Animal Crossing: New Leaf Discussion

It's really just there so you can see two of the characters, not that special. But if you visit the Reset Center enough times you can get pictures for the two Resetti Brothers.

dmaster out.
Just visited that Aika Village. The experience was kind of ruined for me.
Well, let's just say I did something in the wrong intended order.
don()shinobi said:
Just visited that Aika Village. The experience was kind of ruined for me.
Well, let's just say I did something in the wrong intended order.
What did you do? I wish I could visit it...
I got this game about a week ago and I spend way too much time on it haha. I have been procrastinating like crazy! xD
I'll try to make my Dream Village available starting next Monday! I hope people will visit!
My Dream Address is in my Profile next to my 3DS FC for anyone that wants to visit.

dmaster out.
Pokemonlover903 said:
Hi Pokébeach, I created this thread to discuss Animal Crossing: New Leaf, post what you think about the game, if your getting it, getting the 3ds xl bundle, if you like it , if you hate it (HATERS!), or anything about the game... so yeah, just post what you think about it :D.... and you can also exchange your friend codes here :D

I've got to say it's a great game. Really well made, and addicting, too... I don't have it, but I made an account on my friend's 3DS. I spent a couple hours on it. It's really fun and I recommend it to anybody who's thinking about getting it. :p
Ahahaha, YES~!
Just found a Jacob's ladder in my town. My town is perfect by the game's standards~
This thread will help.
But to answer your question, you can have an unlimited number of benches. Well, you can have only 30 community projects in town at once, so 30 is the max number of benches the game will allow.
Thanks, I have seen all PWP:s on another site though. Don't you think it's really annoying how you can't plant even bushes next to PWP and like you can't have a bench next to a street lamp? Seriously, what were they thinking? And you need TWO vancant spaces in front of a house, and a bench needs TWO spaces behind it?! :|

I'll take one or two more weeks or so to put up my Dream Village. It's so WIP it would feel so bad if someone visited now and then never again. :C

Hmmm... Well I guess I can put it up today and share the code via PM if you promise to visit later again once I have updated, though. :3
We doin' Dream Code posts?

Count me in, just built it yesterday... And don't have my 3DS on me to get mine. Confound it. STILL THOUGH. I'll visit everybody's town if I haz the code. <3

Edit: Just saw that you can do Dream's by searching for Name or Town. My name is Chris, and the town name is Symphony.
I have a funny story to tell about my village, appropriately named Twinleaf. A couple days ago I spent around two hours during the evening selling beetles and paying off my cafe project, which was in a great spot between the beach and the river. I was highly anticipating the next morning to visit my new addition, which was yesterday. Then the funniest part happened when I checked on it.

A villager moved in RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY CAFE. Freaking Jacques...

So, if anyone wants to take him off my hands or something, feel free to ring me up, because I'm just going to make him move anyway. I have not yet connected with anyone online, and I would like to obtain a couple foreign fruits, so if you're interested contact me. I'll just leave my friend codes here if anyone wants to add me...

Dream Address: 5600-2313-8648

3DS Friend Code: 2191-7648-0558

In happier news, I have a bunny named O'Hare moving in soon, who is just awesome. Almost lost my slingshot trying to get him!
Haha, my friend's town is Twinleaf too.

Btw., I didn't get to upload my town on Monday, so one-two more weeks it is I guess! ;P Well my town is getting nicer every day so it's good.
Teal said:
Haha, my friend's town is Twinleaf too.

Btw., I didn't get to upload my town on Monday, so one-two more weeks it is I guess! ;P Well my town is getting nicer every day so it's good.

I can see it being a popular town name, although I thought of it years before the game came out. Oh well, originality points can be earned back!

I'm going to update my signature with my friend codes and stuff, so if anyone wants to play with me, they can. I need to become more active in these forums, don't I? XD
My island has the Toy Hammer in stock today.

My FC is 3926-4796-0199 if you want to stop by a get one.

Also, Ken decided to be a bro this morning and ask for a Police Station. Aw yiss.