Adults on pokebeach?


It's just another game that invovles stradegy...which adults can comprehend better than most kids. All I find weird is that there's usually twice as many adults than kids at tournaments.
It's not wierd at all. Some just love Pokemon like we do, some are parents of kids that love Pokemon, and some are fathers/mothers in families that love Pokemon as a whole.
It's actually cool that families can enjoy Pokemon together, and it shows that Pokemon isn't a childish thing. It does involve complex strategy in the games and TCG and it's a nice activity that families are able to enjoy together. Playing TCG with your kids is just like playing Crazy Eights with your kids for fun, even if you don't participate in tournaments and leagues. :)
Just wondering becuse my parents and every one else in my family hates pokemon.
I'm glad to know that all of us on pokebeach are a big pokemon family..:D
Yeah. I wish my family was into it, too. My older brother ridicules me for it, and my parents don't think It's good for my future. But, whatever. It makes me happy, and that's all that should matter to my family.


Yeah, of course not >>
I think it's cool that parents and there children go to league and play in tourny's togther, I wish my parent's where into this when I started playing this 10 years ago.
Umm, all this talk about how weird and stuff it is for adults to play, Professors and LLs, TOs and stuff have to be 18 and up... Think about it...
Prof. Shinx said:
Umm, all this talk about how weird and stuff it is for adults to play, Professors and LLs, TOs and stuff have to be 18 and up... Think about it...

*High Fives Al*

I can't wait to be a professor either! Dude, I can't see anything that is more interesting than Pokemon; I'm hooked! I'm addicted! I am Tom Cruise shouting I love Pokemon (Katie Holmes)! Pokemon is my Katie Holmes. Does anyone here agree with me? Like you've tried so hard to find another hobby, but everytime you try to, you're totally reminded of something that has to with Pokemon? Maybe I'm just exaggerating...
I don't think that they are obsessed, they just enjoy the game. My dad plays with me and he doesn't even cares if he loses. He just plays for fun.
shaymin707 said:

It's just another game that invovles stradegy...which adults can comprehend better than most kids. All I find weird is that there's usually twice as many adults than kids at tournaments.
How you doin. I agree with you. I'm sorry, but that's sad...when are they going to move on and get a job? Sorry to adult fans here.
The original Pokémon fans are aging! With the franchise past its tenth year, it's no surprise that some of its fans are adults. I'm 22, my boyfriend is 21, and we play card tournaments whenever we can. We go to Toys 'R' Us to download pokeymanz. I have a collection of Mew toys, too.

Come to think of it-- I'm pretty sure that a large percentage of Livejournal PKMNCollector's membership is about my age, too.

It's kind of nostalgic for us old fogies, I guess.

PS: You can have a job and still have hobbies. ;)
Why are there kids on here? Kids shouldn't be on the internet, they should be outside in the park, running free.
Exactly right. That's why our young-aged people are getting more and more obese. I, on the other hand, am quite active for my age.
WOW. That's pretty pathetic. There's a new thing called..."waiting." You should try it!

That's still funny though. :D
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