I understand that but also Glimmora line still doesn’t have an illustration
I hope this is the set for it. Would love for Centiskorch, Togekiss and Eternatus too

I'm so excited that Durant got an ex card, and that the final SIR ex is between it and Scovillain, still hoping for a "connected" IR/SIR between Capsakid and Scovillain, since there is room for that, but I'll happily take a Durant SIR too! I'm also happy that they brought Paldean Tauros back!
I agree a little with the amount of filler repeats: Exeggcute/Exeggutor, Bronzor/Bronzong, Dedenne, Rotom, and Zangoose are all cards where I felt like, oh another one? To a lesser extent also Glimmet/Glimmora and Wattrel/Kilowattrel, who I'm a bit more willing to accept since they are Scarlet/Violet Pokemon, but still.