vilebaseball said:
Hi there,
Would you do
Dusknoir Lv. X ($15)
Honchkrow Lv. X ($9)
Azelf Lv X ($23)
CML for something worth $1
Hm, No thanks.
safariblade said:
DarkJawa said:
Its me again. Can you check my list for the following:
Mismagius GL x2
Manectric-PT x2 english
Darkrai-MD x2
PM me with any offer
Nothing I really saw, sorry.
Muddy68 said:
Do you by chance have a 2-1-2 line of Nidoqueen RR?
I might have those... I definitely have JPN ones if you want them.
vantheman17 said:
Ampha-pwn77 said:
Hey Vantheman17,
I like these off your list...
Wash Rotom RR
Frost Rotom RR
Roserade GL RR
West Sea Gastrodon RR
2 Night Maintenance (POP 8)
LMK If we can work something out. I can trade especially big, if there's anything else you like, if the Rotoms are involved.
LMK, and CML more maybe?
I just traded the two rotoms away, but I can do My:
floatzel GL RR holo
2 night maintenance POP 8
West sea Gastrodon RR rare nonholo
For your:
DP: Lopunny RH
SW: mew RH
MT: NIdoqueen RH
That'll work. PM me if you wanna finalize.
kevkev77777 said:
How much for 2xmismagius gl please or cml
Well, I didn't really see anything and I have plenty of money right now... But I do like 2 Gyarados MT form your list, so if there's anything else you'd like for them, LMK.