Ancient Origins [8/15, aka Bandit Ring]

I guess the Flashfire Butterfree line (adaptive evolution) is officially pointless (and it was only hanging by a thread before)...
At this rate, I wonder if we'll have a trainer in the future that is just "search your deck for a stage 2 pokemon and place it on your bench"...

"If you play this card, you win the game"
Here comes my rating for this card! I look forward to doing this for all of the Ancient Origin reveals.

Artwork: I love it, Ryo Ueda does it again (has been my favorite artist for a long time and Ryo's Pokemon EX's are always incredible looking) I like the Pokeball symbol on the big leaf too, makes me feel like this card is actually a Pokemon league certified gym location. 10/10

Card text: I started playing right as BTS was rotating out of the format and that card was insane. I appreciate that this card tones it down a bit with restricting it to grass types but I am worried of what the XY-on format will look like with Vileplume running unrestrained. I enjoyed my Vileplume deck back in HGSS-on but with Wally and now this stadium making Vileplume even faster is frightening for those who don't play Vileplume. The amount of items that is the norm for decks in the current format feels like its too high anyways. Most decks run on average 30-40 Trainer cards and for a lot of budgeted decks they make up a huge portion of the cost compared to the Pokemon and Energy lines. A format where Items are less impactful could be an interesting change for the format. Also I love my Sceptile/Trevenant EX so this stadium is a big help. 8/10

If people are super worried about the XY-on format not being Item friendly, run heavier Supporter draw lines and Supporter search cards (Very little chance that both Exeggutor and Vileplume will be legal in standard together) and pack some fire-type Pokemon around. Weakness is one of the strongest controlling factors in counter-play so don't ignore some very powerful Fire-type Pokemon that we have at our disposal (Delphox, Charizard EX, Blaziken, Pyroar, Magcargo, and Camerupt EX just to name a few.)

Overall: 9/10
does this work with evosoda?

I don't believe you can use Evosoda or Rare Candy in conjuction with this stadium. On the cards they both state that : "You can't use this card during your first turn or on a Pokémon that was put into play this turn." So that is regardless of what type Pokemon you try to use it on. I could be wrong of course but the stadium doesn't change the text on the item cards, just the idea that Grass Pokemon can evolve on the first turn or on the turn they were put into play, it doesn't allow for those items to work like Wally but just for Grass type Pokemon.
So with Venomoth as well we have a format where TURN 1 all item cards are shut down and any further Trainer cards are 50/50 to be played.

frick this format. Expect to see decks with 0 Trainer cards in the future

Except you know, that deck will be doing no damage. So just build up energy and attack each turn and that deck falls apart. The fear mongering in this thread is intense.
Not digging the intense vileplume support here but...
As someone who really likes Chesnaught

Rocky Helmet Reprint and Stage 1 & 2 Energy Acceleration please.
Creativity isn't the issue. All you need is something like 2-2-2 Vileplume and this, then you could spill coffee over the rest pf the page and still take 1st place
Not really. It is pretty balanced as both players can't play Item cards, giving both players the same advantage using supporters.

People are over reacting. This takes more resources to set up than toad does for a turn 1 Item lock. Also it means that the opponent can't play Items also, having a fair playing field. Players just need to lean towards a little greater Supporter count. This is far from Seismitoad bad, IMO.
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Persnally, I just hope there's support for more than grass...especially for stadium cards because Welcome to the Stadium Card War. You've all been drafted.

(Not like you can get out of Vileplume's lock once it's set up anyway)
Except it might prefer Sky Field: I mean more speed is great but only if you can attack. More damage is amazing for Shiftry, at least in my testing.
Split stadiums can be used, and from my experience, can be used efficiently, especially considering Shiftry has a great drawing ability.
Split stadiums can be used, and from my experience, can be used efficiently, especially considering Shiftry has a great drawing ability.
Couldn't have said it better myself, even without skyfield Shiftry can still knock out decent numbers. And the potential draw power from turn 1 would be a great benefit :D
Not really. It is pretty balanced as both players can't play Item cards, giving both players the same advantage using supporters.

Except we now have a Stadium that can rocket it into play first turn, in addition to a Basic that doubles as draw power all mixed in with at least one amazing draw Supporter still remaining.

Not saying you have to agree with the less-than-thrilled view many of us are taking over this, but if it is hard to understand, try starting from the premise "The format is already quite unbalanced with the vast majority of cards being useless. After years of fighting the "throw your deck at your opponent" trend, once you finally submit... they keep throwing out lock decks that don't slow down the format, just how fast you get to lose unless your deck is already crazy powerful or tailored to beating said lock decks."

