PMJ said:I'm interested in this:
Rotom - Modest - Levitate x/x/31/31/31/31
Would you trade for my 3IV Kangaskhan? The 31s are in Attack, Special Defense, and Speed.
PMJ said:I know it's not, but it's the only thing I have on your wants list.
I'll see what I can do.
MaddMoni said:I can IV breed a 3IV HA Maril, whenever Pokebank is available in the U.S.
ShinyVincent said:Do you do a 4IV or a 5IV for my Koffing+Porygon?
Ares said:I have a Jolly 4IV Female Kangaskhan. I'm interested in your F Heracross - Jolly - Swarm (has Rock Blast) 31/31/31/x/31/x
ShinyVincent said:Can i have a 4IV or 5IV don`t care what (exept Scyther and Honedge) or the Shiny Ditto? I give you Rattata+Koffing, and for the Shiny Frillish i give you a Shiny Swalot?