richkid50000 said:Is landmin X still available?
karimsoliman94 said:I got a memory berry a couple of TGI's and BTs
can you check me for adds because I like your shaymin x (land or sky which one do you have)
1Pokemon_Master said:uuhhhh...yes, I want your evire fb x... please cml
1Pokemon_Master said:I have 1 claydol and 1 baltoy left. I'm not sure if I'm going to trade it, but what are you willing to give me for them? the weekly special still? let me know.
YourP1MP said:Unfortunately you would not get the weekly special for a 1-1 claydol line. You would get the Electivire X and a throw in, but thats about it.
1Pokemon_Master said:okay, thanks anyways! oh one more thing, I have a flo x and I'm somewhat interested in your weekly deal...but, can you sweeten it up any?
YourP1MP said:If you want me to add to the weekely deal just for a Floatzel Lv.X, then I am sorry , but I can't. Floatzel Lv.X is *20p* and Electivire FB Lv.X is *25p* I would be needing throw ins from you. Also the Heatran Lv.X and Skymin Lv.X are the pack versions, so they are worth more than the TINs that are easily accessible.
1Pokemon_Master said:haha sorry, I meant gallade x.
1Pokemon_Master said:I'll have to check my cards, but I think I have a GE porygon 2.