Anyone got any funny quotes?

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Fire Pokemon Master said:
Noobnerd: Removed for flaming mods. :p

That is NOT flaimng :F

flamming is like bashing or being mean. And I wasn't doing anything of the sort.

If you won't let me be humourous then I'll have to take the mick out of someone else :p

zilla said:
I have no experience with girls...

I can't remember exactly how it went but it was something like that :p

Beware. No one is safe from the FPM will find your embarrasing quotes and post them syndrome.
*The restaurant phone rang and the service staff went to answer it...'

Service Staff: 'Hello, how can you help me?'
you dont get it?
the man saw the dollar walking down the street-the dollar was walking down the street
amy was crumpled up in her locker
chatroom said:
<FPM> five in every four people cant count to three!
<blob> lulz
<Bubba235> Hang on... how can you have five in four people?
<FPM> >.<
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