Aipom/Buizel Trade

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Marvel Girl

Comic fan!
Something a member from Bulbapedia forums has written:

Piplup;437352 said:
If they insisted on Ash getting a fire type I'm even more sure than before that the trade will happen (they kinda confirmed that they won't give up the Pikachu/flying/grass/fire/water and also introducted the idea of Ash getting a Pokémon that was owned by other important character)

I don't care if they'll trade or not but I'm sure they will... and it's irritating how some people try to say "it won't happen!" like they're the writers and despite all the obvious hints
I also can't understand why people are against it... first we get complains about how the show repeat the same things again and again and when we get the possibility of something new that never happen before (two main characters trade Pokémon) people are against it?

Also note how much time the writers build the whole thing with Chimchar... since DP started they already planned to do it and gave some hints like how Paul treats it... very similar to how much they build that Aipom likes contests and Buizel likes battles and they even already had a character suggest that Aipom should be Dawn's

Hints/other reasons to think it'll happen:
- The Kanto Grand Festival: Aipom watched May's contest battle and was really interested in it
- Jubilife's contest: it was proved Aipom really likes contests and despite that Ash didn't want to enter the contest he entered for Aipom (and also had to have Pikachu Dawn and Brock convince him)
- After that contest Zoey suggested Ash should give Aipom to Dawn (and they didn't let us to see the characters' reaction to this... something that usually they'll do to let the fans get the idea and think about it until it'll finally happen)
- Aipom happily team up with Jessie to do an unofficial contest despite it knows Ash don't like that idea and that this is someone "evil" that constantly trying to steal from its trainer
- DP34: they made it clear that Buizel really likes to battle and to catch it Dawn had to use contest style to confuse it (and who adviced her to use that to confuse it?... Zoey again! I'm sure she'll be there at the time they'll trade and might also be the one to convince them this is the right thing to do)
Also Ash wanted to catch Buizel (and Buizel even went inside its Pokéball but went out back) and after Dawn caught it he repeated that he wanted it but congratulated Dawn for her new Pokémon
- DP35: Buizel didn't obey Dawn and Lucian taught her that Buizel won't listen to her if she'll make it battle like SHE wants and to have it obey she needs to understand how IT wants to battle so while Dawn now knows how to work with Buizel if in the episode before we learned Buizel get confused from contest style but really like its own style that much better suited for gyms how exactly will Dawn use it in contests? she'll have to battle the way Buizel wants to and not like what she wants or it'll disobey! also for no reason at all Dawn didn't say to Lucian that she's a coordinator
Also in this episode Buizel was really interested in watching Lucian at TV like Aipom at Kanto's GF and it was the one who wanted to battle Lucian like Ash
- DP37: Aipom VS Roserade - when Aipom came out of its Pokéball it acted like it makes a performance at a contest than Dawn said "it isn't a contest" and Aipom won the battle by using contest style
- DP41: When Ash suggest to Dawn to train together for her double contest battles Ash used Pikachu and... Aipom! (yes it's not that of a hint since he also use Pikachu but still... it's obvious he chose Aipom because it likes contests)
- DP48 (the "recap"): Dawn said Aipom is "a female that likes contests" and I think Ash said about Buizel that it likes battles and "how will it do at contests?" or something like that (not in a way of trying to say it won't be good but just since it didn't do a contest before... so it might not say much)
- The anime = advertisement for the games so they'll want to show more trades than before to advertise Wi-Fi (I don't try to say everything in the anime supposded to advertise but... May/Dawn, May catch Bulbasaur at the exact same day FRLG released ...)
- In that Oak thing at the end of episodes he said Aipom likes contests... and I don't think he talked about Buizel
- The only way for Aipom to do contests is to be Dawn's Pokémon because obviously Ash won't let Jessie use it again and Dawn won't use others' Pokémon and he already clearly said he won't enter more contests

It seems like this whole Aipom/contests and Buizel/battles thing get a lot of building much more than Chimchar got so if Chimchar did happen why this won't? I'm not saying it's 100% but at least to me that seems likely
Now because I know people are going to try and find excuses why it won't happen let me answer the common against comments:

"Dawn will borrow Aipom for contests and Ash will do the same with Buizel!"
But in the unofficial contest Dawn said to Jessie something like "you don't even use your own Pokémon!" so it kinda confirms that she won't use someone else's Pokémon... (and please don't say that stupid "even if they'll trade it's Ash's!!111" thing because that the same as trying to say Wobbuffet isn't Jessie's) and whenever someone suggest to let Ash use one of their Pokémon like Dawn at the Oreburgh gym Ash don't want

"But Aipom like Ash!"
Aipom as Ash's Pokémon = Aipom is with Ash but can't do contests
Aipom as Dawn's Pokémon = Aipom is with Ash AND can do contests!
If I was Aipom I won't be sure at first but eventually I'll agree (and it's obvious they won't simply trade... they'll make it serious and discuss it with their Pokémon until they'll understand what's the right thing to do)

