Afraid of Beartic? No worries, mate.

Brandon Smiley

"Big Tex"
Well, my binder was laying on the table, and i was messing around with my ZPS. My binder was open, and i saw Dodrio Undaunted.

I hadn't seen this card since like BR's over a year ago. I played it in my VileGar, but it was trashy and slow. (Still did good, though)

But.. i remembered how Beartic was going to make it terrible to have high retreat cost under trainer lock.

So, what does Dodrio do for us? Cuts our Retreat cost by {C}{C}.

That'll give Reshiram, Zekrom, Tornadus, Typhlosion, Ninetales, whatever else free retreat or make it 1/2.

So, playing a 1-1 or 2-2 Dodrio in your deck could actually be a pretty good idea, since it would help that Match-Up out quite a bit. (I wasn't worried about it much though, TBH, since i'm a LuxChomp player at heart.)

Feel free to discuss.

Also, Mods, if this is the wrong place for this, please feel free to move.
I'm pretty sure that Dodrio was kinda the obvious counter... I don't even think Beartic will be good anyways, it is very slow and there isn't anything in this format that isn't Yanmega. It could help Magneboar though, once Magnezone kill one Beartic, it should be game.
I didn't know it was obvious. xD I just happend to stumble upon it.
And yet, Yanmega didn't win Worlds in any division, but Juniors? Hmm.. It wasn't even in the T2 in Masters. Shame.
TBH, Yanmega isn't as good as it's hyped up to be. All the good players played it, so obviously it was going to be good, but theres much better out there in this format.

It could help Donphan as well, i guess. Anything with high retreat is screwed against BearPlume.
Yeah, it is still an excellent tech in many decks, I don't think anyone would deny that, if Beartic does become an issue, it will be the best counter. I just don't see Beartic doing well this format, I have played too many decks like it in the past, once your first Beartic dies, you will lose.
LegosLock said:
I didn't know it was obvious. xD I just happend to stumble upon it.
And yet, Yanmega didn't win Worlds in any division, but Juniors? Hmm.. It wasn't even in the T2 in Masters. Shame.
TBH, Yanmega isn't as good as it's hyped up to be. All the good players played it, so obviously it was going to be good, but theres much better out there in this format.

It could help Donphan as well, i guess. Anything with high retreat is screwed against BearPlume.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm going to have to be the one to debate you on hype. Were you, or were you not the one who shouted to the entire world how "good" Mewtwo EX is? Yes, it is entirely possible, AND probable for Yanmega not to be in those decks. Yanmega is a card designed specifically for decks that have that "uh...what else should I put in?" problem. Yanmega IS as good as it's "hyped" up to be. It can do 70 damage at the cost of disrupting your opponent. WOW. That's EXPENSIVE.

As for much better? There is nothing in the same field as Yanmega that does it "better". Yanmega is the swiss army knife of cards this format. There is NOTHING that is, theoretically, as splashable as Yanmega in so many different decks. Literally. It doesn't require energy. Just supporters. And sometimes, not even that. What does this better? There isn't ANYTHING.

It's incredibly doubtful whether people will even let Beartic see play in anything aside from a battle roads. It's slow and the main strategy is far to frail with Catcher going to be in format. I'll pull up the Oddish and kill it, and even if you bench 2, you need a candy+Vileplume in hand. Also, Beartic is all right to deal with, because once they kill something you just come up with your next attacker and bash its face in. The only way Beartic can win is if THEY take the first prize, and maybe not even then. It's a bad deck. It's a bad card. Dodrio is incredibly obvious as a "counter".

As for this hype thing, once again. Please, don't talk about things good cards not living up to their hype. You're totally under Mewtwo EX's shiny, hyped filled spell, and you're trying to tell me that a card like Yanmega doesn't live up to it's hype?
Dude, you need to chill, and stay on topic. No one want's you to rant over a small thing i said.

