Wi-Fi Trades AntiKrozz´ Legend Player Thread

I Have got mew, deoxys and ho-oh
and the three dp trio, palkia, girotina, cresselia, heatran, darkrai and shaymin
would you trade one of these for one of your shinys
Probopass Sausages said:
Would you be interested in trading a Shining Magnemite for a Tyrogue, by any chance?

What might the Magnemite's IVs be?

i´m sorry, but i have no need for tyroge, or other 3rd gen. Pokemon, and for the IV´s, i haven´t calculed them, since it´s level 25 the calculation may return wrong. it´s shiny though and legit.
i already have a drifloon, vespiquen (i breeded male combee ´til a female combee with careful nature was born)...the only pokemon i need now are darkry, shaymin, palkia, mew, celebi, manaphy, fione...any of those are good for me. thank you.
i just started to trade shiny spearows and magnemites...i´m coneccted right now so if you have any of my needs, then let´s trade
actually the only electabuzz i have is a female one i migrated from emerald (who was traded from my DX)...i´m planning to breed it for a nice electivire but since i´m already training my roster from my Bug Gym i have no time for it right now...thank´s for the phione by the way.
I don't want to seem a bit greedy, but I was wondering if you could part with one more Shining Magnemite in exchange for a fresh Cranidos, or a Skull Fossil?

If you get the Skull Fossil, you can try regenerating at Oreburgh again and again until you get the desired nature and/or sufficient IVs for proper breeding, so I assume you'd prefer that.
if you make the cranidos hold the stealth rock or avalanche tm we have a deal...i´ll even settle for a spiritomb.
It just so happens that I have both, actually. Would you like to trade for the two of them? If that is the case, I can have them hold both Stealth Rock and Avalanche.

I'll take another look at your offers for the second one should you comply.
quick update, minutes ago, i snatched a spiritomb and a rampardos from global trade, so what i want now is any Pokemon from this list: bastiodon, palkia, shaymin...i´mm willing to give both shinies from either palkia or shaymin.
I've got a Sheild Fossil...which I can attach to any of ur Pokémon....for you?
Light Venusaur said:
I've got a Sheild Fossil...which I can attach to any of ur Pokémon....for you?

can you make the fossil hold a salac berry? if you can´t, then i´m willing to give any of my shinys for a shield fossil and either a turtwig or chimchar.
A Spearow * will be nice.
Can you call it: Fearow.
I can't make Fossils hold anything...as it's still a fossil (needs to be revived...like: Kabuto/Omanyte/Aerodactyl)
ok...my point is...can anybody fetch me a salac berry?...
i´ll give you a Fearow nicknamed spearow shiny if you give me a chimchar/turtwig holding the fossil.