Any Ideas What Other Cards Will be Reprinted?

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If BTS came out again the balance of the game will still be off, if they get rid of BTS it will be more balanced since SP will suck after rotation and it will be more fun
i`m hoping for roseanne`s research, warp point, BTS and moonlight stadium to be reprinted. Also maybe a Lv.x or two, that would be nice.
I actually hope for:

Delcatty RS / Delcatty PK <-- Though we'll never get it.
Roseanne's Research
Broken Time-Space
Glaceon lv.X w/ Glaceon MD (holo) <--- They owe us this for not giving us Glaceon for a time.
Weavile SW
Eevee MD
Delcatty RS / Delcatty PK <-- Though we'll never get it.
This is probably one of the best things I've heard someone ask for regarding a reprint. Gardevoir PK is a fun card as well.
Even though it probably wont happen, I hope for Unown G. I would love to protect myself from certain annoying things.

warp point is Gym challenge.. sorry

I hope they reprint claydol GE..BTS, Uxie/Azelf LA, and stormfront machamp. Also bebe's.

Off topic: WOOT 1000TH POST!!!!!
Oh yes, a reprint of SF machamp is exactly what we need, such an enjoyable card to play and play against... Seriously, only Machamp players and hardcore SP haters (which is basically the same) would like that. And if they reprint it, I think they should boost the damage, make Machamp a Basic pokemon, and make the Energy cost for Take Out zero. Oh, and it gets the Arceus rule. And it gets a Pokepower which makes both players discard their entire bench. /rant

But seriously, I don't think they will be reprinting the more recent cards like Claydol and everything. I'm not expecting any Pokemon reprints, just more and more power creep, but they might reprint more of the old trainers from Base Set era. I mean, we already get Pokemon Catcher, and HS had a (terribly nerfed) Bill, so why wouldn't they reprint some of the others?
I'm hoping they reprint Broken Time-Space. It is an amazing card, and I think it should always stay in format.
The card that I'd like to see reprinted is Speed Stadium. It REALLY REALLY comes in handy at times. Pidgeot FRLG would be an awesome reprint too.
Every mudkip ever. On a more serious note, Muk. Run that with vileplume and lol at your opponent all day. Or dialga G LV.X. Either one locks them.
On a more serious note, Muk.
And reprint that card with a Poke-Body instead of a Pokemon Power? Are you trying to pull a Bill on us?
No. Make it a poke-power that has a constant effect, but don't call it a pokebody. I don't like dialga G LV.X, ruining my pokebodies.
heres my list of cards that need to be reprinted:

roseanne's research
bebe's search
claydol GE
delcatty FRLG or PK
pidgeot FRLG
broken time space
dialga g lv.x (as a prime)
palkia g lv.x (as a prime)
felicity's drawing
uxie LA
azelf LA
uxie, azelf and mesprit x (as primes)
celio's network
poke nav
machamp SF
gyarados base set
warp point
^Srsly, DGX, PGX and the Pixie LV.X'es as primes? Drop the (PRIME, so they're basic) AMU combo, attach an energy, get the second energy from somewhere and destroy everything. BROKEN, and I don't even want to think about what a BASIC dialga G Lv.X would do to the meta.

tl;dr of this thread: Everyone wants their favorite deck reprinted with little boosts to make it BDIF, people seem to like Machamp SF (seriously, go get your brain checked), and people want troll cards like the muk reprint. And every second poster wants claydol back.
WhimsicalBox said:
On a more serious note, Muk. Run that with vileplume and lol at your opponent all day. Or dialga G LV.X. Either one locks them.
Except... Muk stops YOUR PokéBodies also. Unless you want it as a PokéPower that stops other PokéPowers, it doesn't work. And it would never be a PokéPower, because it has a constant effect. They would make it a PokéBody.
Make it a poke-power that has a constant effect,
That is the definition of a Poke-Body. Poke-Powers are something that triggers to activate, while Poke-Bodies are constant effects. ...wait, Scizor just said that.
Except... Muk stops YOUR PokéBodies also.
Then run a deck without Poke-Bodies. Tyranitar Prime is a good contender for that. I ran Muk way back in the day and it was amazing.
^Well, I was more responding to this than just using Muk:
WhimsicalBox said:
Muk. Run that with vileplume and lol at your opponent all day.
and saying that you couldn't run it WITH that. But I agree, it would work well in a deck that doesn't use 'Bodies of its own.
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