I see an immediate improvement in they're writing. Even the little kids!!! Total n00bs with no capability to seemingly ever learn from bans and PM:s to them, just get kicked out in some point for good cause we can't and won't want to look after them anymore.

I'll continue when I get back again... Gotta go...
I can see this now, age can be a factor, although I really don't think its the important one. Personally, I think its a whole lot easier just blocking noobs from certain areas. MM is one of my favourite members(So am I :)), and I would never want him to leave, as well as K&M. Absol and CCloud have pointed out enough, I really don't like this idea anymore.
I'm still 50-50 on this. I would disagree if the forums would be changed with the current idea, about separating. However, if this original can be made better, then there's a good start. =]

Mewstor said:
Just don't be too hard on youngest kids. They are the ones that need a bit softer touch. And you can see their age bu looking at their posting and from their profile. They just need help and guidance.

Like I said before, the age doesn't matter. Think about it logically. When it comes to attitude, the older person will not exactly have a better one than a younger one. I've said this twice in this thread - your age, postcount, popularity, name, signature, avatar, etc. does not affect your attitude and how mature you are.

You can go around saying that you are the best member of Pokebeach, the best player, the best in TCG, etc, but it will all show in your posts and in real life. The "best" member of Pokebeach doesn't come from the words a person says, but how he/she acts during this situation or another. Therefore, the age doesn't matter.

Now, imagine having a noob and DarkJake in the forums. How would you think the noob will feel? Some things, have a perfect reason to be suggested or done. You can't just look at things in the negative way. Find the pros and cons of the suggestion, etc. In this case, you can figure out that because the age is not the subject that separates us, the noob feels worst. Even if it's not the age, having noobs and DarkJake would be bad. Yes, there will be a part of the noob that feels hurt, but you can't make everybody happy for the sake of it.

This is like how God can't give everybody what they want. A farmer says that he wants rain, while the football players doesn't want the rain. What can God do? Apply this to here. Do the Moderators want noobs? No. Do we want noob discussion? No (for most of us). Then again, do we want everybody to be happy? Yes. Do we want anybody feeling hurt inside? Yes. WPM is "God" here. How can he decide on what to do?

I'm not saying that I agree with this. I can't say I disagree either. Again, I'm 50-50 on this. Just as long as the forums don't screw up, I'm fine with any changes.
if we divide the forums there will be flame wars here, bans there, protests up there, people writing whatever they want on the forums (spam,cursing,out of subject things) it will be like back then when the country was racial except it wont be blacks and whites, it will be younger,less mature members being picked on by the older more mature members
ArmaldoEX said:
Mewstor said:
Just don't be too hard on youngest kids. They are the ones that need a bit softer touch. And you can see their age bu looking at their posting and from their profile. They just need help and guidance.

Like I said before, the age doesn't matter. Think about it logically. When it comes to attitude, the older person will not exactly have a better one than a younger one. I've said this twice in this thread - your age, postcount, popularity, name, signature, avatar, etc. does not affect your attitude and how mature you are.

And that's why I think the category system should not be about age. Because it doesn't matter the least bit in this matter. I don't think that the categorization system is even necessary. If it's groups you want, just make one for n00bs and one for the elites. That's all. You don't need to "over do it".
Just do it like they do in the pokemon tcg. Age groups are:
It usually helps keep the n00bs out of the way, so the good players can be serious. I would recommend that, or you could give a test (don't ask me how) to determine the user's level of n00byness. To do that, you would have to give seperate tests for the tcg and video game. I don't honestly know how you would be able to give a test like that to every single forum member, but if you could, that would be the way I would do it.
Maybe not all, but let people volunteer to answer the TCG questions, just like the Strategists.
z-man said:
Just do it like they do in the pokemon tcg. Age groups are:
It usually helps keep the n00bs out of the way, so the good players can be serious. I would recommend that, or you could give a test (don't ask me how) to determine the user's level of n00byness. To do that, you would have to give seperate tests for the tcg and video game. I don't honestly know how you would be able to give a test like that to every single forum member, but if you could, that would be the way I would do it.

That's the whole point of why we're going against this idea...

Indeed, Mewstor made another good (and obvious) point about how we should go about categorizing members. Make a group for the n00bs and the elite. The elite is for those who have proven themselves, not for those who are, for example, 20-years-old. For those who want to BE proven to move up, I still don't know how we'll do this, and this has probably been my third time asking how we do it this way.