If you would have read my other thread, then yeah, i hyped it. But i also stated clearly that it isn't even out yet, and that the rest of the set could be way better then M2EX.

How can you NOT hype that? 170 HP doing 120 for 3, as a basic. Don't try to kid yourself. You know that's broken.

Yanmega was huge at Nats. Why? Because EVERYONE PLAYED IT.
As to what i was saying as how it wasn't as good as it was hyped up to be, is because it didn't take home Worlds. Sure, it won in Juniors, but who cares about Juniors..?
Yanmega was hyped to win worlds, was it not? But it didn't. And here soon, i have a feeling that Reshiram and Zekrom decks are going to be huge, and Yanmega doesn't do so well against them, at all.

As for what i said about Yanmega, i mean't in a format of HG-EP, not HG-BW.

Also, as another thing i said, for the "Theres other things in the format" or whatever, i mean't, ZPS, ReshiPhlosion, and Donphan.
I've played Yanmega. I know how good it is. I also know how bad it is. I'm also speaking my opinion.
Your free to say that Yanmega is BCIF and everything, but you won't change my mind about it.

I hope i cleared some things up with that as i raged inside my mind.

So please, don't hate. I was just trying to show something to the community that hadn't been posted before afaik of, and put it out there. Did i know if people knew about it or not? No. Did i care? No.
Well this is going to be hard to get past at pre-release, but that doesn't matter much, but i agree with your strategy
Lol, Yanmega isn't that good because it only won in Juniors. That's hilarious "logic" right there.

Unless there's another tech available, Viluplume with Beartic won't see a good amount of play. The deck is too situation; if Vileplume doesn't get out fast enough, then it's easily there for the Catcher kill, and you can't manage more than a mere 2-1-2 line without killing the consistency of the deck. Zoroark can run up, DCE, and mimic Sheer Cold for revenge kill, and this is easily manageable if you have Vile out. The only way you'd get out of that scenario is by Seeker-ing Vileplume and Catcher Zoro away to stall. But just by removing Vileplume from play, you've already went against the deck strategy and lost major time. There is absolutely no need to have a counter tech whatsoever.
LegosLock said:
Dude, you need to chill, and stay on topic. No one want's you to rant over a small thing i said.

If you would have read my other thread, then yeah, i hyped it. But i also stated clearly that it isn't even out yet, and that the rest of the set could be way better then M2EX.

How can you NOT hype that? 170 HP doing 120 for 3, as a basic. Don't try to kid yourself. You know that's broken.

Yanmega was huge at Nats. Why? Because EVERYONE PLAYED IT.
As to what i was saying as how it wasn't as good as it was hyped up to be, is because it didn't take home Worlds. Sure, it won in Juniors, but who cares about Juniors..?
Yanmega was hyped to win worlds, was it not? But it didn't. And here soon, i have a feeling that Reshiram and Zekrom decks are going to be huge, and Yanmega doesn't do so well against them, at all.

As for what i said about Yanmega, i mean't in a format of HG-EP, not HG-BW.

Also, as another thing i said, for the "Theres other things in the format" or whatever, i mean't, ZPS, ReshiPhlosion, and Donphan.
I've played Yanmega. I know how good it is. I also know how bad it is. I'm also speaking my opinion.
Your free to say that Yanmega is BCIF and everything, but you won't change my mind about it.

I hope i cleared some things up with that as i raged inside my mind.

So please, don't hate. I was just trying to show something to the community that hadn't been posted before afaik of, and put it out there. Did i know if people knew about it or not? No. Did i care? No.

Mewtwo EX isn't as broken or game breaking as the hype is making it, because there isn't any energy acceleration for it. If you could turn it into the psychic "reshiboar" or "ZPS", then it would work REALLY well. Unfortunately, we don't have that, and the only "reliable" engine requires flips.

As for Yanmega not winning worlds, I say this. Again. Yanmega is a bad card that is perfect for this format. Yanmega fits into decks that still have room and would like another attacker without devoting much space to said attacker. THAT'S where Yanmega fits into decks. That's just what it is, idk. It's not supposed to be in every deck(though it can be, I guess), it's just supposed to provide a free, solid back up attack plan. That's really it.

