Adults on pokebeach?

EspeonROX said:
WOW. That's pretty pathetic. There's a new thing called..."waiting." You should try it!

That's still funny though. :D

Sarcasm is hard to read over the Webbernets, innit? :D

I'm pretty sure that WPM is at least my age, and as Pimpwalkin' Mateo Johnson seems to have indicated, so are many of the moderators here.
Kids below the age of 13 and obese people should not be allowed to access the internet. Meaning, only teenagers and adults who aren't fat should be allowed on the internet. Meaning, you shouldn't be here (unless you're actually a teenager but when I read the first post you said "kid", so I just assume you're below 13).
Archimer said:
The original Pokémon fans are aging! With the franchise past its tenth year, it's no surprise that some of its fans are adults. I'm 22, my boyfriend is 21, and we play card tournaments whenever we can. We go to Toys 'R' Us to download pokeymanz. I have a collection of Mew toys, too.

Come to think of it-- I'm pretty sure that a large percentage of Livejournal PKMNCollector's membership is about my age, too.

It's kind of nostalgic for us old fogies, I guess.

PS: You can have a job and still have hobbies. ;)

Indeed you can

I'm probably one of the oldest people on here, and Pokemon is just one of the few TCG's I play, I've only recently gotten into it competitively because either the TCG's I were playing competitively are no longer supported competitively or there just isn't a big enough competitive environment for it

TCG's are a hobby and always will be...I'm not a big fan of the anime/cartoon (I normally don't put those two together, but that's the feel I get from the show), but the video games are pretty good RPG's
Heavenly Spoon :F said:
Why are there kids on here? Kids shouldn't be on the internet, they should be outside in the park, running free.

Umm, I happen to play sports thank you very much. And what else is there to freakin do in below zero temps we have been getting lately.
qnetykz said:
Archimer said:
The original Pokémon fans are aging! With the franchise past its tenth year, it's no surprise that some of its fans are adults. I'm 22, my boyfriend is 21, and we play card tournaments whenever we can. We go to Toys 'R' Us to download pokeymanz. I have a collection of Mew toys, too.

Come to think of it-- I'm pretty sure that a large percentage of Livejournal PKMNCollector's membership is about my age, too.

It's kind of nostalgic for us old fogies, I guess.

PS: You can have a job and still have hobbies. ;)

Indeed you can

I'm probably one of the oldest people on here, and Pokemon is just one of the few TCG's I play, I've only recently gotten into it competitively because either the TCG's I were playing competitively are no longer supported competitively or there just isn't a big enough competitive environment for it

TCG's are a hobby and always will be...I'm not a big fan of the anime/cartoon (I normally don't put those two together, but that's the feel I get from the show), but the video games are pretty good RPG's

if i may ask, how old are you then?
oh, and how are we supposed to do pokemon whitout adults???

i my league, there is only 1 competetive person in senior devision, that is for the fact that an adults brain is further developed then a kids brain, thus making adult people better in the game.
because it is a strategy game.
i have an over avarage IQ (i am 14, my IQ is that of a 16 year old) thus making me better in this game then a normal 14 year old.

now if you would take a test on 100 advanced pokemon players, and 100 other people witht the same age, the pokemon players would have a better IQ, because they train it (sort of)
Only me an my 16 yr old brother likes it in our family, my parents don't hate it. They just think of it as a another "Video Game".
red blastoise said:
qnetykz said:
Archimer said:
The original Pokémon fans are aging! With the franchise past its tenth year, it's no surprise that some of its fans are adults. I'm 22, my boyfriend is 21, and we play card tournaments whenever we can. We go to Toys 'R' Us to download pokeymanz. I have a collection of Mew toys, too.

Come to think of it-- I'm pretty sure that a large percentage of Livejournal PKMNCollector's membership is about my age, too.

It's kind of nostalgic for us old fogies, I guess.

PS: You can have a job and still have hobbies. ;)

Indeed you can

I'm probably one of the oldest people on here, and Pokemon is just one of the few TCG's I play, I've only recently gotten into it competitively because either the TCG's I were playing competitively are no longer supported competitively or there just isn't a big enough competitive environment for it

TCG's are a hobby and always will be...I'm not a big fan of the anime/cartoon (I normally don't put those two together, but that's the feel I get from the show), but the video games are pretty good RPG's

if I may ask, how old are you then?
oh, and how are we supposed to do pokemon whitout adults???

I my league, there is only 1 competetive person in senior devision, that is for the fact that an adults brain is further developed then a kids brain, thus making adult people better in the game.
because it is a strategy game.
I have an over avarage IQ (I am 14, my IQ is that of a 16 year old) thus making me better in this game then a normal 14 year old.

now if you would take a test on 100 advanced pokemon players, and 100 other people witht the same age, the pokemon players would have a better IQ, because they train it (sort of)

31, to answer your question
Noobnerd said:
FYI, the site admin's an adult.
^_^' ....He is, but so what? Alot of people here are college stundents. I'll probably be here when I'm a college student. ;p

I'm feeling this topic could end a flame war, but it could end diffrent. I think adults in Pokemon is cool/fine with me. Almost every adult I've met in the chat are pretty intellegent. It's nice for me to talk to intellegent people. :p
NoSkill said:
Kids below the age of 13 and obese people should not be allowed to access the internet. Meaning, only teenagers and adults who aren't fat should be allowed on the internet. Meaning, you shouldn't be here (unless you're actually a teenager but when I read the first post you said "kid", so I just assume you're below 13).
Ok I"m 12 and obese and thats not nice.
I wish my my parents were into pokemon.:( I'm always getting made fun of by my brothers and sisters because im the oldest and i like pokemon. I dont really care though. I hate them all.:)
You shouldn't hate your brothers and sisters? :O