Or we can just abandon the whole idea and stick to our regular system.

Either way, I hope none of it involves "age discrimination."

Shawn out.
CCloud =F said:
Or we can just abandon the whole idea and stick to our regular system.

CCloud =F said:
Either way, I hope none of it involves "age discrimination."
Not only age discrimination - dividing the forums between "N00bs and Elite" would put the Newbies placed as noobs hurt, and would cause them to go away. It would be a great discrimination. WPM, think about what if you joined a forum, they called you a noob without you being one, and they placed you as a noob. Wouldn't that be discriminating you? In that same way you would be discriminating that people.
It seems many people are now against it.. I'm really happy people have started to see things liek I was. The problems are that age doesn't divide it fairly, and there is no way to solve the n00b problem, because a n00b does not have a specific age.
Magicmew said:
Not only age discrimination - dividing the forums between "N00bs and Elite" would put the Newbies placed as noobs hurt, and would cause them to go away. It would be a great discrimination. WPM, think about what if you joined a forum, they called you a noob without you being one, and they placed you as a noob. Wouldn't that be discriminating you? In that same way you would be discriminating that people.

Who said they would be placed in the n00bie area when they first register? Every one should start at the same line, as regular members. Later they can be moved to different groups according on how good or bad they behave. In the beginning everyone has a right to prove themselves. There would be no discrimination in that.
We do not have the man power to classify everyone according to their maturity. Even if we did, a lot of you would still be in your own age groups. Age is the best way to categorize everyone because it is a good way of determining on the internet the maturity of people.
Water Pokémon Master said:
We do not have the man power to classify everyone according to their maturity. Even if we did, a lot of you would still be in your own age groups. Age is the best way to categorize everyone because it is a good way of determining on the internet the maturity of people.

And still you intend to have the man power to keep track of all the IP addresses of the possible (and most likely) new accounts? And move people around anyway according to their behavior or because they've lied about their age? Or will it be that the age group will really tie the person to that group indefinitely or until they turn the certain age to move up in the forums. Plus you still need to keep enforcing the rules.

I really don't see the reasoning behind what you're saying. That won't make maintaining this forum any less demanding.
I am automatically notified if someone creates a new account with the same IP.

To move around people takes only a few clicks.

Sorting through every single forum member is what cannot be done.
Totally agree with Mewstor.

WPM, everyone has agreed we don't like the idea, and I feel if you go ahead with this maybe we will loose many members. I really am not sure this is going to work. Wat we should do is have a trial week, and then after the week haev a vote. Is this fair? OR even consider this idea, I posted it in palmers thread but it got locked so I'll post it here:

We need to be harder with the rules.

1st offence, warning.
2nd offence, 1 week ban
3rd offence, month ban
4th offence - perma ban

Although this just seems like what we have now, you should do it for any offence, for example I have seen many posts that are just plain spam the the member hasn't had a warning or been baned, just a mod edit there post. No matter what the offence is, follow it through, the first time, not the 21st time.

However, I understand all members occasionally bend the rules, or have a tendancy to double post ( this includes myself, I'm not perfect) and they shouldn't be banned for that if its a one off. For example, what we should do is if you get a warning, and don't commit another offence for 2 weeks, the slate gets wiped.

I think this is fair, so one off offences won't be harshly punished, but common offenders will.
Water Pokémon Master said:
Sorting through every single forum member is what cannot be done.
I haven't said sort everyone out. I said, have one big group of people (normal members) and then take out people and put them in the place they rightfully belong to. There are not that many too annoying n00bs that you'd be completely swamped in sorting them out, and definitely not that many excellent members who deserve better.

Water Pokémon Master said:
To move around people takes only a few clicks.

So, it's not a big job after all :/

Edit: Just keep what you have now. Create two new groups (n00bs and elite) and move the rare few people to them. That way you wouldn't have to make more work for yourself by destroying half the forum and rebuilding. (If you feel the group thing is really necessary).

Do NOT make this an age discrimination matter! In the TCG I understand the age group dividing because the older players are just so much better at playing. It wouldn't be fair for them to compete against kids. This will just cause unnecessary problems.
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