I mean in masters, google played what...Donphan, Blissey, Dragons, Vileplume, Suicune Raikou Legend? That was COMPLETELY outta no where. No one expected that. So Yanmega doesn't fit into there, it's already stuffed with attackers. David on the other hand played a solid Magneboar with supposed heavy Reshiram and RDL, so Yanmega doesn't fit into an already packed list. That's why it didn't win. The two top decks just happened to be other, very established meta decks, not just a consistent attacker/deck+Yanmega, which is what we saw a lot of at Nationals.

Another thing about Worlds. With Nationals, you cant be fancy with your deck. You need to make your deck as consistent as possible. Yanmega and the cards you bring with it(Judge, Copycat) offer consistency(well...not so much Judge, but you get the idea). You need a consistent deck to go through 9 rounds of swiss, and then possibly into TC. That's why we saw so much Yanmega, because it was a consistent secondary attacker. Worlds is another story.

With worlds, you've already reached the top. You can completely fail and still say you played in worlds. With worlds, a lot of pro players bust out the secret decks(see Queendom) or the secret techs, or even just the rogue-y decks(see google's deck), because it is a much more specific meta. You only have to deal with 100-200 people as opposed to like 900 people. And that's why Yanmega didn't see a victory for itself, except in juniors.
i'll probably run a beartic (3/3 or 4/4)-ability samurott(3-2-3)-feraligatr prime (2-1-2) deck in my local league for fun.

but im going to use the sleep cubchoo and sleep beartic just to stall my opponent with sleep and hope he doesnt flip heads. naturally max potion and probably defenders will be used to keep that stalling beartic up. then when i get a fully charged abiltiy samurott im going to advance it to win prizes. feraligatr prime will be used for rain dance to power up my ability samurotts. will it work? it might or it may be an epic fail but im sure ill have fun using it against fire decks.
I don't think Beartic really needs a counter. You can just retreat to another Pokemon, which is much easier now that Yanmega is more popular. Beartic also has a really bad recovery, so once one is ko'd, it will mostly likely take 2-3 turns to get another up. It will also take awhile to get everything setup.
Kind of the same effect that Pidgeot CoL had, but worse retreat cost and more energy cost.
I hope I don't need to remind you that Pidgeot. SUCKS. TERRIBLY.
And this card is even worse.
It's also on the front page. People will trade for this card and be disappointed. (Gliscor, time to get your lawyers ready.)

Huh? ~Gliscor
Beartic is going to see BR play, because BR is where everybody tests out decks that they want to use for cities, and how the new PR effects the Metagame.... but I honestly dont think Beartic can stand up to Yanmega Prime, and frankly even Reshiram runs through it
thefleeee said:
Beartic is going to see BR play, because BR is where everybody tests out decks that they want to use for cities, and how the new PR effects the Metagame.... but I honestly don't think Beartic can stand up to Yanmega Prime, and frankly even Reshiram runs through it

Agreed! That's probably the only reason it will win a couple BRs. Because so many people will be trying it out, a couple are bound to win.
I think it will also mainly be in Seniors and Juniors rather than Masters, because I think Masters will be more likely to play what they know
StealthAngel667 said:
Kind of the same effect that Pidgeot CoL had, but worse retreat cost and more energy cost.
I hope I don't need to remind you that Pidgeot. SUCKS. TERRIBLY.
And this card is even worse.
It's also on the front page. People will trade for this card and be disappointed.
You clearly already know what I'm going to say, but that's how hyped cards work. If it's really good, then it will be used. If not, at least it had its share of tries. But yes, Pidgeot is even more consistent and faster. RC + DCE and we have T2 lock... sorta.
Thedrone1man said:
I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm going to have to be the one to debate you on hype. Were you, or were you not the one who shouted to the entire world how "good" Mewtwo EX is? Yes, it is entirely possible, AND probable for Yanmega not to be in those decks. Yanmega is a card designed specifically for decks that have that "uh...what else should I put in?" problem. Yanmega IS as good as it's "hyped" up to be. It can do 70 damage at the cost of disrupting your opponent. WOW. That's EXPENSIVE.

