Pokemon After Pokemon Platnium?

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Well I wouldn't be to surprised if they brought out rose, onyx and quartz
But in the gem versions the gem name is usually referring to the legendary
1: Phione is not the offspring pokemon it is the imposter pokemon
2: i dont think they would use rose, if they use quartz...
3: i dont think they would use onyx, after all, ONIX is first gen...
Yeah phione is obviously an offspring due to it's previous form
You can breed nearly all pokemon with ditto
there will be a gen 5 and hopefully gen 6 I want Pokémon to go on like Super mario bros have atleast 20-30 years
well i think the next one would be amethyst and topaz

and they still have the path to contest's to like the contests became more important every genaration like in d/p you need alott of ribbons to get in the ribbon society so they can always go there to
I have an idea: a Pokemon adventure game.

You choose which lifestyle you want. Trainer, Coordinator, Breeder, you name it.

Each would need you to do certain tasks. For trainer, that would be to win 8 badges and compete in the Pokemon League. For a coordinator, it would be to get 5 ribbons and compete in the Grand Festival. There would be one contest per town (like the anime), so the coordinator would need to win 5. For a breeder, it would be to groom Pokemon. They could also help out at the Pokemon center.

For trainers, the battling trainer, there could be animations for the trainer themselves (EX, trainer calls out Starly, they point outward). For coordinators, you could see them commanding their Pokemon (EX, Coordinator commands a circle of swift, they wave their hands in a circle). You could also change their costumes. This would also allow us to see their outfit, unlike Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, in battle.

It could be kind of like Animal Crossing, where timed events occur (to a specific time. EX: Contest takes place at noon), so it feels like a virtual Pokemon world.
that is a very good idea maybe someone could make something like that eve though it would be extremly hard to do so you really need to be a pro to do so

ps i always thought topaz was yellow
frozengallade said:
that is a very good idea maybe someone could make something like that eve though it would be extremly hard to do so you really need to be a pro to do so

ps I always thought topaz was yellow

Can be orange, red or yellow. How about Jade (isn't it green?)
I think there going to remake Gold/Silver, because its the most expected. For all we know they could have already start working on G5 because its takes years to make a video game series made by Nintendo perfect in every way shape or form.

Plus I like the idea everyone here is think of, which is the all 4 Regions, maybe based in G/S with all the new graphics that will be pwnage :D
If they all had 4 regions, it should be more of an RPG and be maybe for the computer or something...
Sweet Dawn said:
If they all had 4 regions, it should be more of an RPG and be maybe for the computer or something...

Yeah I should be something new like just like Ranger and Mysterious Dungeon Series.
it schould be like on the gold silver crystal thing you had jotho and kanto
so if that thing(less good technologie)
can hold that data
then the new and improved one schould be able to hold 4 regions
A game where you could go to all 4 regions on a DS cartridge isn't impossible, but it would be very expensive....
I think more pokemon with more regions helps a lot. Also pokemon should release one game kinda like world of warcraft and have every region with pokemon you would find there, think of the possibilities.
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