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Alexmf2's TRADE SHAWP: Have lots, want lots! Come check it out!

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RE: H:Catcher, Gengar, Kingdra, FA Tornadus, FA Zekrom, Pachi, Shaymin W: Lots

im intrested in your gengar and 2 catcher
RE: H:Catcher, Gengar, Kingdra, FA Tornadus, FA Zekrom, Pachi, Shaymin W: Lots

Interested in secret rare Electabuzz and secret rare Moltres. Make a deal?
RE: H:Catcher, Gengar, Kingdra, FA Tornadus, FA Zekrom, Pachi, Shaymin W: Lots

alexmf2 said:
Interested in secret rare Electabuzz and secret rare Moltres. Make a deal?
yeah ok but i have now idea on what to do with this its up to you
RE: H:Catcher, Gengar, Kingdra, FA Tornadus, FA Zekrom, Pachi, Shaymin W: Lots

Actually, I just realized that they dont add up to a Catcher or a Gengar. Sorry.
RE: H:Catcher, Gengar, Kingdra, FA Tornadus, FA Zekrom, Pachi, Shaymin W: Lots

alexmf2 said:
Actually, I just realized that they don't add up to a Catcher or a Gengar. Sorry.

yeah thats what i was thinking when i said its up to you its all good thow.
RE: H:Catcher, Gengar, Kingdra, FA Tornadus, FA Zekrom, Pachi, Shaymin W: Lots

CML for any coin you have. I guess I'm one of the competitive players that doesn't own a coin xD
RE: H:Catcher, Gengar, Kingdra, FA Tornadus, FA Zekrom, Pachi, Shaymin W: Lots

Would you do it for Noctowl?
RE: H:Catcher, Gengar, Kingdra, FA Tornadus, FA Zekrom, Pachi, Shaymin W: Lots

If you mind, can I add Ninetales. You add 1 more. :)
RE: H:Catcher, Gengar, Kingdra, FA Tornadus, FA Zekrom, Pachi, Shaymin W: Lots

Do you have anymore 1st editions unlisted?
RE: H:Catcher, Gengar, Kingdra, FA Tornadus, FA Zekrom, Pachi, Shaymin W: Lots

Dialgarock, I'd rather not, there isn't really anything else I need

Evilpacman, I only have the ones listd, sorry.
RE: H:Catcher, Gengar, Kingdra, FA Tornadus, FA Zekrom, Pachi, Shaymin W: Lots

I can check for some Eevee's for you. I am interested in Erika's Weepingbell, Dark Golduck and Dark Rapidash all first edition.
RE: H:Gengar, Kingdra, FA Tornadus, FA Zekrom, Pachi, Emboar, Shinies W: Lots

I'm curious about that lunchbox. Any way to link a pic of it??
RE: H:Gengar, Kingdra, FA Tornadus, FA Zekrom, Pachi, Emboar, Shinies W: Lots

Evilpacman, I am definitely interested in some Eevee's. The Weepingbell is a little damaged, but the others are fine.

Sleeping Snorlax, Here is a link: http://www.google.com/imgres?q=tepig+snivy+oshawott+lunchbox&hl=en&gbv=2&biw=1280&bih=880&tbm=isch&tbnid=_Clwos25sxPzIM:&imgrefurl=http://sh1.webring.com/people/kp/pokemon_anime/%3FOperation%3DItemLookup%26ItemId%3DB0055OSUVM&docid=gHhmy7NPnuDKHM&itg=1&imgurl=http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51M1wx5nNAL._SL160_.jpg&w=160&h=160&ei=PcDKToHUBKTm0QG_zK0M&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=450&vpy=199&dur=641&hovh=128&hovw=128&tx=121&ty=96&sig=107929239836262380853&page=1&tbnh=128&tbnw=128&start=0&ndsp=22&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0
RE: H:Gengar, Kingdra, FA Tornadus, FA Zekrom, Pachi, Emboar, Shinies W: Lots

I have a Sandstorm Vaporeon (some damage), Rising Rivals Flareon and Leafeon, COL Vaporeon and Undaunted Eevee.
RE: H:Gengar, Kingdra, FA Tornadus, FA Zekrom, Pachi, Emboar, Shinies W: Lots

Evilpacman, I am interested in the Flareon RR, so long as it is not RH.

Sleeping Snorlax, Around 10 to 15 dollars.
RE: H:Gengar, Kingdra, FA Tornadus, FA Zekrom, Pachi, Emboar, Shinies W: Lots

It is not RH. Do you need any other Eevee lines?
RE: H:Gengar, Kingdra, FA Tornadus, FA Zekrom, Pachi, Emboar, Shinies W: Lots

Yeah, but I dont need the other ones you said you have.
RE: H:Gengar, Kingdra, FA Tornadus, FA Zekrom, Pachi, Emboar, Shinies W: Lots

So would you trade those for the Flareon?
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