As for much better? There is nothing in the same field as Yanmega that does it "better". Yanmega is the swiss army knife of cards this format. There is NOTHING that is, theoretically, as splashable as Yanmega in so many different decks. Literally. It doesn't require energy. Just supporters. And sometimes, not even that. What does this better? There isn't ANYTHING.

It's incredibly doubtful whether people will even let Beartic see play in anything aside from a battle roads. It's slow and the main strategy is far to frail with Catcher going to be in format. I'll pull up the Oddish and kill it, and even if you bench 2, you need a candy+Vileplume in hand. Also, Beartic is all right to deal with, because once they kill something you just come up with your next attacker and bash its face in. The only way Beartic can win is if THEY take the first prize, and maybe not even then. It's a bad deck. It's a bad card. Dodrio is incredibly obvious as a "counter".

As for this hype thing, once again. Please, don't talk about things good cards not living up to their hype. You're totally under Mewtwo EX's shiny, hyped filled spell, and you're trying to tell me that a card like Yanmega doesn't live up to it's hype?

Lol Yanmega isn't as good as it's hyped to be. Pulling off 110 is really easy. Ya you can do 70 for free but who cares when you have energy acceleration. Ya Reshiram needs 3 to do 120 but at least it's consistent each turn. One turn they have 5 and you have 4 with no Judge you are screwed. Yanmega isn't that hard to beat. They can't ALWAYS have a Judge or something to equal out hands. That is where the problem with Yanmega lies, and then that 3 for 70 makes it look like a horrid card. Mewtwo EX IS a good card thus it does deserve the hype. 120 for 3 and 170 HP that is CRAZY. There isn't really a draw back either. Discard 1 energy?! Heck yes. With all the higher energy costs the first attack is dang good to. The only thing I can see bad about Mewtwo EX is that in better go first.

BearPlume will be...uh well it will be played and it will be quite annoying, but it doesn't have enough substance to really be a threat. 50 isn't alot for 3 energy...but it's a good lock. won't be that slow. Just think of MagneBoar...2 stage 2's and how fast that is. Look at Stage 1's...Beartic will be out T2 and then just Rare Candy a Vileplume T2-T3 and it's a lock from then on. Not that hard. People act like Catcher makes all stage 2's unplayable. There is such a thing as Rare Candy that makes them just as fast as a stage 1...

BearPlume will be the MewPerior of HS-on. It will see play but it won't be that popular.
catutie said:
BearPlume will be the MewPerior of HS-on. It will see play but it won't be that popular.

THANK YOU, for standing up for Beartic! I personally will be playing with it ALOT by testing my different builds and showing people that it doesn't suck! All I have to do is put it against my vast variety of metagame decks and switch around a few cards to improve the consistancy of the deck, seriously I don't think it's THAT bad of a card, atleast I will give it a good try.
catutie said:
BearPlume will be...uh well it will be played and it will be quite annoying, but it doesn't have enough substance to really be a threat. 50 isn't alot for 3 energy...but it's a good lock. won't be that slow. Just think of MagneBoar...2 stage 2's and how fast that is. Look at Stage 1's...Beartic will be out T2 and then just Rare Candy a Vileplume T2-T3 and it's a lock from then on. Not that hard.

Magneboar is fast because once you get out a Magnezone, you have draw power for the rest of the game. Does Vileplume provide draw power? No, it reduces the amount that you can use. Keep in mind that you are going to need a DCE and a Water in hand, and once they simply retreat then one shot you, you have to get out another stage 1 and three energy under your own Trainer Lock. Locks aren't effective if they can be broken effortlessly.