A REAL Solution

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Actually, I have what might be a semi-decent idea:

Instead of just dividing the forums, split some forums into different age groups, here's what i suggest:

TCG discussion / deck garage: According to the age division, 10- / 11->14 / 15+
RMT / gaming discussion: According to the age division of the official tourneys, 13- / 13+ IIRC
make split some other forums according to their suiting age-requirements.

This way, we're not really age-discriminating, we're just dividing everything like it should be divided. Younger people can read the older people's posts, but can't post. I guess we could also move some members up.
But don't you see where we are coming from. Consider my other idea, or trial it for a week, and if we don't like it, change it back.

Teh problem is, the pewople who are put in the older groups will be happy, but the others won't. I seriously think its a bad idea, at least just try my idea I posted about being stricter instead and postpone doing this... I think many people are very against it, including myself.
Water Pokémon Master said:
Only one certain group of people doesn't agree with this :p ...

And what group would that be? I myself would probably feel no ill effects of making the groups based on age. Still I'm strongly against it.
It seems to me that a few of your mods don't agree with this (@WPM). Why not just look for a better alternative, I've seen quite a few good ones posted here.
AEX pretty much shares my view on this.

People seem to be thinking that your age is the absolute, strict limit, but as far as I understand it (correct me if I got this wrong) you will have the privilege to enter the forums for higher age groups if you post intelligently and behave. I honestly don't see a problem here; if you want more adult conversation, then you will simply have to start some yourself.
i don´t know...i´m not a n00b (not here of course...but that´s not what the cheff torte thought about my peanut butter cake frosting...god how he hated me for that)...but that doesn´t mean i can´t post garbage sometimes...and that doesn´t have anything to do with age (as many as you´ve already said)...spliting the forums sounds good...but there´s no way in devil´s home to prevent spam...n00by coments...n00by things and stuff at all....because there´s no way to prevent kids from reading from threads for "older" people and stop their urge to post something even when they don´t know what they´re talking about...

as WPM said...it could work in a perfect world...but last time i checked in my paycheck...that´s not the case.

Sorry WPM,
I Don't agree.

Mature, old, and non-n00bish members will be happy,
But the n00bs will feel jeleous, therefore, Feel like They are being left out. Now I know what your thinking, "But that will Encourge them to
become more...er...Mature and a good, Right?"
WRONG, If those are mostly younger members going out n00bing, then they might go breaking the rules, Spamming up their Part.

But even we find a solotion for it all, there will always be n00bs out there....

Carnivine, out.
You guys just don't understand about what I said before. Spliting the age group is a good idea. Indeed we don't know how much this will work because we are just speculating. It avoids us from being bashed and all. When somebody gets bashed, then the mods will have to do more work, solve more problems, and there will be flame wars. :/ At least, give this system a try. If you don't believe me, go chat with DarkJake and prove how smart you are to him. =]

Like I said before, this idea is merely decent IMO. If it's anything, we should either make this idea better, stick to the original forums with stricter rules, or just get a new alternative.

CarnivineCreator said:
Mature, old, and non-n00bish members will be happy,
But the n00bs will feel jeleous, therefore, Feel like They are being left out. Now I know what your thinking, "But that will Encourge them to become more...er...Mature and a good, Right?"
WRONG, If those are mostly younger members going out n00bing, then they might go breaking the rules, Spamming up their Part.

Have you even read my last post? If a person is higher than you, you take him/her as an example. Learn from him or her. :/ I feel negelected again. Now the bolded part is even worse. How can encouragement turn to spam or rule breaking? Please enlighten me. I'll give my share of opinions here. If you are encouraged or motivated, you will be going for that target. It is logical that that person will use the example as a guide, or an idol, to achieve his or her target.
I think MagicMew has brought up a rather serious concern about the new change. The younger members do not want to feel discriminated against, and older members that are bumped down to a lower age group do not want to feel like outcasts. While these changes are intended to help ensure that the older members do not feel alienated, I think it makes it feel as though the younger members, or members that have been dropped to lower age divisions are not equal to older members.

The challenge in this situation is determining a way to help the older members not feel alienated and the younger members feel safe from judgment from the older members without the younger members not feeling equal to the older members.
DocRobot_K-176 said:
I think MagicMew has brought up a rather serious concern about the new change. The younger members do not want to feel discriminated against, and older members that are bumped down to a lower age group do not want to feel like outcasts. While these changes are intended to help ensure that the older members do not feel alienated, I think it makes it feel as though the younger members, or members that have been dropped to lower age divisions are not equal to older members.

The challenge in this situation is determining a way to help the older members not feel alienated and the younger members feel safe from judgment from the older members without the younger members not feeling equal to the older members.

WPM can't make everybody happy, which in this case, might cause a few members to feel hurt. However, we need a better idea or an additional feature to this solution to make it work.
I wonder if those supporting the solution are those who "know" (or think) they'll be placed in the highest group?

Shawn out.
New Idea!

First off, let me resurrect the infractions bar idea. The infractions bar is sort of like the reputation mods/trade councillors have, only that the infractions bar (i-bar :)) applies to everyone. All members that just joined PokéBeach Forums will have zero in their i-bar. Good members would have positive points assigned by mods, while mods can also assign negative points to rule breakers.

Now for the fun part- Members with positive points have access to 'advanced' part of the forums, ie the RMT/Gaming Discussion. Members with zero points have access to the Gaming Discussion, TCG questions and the Clans & Clubs forums. Members with negative points have access to very few forums, perhaps only the Site Discussion. Thus, this would encourage members to accumulate points so that he/she would have access to all forums (except the mod forums/strategists corner).

