Any Ideas What Other Cards Will be Reprinted?

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thebugmaniac said:
^Srsly, DGX, PGX and the Pixie LV.X'es as primes? Drop the (PRIME, so they're basic) AMU combo, attach an energy, get the second energy from somewhere and destroy everything. BROKEN, and I don't even want to think about what a BASIC dialga G Lv.X would do to the meta.
Are you serious? Ampharos, Blissey, Donphan, Feraligatr, Meganium, Typhlosion, Crobat, Kingdra, Lanturn, Steelix, Tyranitar, Ursaring, Espeon, Houndoom, Raichu, Scizor, Slowking, Umbreon, Electrode, Gengar, Machamp, Magnezone, and Yanmega laugh at you for saying Primes are basic... you'd still have to Level them Up from their respective lower levels even if they were Prime.
^Way to totally misunderstand what thebugmaniac just said, Scizorliscious. He said reprinting the LV.X's (Uxie, Mesprit, Azelf, Dialga G) as standalone Basic Primes would be ridiculously broken, not that all Primes are Basics.

/me headdesk
And every second poster wants claydol back.
I'm the only person who's asked for Windstorm and Scramble Energy so far; do I get any kudos? =D
^Oh Arecus no on Windstorm.
Here in Australia it was abused so much that some players wanted PUSA (TPCi now) to ban it.

I wouldn't mind if the Eevee from UFO was reprinted.
The Eevee from "UFO"..*snicker*
Windstorm's an amazing card and we really need some good groundbreaking trainers to help us ride out the new format. (I'm pretty sure it was abused a lot in the States as well; back in Holon-Phantoms-on I saw them all the time.)
We really needed it in the last format though, what with all the Unown Gs running around, but getting rid of Unown Q/Expert Belt/Energy Gain/BTS works fine as well.
DRE, Scramble, Windstorm, Cessation Crystal, Steven's Advice, Celio's Network, Roseanne's Research, Dusknoir DP, Azelf MT :)

dmaster out.
dmaster said:
DRE, Scramble, Windstorm, Cessation Crystal, Steven's Advice, Celio's Network, Roseanne's Research, Dusknoir DP, Azelf MT :)

dmaster out.
This is without a doubt the best post I have ever seen in this entire thread.

Anyways, BTS would be nice, but I'm not sure we're gonna get it. Same with Claydol, and the Pixies. Just some epic trainers and such. But when the release comes all the way to rotation, we're gonna have Lostgar, probably with Pokemon Catcher and other EXTREMELY broken trainers when B/w hits, and Luxchomp. Ew.
^ with it slowing down it wont be as broken. sure it brings out a guy but when you need 4 energies to do 80 its not so bad

dang have been ninja'd!!!
I also believe that we won't get Bebe's Search back. Since we're moving to a different generation, I guess the easiest way to explain it is that Bebe has never heard about Unova yet :p We may get the card under a different name, but I doubt it.
I'm hoping they (re)print an Alakazam line (INCLUDING KADABRA -- I miss him :(), preferably the one from MT.
2 Cards i hope they reprint later on in the future are Castaway and Double Rainbow Energy (Might make some cards playable)

I'm just curious as to what new "gimmick" they'll give use next (SP, Delta species, Dark pokemon .etc.)
...Why didn't I mention Computer Search earlier?
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