People are over reacting. This takes more resources to set up than toad does for a turn 1 Item lock. Also it means that the opponent can't play Items also, having a fair playing field. Players just need to lean towards a little greater Supporter count. This is far from Seismitoad bad, IMO.

Another Evolution cheat is what is so bad; without most of the other garbage I'd be quite thrilled for this Vileplume. Do remember those that a deck running it will likely be tailored to get around the effect. I mean this isn't new: Dark Vileplume, from the original Team Rocket expansion (which released in April 24, 2000). The Evolution cheat means Grass-Types are either going to be pre-nerfed or risk being broken. Its a lose-lose proposition.

Yes Shiftry will be viable. For those saying the game will be overcentralized, I don't think so. It actually opens up new strageties and get rids of the annoying rule of waiting before evolving. SHIFTRY!

You say "annoying rule" I say "iconic game mechanic that adds meat and strategy to the game".

Split stadiums can be used, and from my experience, can be used efficiently, especially considering Shiftry has a great drawing ability.

True; I just find myself having no Energy to attack and already relying on Shaymin-EX for speeding up my set-up. I suppose with the new Stadium, the focus is getting out as many Shiftry as you can, hoping your one Supporter plus their Ability are enough to get the next one and the next one set-up.

For the record though I am of the mind most decks should run split Stadiums; I found it odd that for the last few formats we had gone back to "One Stadium to rule them all..." since so many decks could benefit as much or more from your own Stadium, but with two you could find one that helps you and at least doesn't help (if not hurts) them.
I have some questions about this card. Giant Plant forest, (Which I'll shorten to GPF) If it is a reprint of Broken Time space for Grass types, then can I do this: It's turn 1. In my 7 card hand before I draw my first card, I have a Basic, an Oddish, gloom, GPF and Ultra Ball and 2 other cards. I place the basic down in the active position and Oddish on the bench. At the start of my turn, I draw a card. Play GPF. I play my gloom card down. Use the ultra ball to discard 2 cards and search for Vileplume. Place Vileplume down onto gloom, and use what ever the last card in my hand is. (If that last card was a trainer item card, then I would use it first before evolving Gloom)
Can I do this?

Also if I have instead of the Ultra ball and the gloom in my opening hand a Rare Candy and Vileplume, can I play the Rare candy on my first turn as long as GPF is in play?
I have some questions about this card. Giant Plant forest, (Which I'll shorten to GPF) If it is a reprint of Broken Time space for Grass types, then can I do this: It's turn 1. In my 7 card hand before I draw my first card, I have a Basic, an Oddish, gloom, GPF and Ultra Ball and 2 other cards. I place the basic down in the active position and Oddish on the bench. At the start of my turn, I draw a card. Play GPF. I play my gloom card down. Use the ultra ball to discard 2 cards and search for Vileplume. Place Vileplume down onto gloom, and use what ever the last card in my hand is. (If that last card was a trainer item card, then I would use it first before evolving Gloom)
Can I do this?

Also if I have instead of the Ultra ball and the gloom in my opening hand a Rare Candy and Vileplume, can I play the Rare candy on my first turn as long as GPF is in play?

You can play GPF, Evolve Oddish to Gloom, Ultra Ball for Vileplume and play Vileplume.

You cannot play Rare Candy because you just set Oddish down. That was the purpose in the errata for it.
You can play GPF, Evolve Oddish to Gloom, Ultra Ball for Vileplume and play Vileplume.

You cannot play Rare Candy because you just set Oddish down. That was the purpose in the errata for it.

OK that's some good info, for when I start building my Vileplume lock deck, so thanks. The best looking deck idea so far is most likely going to be running a high Gloom and Vileplume line (Possibly 4-3-4), with GPF, ultra balls, Wally and possibly Acro Bike. With Wailord EX as your active Pokemon, soaking up damage, and Groudon EX getting powered up on the bench and getting ready to primal evolve, to stop lysandre from effecting it.
Also once the GPF has got out your turn 1 Vileplume, and/ or you no longer need it, you could then play silent lab, to counter Wobbuffet, who is actually the only counter now after Garbodor gets rotated. unless you want to play Shaymin first to refill you hand (Only do this when Wobbuffet isn't in play).
I also think this will be a deck that makes good use of Steven and Team Mates, since Steven is getting your next energy card and supporter card, and Team Mates is getting you any 2 cards you need after your first casualty. Xerosic is a must for removing tools and special energy, and team flare grunt too for getting rid of the Seismitoads DCE. The new Ace Trainer supporter will be good too, if you end up going 2nd in the game, as it will completely destroy your opponents hand after they take the first KO. This makes a nice combo with the new Absol EX/ Mega absol EX.

Now all this set needs is a reprint of "Sages Training" and the game is completely broken.