"Ash can enter contests! he has a contest pass and a riboon case!!!!111"
May also had a badge case and think she also registered to the Hoenn league with Ash
Ash clearly didn't want at all to participate but he did it only for Aipom and also had to have Pikachu Dawn and Brock convince him
Also at the Floaroma contest Kenny asked Ash if he'll particiapte at this contests because he watched him at TV in the previous contest and Ash said that was a special case and that he won't enter anymore contests

"Ash and Dawn won't trade or give away their beloved Pokémon!"
Yet Ash released more than 5 Pokémon he had to make tham happy and do what they really want even if that means he won't see them again (not to mention how in this case they won't even separate from their origianl trainers!)
And Dawn until she finally catch Pachirisu that she so wanted released it when she thought it isn't happy with her and don't like her
So both Ash and Dawn proved they'll give up on their Pokémon if that will make them happy

Now instead of arguing lets pretend we know that the trade will happen... and speculate what more building we want/think will happen and how exactly they'll decide to trade
I can see the following happen (and this will also be pretty long ^^" sorry I'm bored XD ):

Veilstone Gym:
Buizel will watch the battle interested like Aipom/KantoGF (and it's a fighting gym and the star Pokémon is Lucario so it'll be the best one to have Buizel watch out of the early ones in addition to obviously the next gym) and possibly even convince Dawn to battle like with Lucian
Solaceon's contest (assumption... we don't know for fact they'll have there a contest... and I hope I'm right that this is the town after/before Veilstone):
Since Buizel didn't participate at a contest Dawn will let it sit with Ash and Brock and watch to learn what a contest is... maybe even have Kenny show up there and borrow Aipom because it's sad it can't participate since it seems like Kenny is interested at gyms (Dawn said it's strange that he likes contests or something like that and he also got interested in Ash when he heard he do gyms) so maybe he would like to try and use for a contest a Pokémon of a gym challenger
The Water gym:
Again Buizel will watch interested and will also want to battle Floatzel which again Dawn will let it
The next contest:
Dawn will decide to use only Buizel because all of her other Pokémon each did one performance and one battles round (not counting the unofficial contest)
Buizel will mess up the performance and either of these will happen:
1. Dawn again won't pass the performance
2. She'll pass it by luck but will lose the battles because Buizel's battle style (remember how it battled Zoey's Glameow and even continue to attack it even after it seemed to already lose?)

They'll return to Hearthome and at the contest Dawn will win but again Buizel won't battle like it should at a contest
Ash will battle Fantina and after the battle she (that also participated or watched the contest) will suggest a trade to solve that problem
Zoey probably will also be there and also convince them... they'll probably also ask for advice from Oak and Johanna and will than talk with their Pokémon and eventually will agree to trade
Of course than oh no Team Rocket attack! and Ash and Dawn will use their new Pokémon and prove they can work together
Maybe even another episode after that to show the Pokémon getting used to their new trainers

So what do you think?
Well there is A fight like this on serebii. And I have even posted. This guy knows nothing. He is tired of people saying it wont happen but im tired of people saying it will happen just because of an episode title. For one this guy is wrong in some ways and right in others. Okay first of all, this episode could turn out to be, Aipom evolving or not, but turning to Ash's chosen path wich is gym battles. And Buizel turning to Dawns chosen path wich is contests. We have yet to see BUizel in an actual contest so we dont know if he likes them or not. Ash really loves Aipom and Aipom Ash. I dont think Ash could trade her. Now for the trade. Ash would know Aipom was going to someone he knew would take care of her. Dawn. He knows Dawn where as when he traded Butterfree, he didnt know that person. So there is A 50% chance for the trade to happen and A 50% chance that it wont happen IMO.
Marvel Girl, that was pretty convincing, that was.....

now, i really dont care if the trade happens or not; either way ash is geting a great pokemon...
Does Ash Realy Battle Wake And His Floatzel and Buizel
Wants To Fight Floatzel?
Wow everyone believes this guy? He has no real proof and you still believe him? How does he know this? Im not saying it will or wont happen but for me this proves nothing.
Bonsly your right this guy has no REAL proof but he does have the examples that he stated and the point he makes is kind of convincing
well cuz I know For A Fact since Buizel Can Kill A Aipom In A Instant
Becides Aipom Is A Noob When Buizel Is Awesome!!!!!!!
Ash Likes Strong Pokemon And What The Hell Is Ash Going To
Do With That Puny Aipom Of His Becides Ash Said He Won't
Enter Anymore Contests and Aipom Likes(LOVES)
If she gets Riolu, she can get rid of Buizel. Lucario is just like Buizel but with a much wider moveset. Right now, no
I say that I just want to see the episode, or hear about what happens, and be happy. Either way, I like both of them. I don't see the big fuss about it, but all well...
When does the episode actually air i just want to see what happens so people will stop tearing each other apart over this thing
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