Another thing to add- While all members have the i-bar, only mods can assign points. Also, the i-bar will be emptied out every fortnight (negative points will be resetted, positive points stay as it is). Mods can assign points and remove points, but adding and removing points cannot be done for fun (I mean, look at the reputation- they're filled with SPAM by bored mods).
Absol, great idea. It is the same concept I introduced about being stricter / enforcing laws more, but I think this will help more than just get people upset. I think we should use Absols or mmy idea, and see if it works. Do a trial month fro itr and at the end if it hasn't helped, then we dive in and split up the forums, akthough its a bad idea.

CCloud =F said:
I wonder if those supporting the solution are those who "know" (or think) they'll be placed in the highest group?

Shawn out.

Well done, another exellent point, isn't it funny how all those agreeing are either old enough to be in the higher age groups, or think they will be moved up, exept for mewstor, he was against it anyway.

Bu the problem is, the people in the higher groups are the only ones that will be happy. Problem, as 2/3 of the forums will be upset . annoyed.
Umm... I ,personally, like the idea. I'd like to be able to socialize with people that I know are my age. Although c-m pointed out that younger kids don't want to feel discriminated against I think that they would feel safer and more welcome to post if they ask an obvious question which older members might post sarcastic remarks to.

Just two quick questions-

- If this does happen then what would happen to the Strategist Hideout?
- Wouldn't it be easier to have 3 or 4 mods for each age group?
Yes, but you are 13 thus being placed ina n older age group, and since you are a strategist, it shows WPM has picked you and thinks you were good enough to be in it so chances are you'll be in probably the highest group, so, of course your happy. but what about us in the low age group. What about the people who aren't n00bs and don't get noticed because they don't post as often as the great members or other n00bs? The few people will turn into many people, and what about the 18 year old n00bs, or the n00bs in older groups who get moved down.

We can't look upon this with a selfish attitude, if you know you are going to be in one of the older groups, don't say you love the idea just because it works well with you. Mewstor, for example, is 22 but looked at it from all angles and tried to help the younger ones. Just because it works with an older person it doesn't work with everyone.If it works with you, think about it from another perspective to see if it works at all angles. It doesn't. Many problems we have brought up over and over haven't been properly answerd, and we have people like me who really hate the idea of being put inot age groups. Please, before posting, think about how everyone feels and what why you think they feel that. If it is a goo dreason for feeling bad, you have found out a reason against oyur argument that is good. And it doesn't get rid of n00bs, it just puts them together with a bunch of members who never get noticed and sit there being annoyed theat they can only post with n00bs.

I rest my case. Sort of, I may post again.
FPM said:
What about the people who aren't n00bs and don't get noticed because they don't post as often as the great members or other n00bs?

*Sigh*. Have you even read my last few posts? Your quality and "how great you are" on the forums isn't affected by how much you post. Obviously, these members would have to be quite active. :/
AEX, if you think you are being ignored I can tell you I feel pretty much the same and bit more, most of the time. I keep trying, and trying again to bring out my own point of view here as well as I can, looking at this thing from as many perspectives I can.

I actually have a two year experience in running a forum, and if I would pull a stunt like this in there the members would just totally freak out!

I think I've said almost everything I need to say about this matter in my earlier posts. But I still have to say this.

If you make the age groups, there will be n00bs in every group at some point, right? Where do you move them? Down in age groups. How low? To the youngest group. If the older members get their own forum, wouldn't they feel nice and comfortable there without the need to go and answer the newbies so called "Duh" questions. Now, the youngest members on their own age group will only have n00bs and some of their own aged members teaching them how to behave? How is that for equality? How can they learn anything having only n00bs and other members who don't know what they are doing, as discussion partners? Yes they can read the older members posts, but they'd still need to practice their skills. They practice them in their own age group and get stupid answers from n00bs. That will majorly discourage them to come to the forum at all. If all you get for trying to write nice readable meaningful posts are stupid n00bish answers, who would want to even post so much that they'd get promoted to the higher age group? For a young new forum member that would mean unacceptable amount of work! Plus then they'd actually have to get noticed. If that takes considerable amount of posting (like AEX said "Obviously, these members would have to be quite active.") I'm not kidding when I say it'll take months even years! Isn't that unfair? I think it is.

I think being a n00b and writing stupidly is a something to be punished about, not to be made someone else's problem. Think about the young good members that are trying to prove themselves to get to a higher stage and you keep pushing n00bs at them? The n00bs would need their own area! If there was an area for only n00bs, you'd have them all in the same place and they'd be easy to look after and control their posting. Especially control their posting! Just prevent n00bs from posting in certain areas!

There are also pretty idiotic 17+ year olds and n00bs are bound to be found in the middle age group as well. Moving people around in the age groups would ultimately destroy the concept of the age grouping method, when more and more people get moved to an age group that they don't belong to, according to their age. The longer this goes on the more it will turn out to be, that the group names are just a bunch of number with no real logic behind them.

I still feel the group thing is completely unnecessary. I suggest those who run the forums to get a spine and stop looking for the easy answer to everything, cause the reality is that there is no easy answer! It would just mess up this deck of cards to point where the deck slips out of the players hands and falls to pieces.

Oh god, now I have so much more stuff I'd need to put out there about this matter, but I don't know how long I can do it. WPM seems so sure that this is the ultimate easy way to go solution that, I'm afraid my oppinions have absolutely no meaning in this matter at all. Yes, I seem to get heard more (by other members) than usual, but even I have my limits...

I would be very sad an disappointed if this age group thing ever comes to pass. :(

And FPM, I'm actually 25 :p (Ugh... I feel so old X( )
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