Amazing Discoveries League - Tucson, AZ

RE: Hat's Games and Amazing Discoveries Leagues Tucson, AZ

This set is horrid. 9 packs, we pulled out 3 decent cards, 2 of which were Lost World. Anyway, yeah Cali States is going to be a gauntlet but we'll be prepared. I'll have details over the next two weeks.
RE: Hat's Games and Amazing Discoveries Leagues Tucson, AZ


Good luck at California States, Radar. I'm not going to be making it this weekend unfortunately. I just don't see the pay-off in it for me. There's always Arizona.

dmaster out.
RE: Hat's Games and Amazing Discoveries Leagues Tucson, AZ

Man, Cali states was a disaster ! But yes, AZ this Saturday.
RE: Hat's Games and Amazing Discoveries Leagues Tucson, AZ

There's always Regionals/Worlds to look forward to. You'll come back strong at this States I know it.

Would you be able to take me and Rod or no, Radar? If you have two spaces, it would cut down on all of us going separately almost. lmk (And if Rod isn't able to take me and go God forbid lol would you be able to take me?)

dmaster out.
RE: Hat's Games and Amazing Discoveries Leagues Tucson, AZ

Double post cuz bump.

I think States was mostly successful. You and Rod did a 4-3 winning record which isn't half bad and Sander/Decker made Top 4 while I made Top 8. Now let's prepare for Regionals.

dmaster out.
RE: Hat's Games and Amazing Discoveries Leagues Tucson, AZ

Did a quick search of the forums, and saw this was the only Tucson-related thread.

Does Hat's Games still hold League? I work Saturdays, and cannot make it to Amazing Discoveries league.
RE: Hat's Games and Amazing Discoveries Leagues Tucson, AZ

To my knowledge there is no official league going on at Hat's Games anymore. Sorry!

dmaster out.
RE: Hat's Games and Amazing Discoveries Leagues Tucson, AZ

Does anyone hang out at Amazing Discoveries after 1? I want to get back in to the game, and my girlfriend has also expressed interest in learning, but I work Saturdays from 5:30 AM, to 2:30 PM. e.e
RE: Hat's Games and Amazing Discoveries Leagues Tucson, AZ

There's sometimes a couple people that stay after but I'm not sure if they stay 2+ hours after (usually an hour max I would think...).

They have Wednesday night Tournaments though where people play as well.

dmaster out.
RE: Hat's Games and Amazing Discoveries Leagues Tucson, AZ

I didn't see anything about stuff on Wednesdays on the organized play website, or Amazing Discoveries. Do you know what time it is?
RE: Hat's Games and Amazing Discoveries Leagues Tucson, AZ

They're short and unsanctioned tournaments (that's why they're not on the OP website) that are run by the store (they sometimes advertise them on their Facebook page, not their website). You have to pay a small fee and they start at 6:30 PM. If you go 2-1 or 3-0, you can win some packs.

dmaster out.