Anyways, so what if you're a little old. You should spend your time only doing Pokemon, but a lot of "adults" play Pokemon- Some over 30 years old. That's because it is a game of strategy and maybe some make fun of others because it involves little creatures. Not the entire Pokemon series is like the anime which is a show based for kids. Otherwise, it takes skill and hardwork to "really" play Pokemon, and if you learn to play it correct, it is an achievement. It does not give anyone the right to make fun of you because of it. Some reasons could be they are jealous or because they have nothing else better to do. It is tough, I will admit, but how can you quit something that is so much fun? :)
I dont know. But trust me if you lived with them you would either run away or eat chocolate cake till you die. (i havent done those things and im not fat:) ) but maybe my sister is. sometimes she'll battle me in PBR. but idk something of an investment. I don't like Pokemon as much as I used to, because look at this.

You made a Magmortar/Typhlosion deck. Where is Mag X going to be next format? GONE. The time you spent on getting the Magmortar is GONE, which is a waste. Sad thing, it happens every year.
Phoenix said:
Noobnerd said:
FYI, the site admin's an adult.
^_^' ....He is, but so what? Alot of people here are college stundents. I'll probably be here when I'm a college student. ;p

I'm feeling this topic could end a flame war, but it could end diffrent. I think adults in Pokemon is cool/fine with me. Almost every adult I've met in the chat are pretty intellegent. It's nice for me to talk to intellegent people. :p
My point is that this topic is pointless. Because the guy who made Pokebeach is an adult.

No wait he made it when he was a kid but yeah.
LuckyLuigi7 said:
You shouldn't hate your brothers and sisters? :O

Anyways, so what if you're a little old. You should spend your time only doing Pokemon, but a lot of "adults" play Pokemon- Some over 30 years old. That's because it is a game of strategy and maybe some make fun of others because it involves little creatures. Not the entire Pokemon series is like the anime which is a show based for kids. Otherwise, it takes skill and hardwork to "really" play Pokemon, and if you learn to play it correct, it is an achievement. It does not give anyone the right to make fun of you because of it. Some reasons could be they are jealous or because they have nothing else better to do. It is tough, I will admit, but how can you quit something that is so much fun? :)

I am definitely guilty of this...and I agree pokemon is fun, and very strategic...all starting from the deck build down to the plays that are made during game play

for anybody that makes fun of it, all I tell them is that I'm having fun, enjoying myself, and I don't have to worry about getting into trouble in any way shape or form, plus I meet some pretty cool down to earth people who aren't fake...which is very encouraging to younger players...if you're an adult and you play and are in the normal gaming environment, you tend to be a role model for those younger than you...which within itself, can make you feel pretty good about yourself

I just get upset at those parents that join in with their children and teach them about hoarding the rare cards instead of teaching them how to build a good deck and being a good player...the rare cards will come with knowing how to build a good deck and being a good player, but what can you say for greedy people
Noobnerd said:
Phoenix said:
Noobnerd said:
FYI, the site admin's an adult.
^_^' ....He is, but so what? Alot of people here are college stundents. I'll probably be here when I'm a college student. ;p

I'm feeling this topic could end a flame war, but it could end diffrent. I think adults in Pokemon is cool/fine with me. Almost every adult I've met in the chat are pretty intellegent. It's nice for me to talk to intellegent people. :p
My point is that this topic is pointless. Because the guy who made Pokebeach is an adult.

No wait he made it when he was a kid but yeah.

I can't argue there.

He was a kid? That's pretty awesome.
qnetykz said:
LuckyLuigi7 said:
You shouldn't hate your brothers and sisters? :O

Anyways, so what if you're a little old. You should spend your time only doing Pokemon, but a lot of "adults" play Pokemon- Some over 30 years old. That's because it is a game of strategy and maybe some make fun of others because it involves little creatures. Not the entire Pokemon series is like the anime which is a show based for kids. Otherwise, it takes skill and hardwork to "really" play Pokemon, and if you learn to play it correct, it is an achievement. It does not give anyone the right to make fun of you because of it. Some reasons could be they are jealous or because they have nothing else better to do. It is tough, I will admit, but how can you quit something that is so much fun? :)

I am definitely guilty of this...and I agree pokemon is fun, and very strategic...all starting from the deck build down to the plays that are made during game play

for anybody that makes fun of it, all I tell them is that I'm having fun, enjoying myself, and I don't have to worry about getting into trouble in any way shape or form, plus I meet some pretty cool down to earth people who aren't fake...which is very encouraging to younger players...if you're an adult and you play and are in the normal gaming environment, you tend to be a role model for those younger than you...which within itself, can make you feel pretty good about yourself

I just get upset at those parents that join in with their children and teach them about hoarding the rare cards instead of teaching them how to build a good deck and being a good player...the rare cards will come with knowing how to build a good deck and being a good player, but what can you say for greedy people

Anyways, yeah, it is sad to see parents teaching their kids to play the wrong way. You will get the rare cards if you are good player and to build a good deck like you said. And I'm enjoying myself too, and no one yet seems to be bothering me about it, so I'm not worried about it. :)

Pheonix: Yeah, I think he started building the website in the summer before highschool. But I'm not exactly sure. He is an adult now. :D