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Ampha-Pwn77's House of Cards H: HG/SS! | W:1 Lugia Legend set, HG/SS Energy, more!

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RE: Ampha-pwn Trades- Don't Have much up right now, but ask about anything you want!

Bumpy (#1)
RE: Ampha-pwn Trades- Don't Have much up right now, but ask about anything you want!

Ampha-pwn77 said:
Okay, I have a cities coming up this weekend, so I will get some, I know everybody in my area has like 6 of them so I will get some. would you do 2 Roserade and 1 Cherrim from SF for 2 of them?

I could probably do that one. LMK when you get some.
RE: Ampha-pwn Trades- Updated with Stormfront! More to come!

Oh, and do you have any Sceptile GE?
RE: Ampha-pwn Trades- Updated with Stormfront! More to come!

:{ Oh, NO I actually just traded mine. I'll see if I can get some at CC tho. If I do would you trade 1 RH salamence from SF and 1 RH Abomasnow for a couple of them?
RE: Ampha-pwn Trades- Updated with Stormfront! More to come!

I could do that, pretty easy.
RE: Ampha-pwn Trades- Updated with Stormfront! More to come!

Okay! I will tell you when I get them and then if you like it, I will do it!

Updated with LA!!!
RE: Ampha-pwn Trades- Now with MD!

Updated With Majestic Dawn, Also ask for Anything else you want from sets Prior to MD!

I've got some Coming right now! I'm Intrested in your Drapion SF.. would you trade 2 for 2?
RE: Ampha-pwn Trades- Now with MD!

@ Geo: I have a pending offer for that, if doesn't work out, I'll be sure to take a look.

@George2Fresh: Typhlosion MT, Perhaps? :p
RE: Ampha-pwn Trades- Updated With GE and SW!

Do you have any Alakazam (MT)?
RE: Ampha-pwn Trades- Updated With GE and SW!

Yup! I've got 2! did you need 1 or 2?
I also Have all these off your wants:
Cresselia GE
Lugia SW
Electrode SW
Articuno MD
Manaphy MD
Dialga MD
Exeggutor MT
Whiscash MT
Meganium MT
Cradily LA
Armaldo LA
Cherrim SF
I can trade all of those and there's some stuff I saw on your Haves. LMK
RE: Ampha-pwn Trades- Updated With GE and SW!

Ampha-pwn77 said:
Yup! I've got 2! did you need 1 or 2?
I also Have all these off your wants:
Cresselia GE
Lugia SW
Electrode SW
Articuno MD
Manaphy MD
Dialga MD
Exeggutor MT
Whiscash MT
Meganium MT
Cradily LA
Armaldo LA
Cherrim SF
I can trade all of those and there's some stuff I saw on your Haves. LMK

outside of Champ X...what are you interested in?
RE: Ampha-pwn Trades- Updated With GE and SW!

I need TSD, Drapion SF, Scizor SF, Armaldo LA, Garchomp MT and Roserade SF... Can you make an offer?

ALL sets now up!!!
RE: Ampha-pwn Trades- Updated With GE and SW!

Ampha-pwn77 said:
I need TSD, Drapion SF, Scizor SF, Armaldo LA, Garchomp MT and Roserade SF... Can you make an offer?

ALL sets now up!

well, due to some shipping difficulties (as in they haven't shown up yet), I have to put a hold on the TSD's until I can find where my current incoming TSD's are...also, I don't have Scizor (SF), Amaldo (SF), or Garchomp (MT)...I can check around for some, but these are cards currently on my wants list as well

I will see what I can find, because I want those Alakazam
RE: Ampha-pwn Trades-All Sets Up! Really need Machamp X!

how about Metagross ex?

Note* I won't trade much for this
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