Anyone here like Keeping fish as pets?


457 MACHAMP CARDS And counting!
Hello Guys Wondering if any of you guys keep any fish as pets? I have a 4 foot 320L community aquarium tank! I will have to post some pictures for everyone too see!

So does anyone here have any pet fish? post pictures if you like!:D

Oh and heres a video of me Feeding my Archer fish! :D
Cool! Do I?!?I am actually on the executive of my local fish club! I have a 30gallon I've been meaning to set up, but there's no room in our house. Actually, there is an aquarium convention going on right now in my area. CAOAC (canadian association of aquarium clubs) is holding it's 50th convention. I went two years ago, as last year it was in Edmonton, and I can't afford it this year.

I have some Jellybean and Nicaraguan Cichlids right now.
I have fish! I had 7 then 1 of them had a baby so it was 8 fish. then 5 of them died and i only hav 3 now. =(
I had a fish tank and some fish in there. Unfortunately most of them died years ago.

dmaster out.
I actually just set my fish tank back up in my room. I have a 20 gallon tank with 3 Koi, a fantail goldfish, two plecos, and a dragon goby.
I used to have a lot of fish...but they died.

On a side note, one day I went to Wal-Mart and went to the fish section. Half of the fish were dead and the cages were filthy

I love really small fish. <3

I had 3 and gave them to my grandpa. They tripled in size. :O
I used to have a ton of Beta... but they all died...

I used to have a favorite male Beta named Blue when I was younger. He was a good fish, didn't need much. Then I made the mistake of getting another male beta to put in with Blue...

X_X Why?!

This was before I knew that about how male Betas react with one another. Should've done some research on that, yep. Got some more Betas > they died for reasons I'm not sure. Got a fish tank and put some expensive Parrot fish into it. Of course, they end up killing each other over dominance of the tank.

Haven't gotten a fish since... and probably won't again.
GOOD GAWD. Fish muderer. :O jk

But you shouldn't do that. lol.

OMG. This fish are eating her! :O

I would love a 300 gallon tank with like a million of these

EDIT: Like my new avvy ;)
I have a few fish. Some weird black and white striped catfish looking thing with spikes on it. I don't know what the heck it is, but it hordly moves and is a pretty cool guy. The others are just barbs and I have a goldfish pond out back.
Medaforcer: those cat fish you speak of could be Bristnosed catfish Post a picture and I will ID them for you :)

I purchased a Few new Fish today including a New Long tailed Male Betta spleden Have also taken pictures of some of my fish! will post soon!:D
Red said:
I used to have a lot of fish...but they died.

On a side note, one day I went to Wal-Mart and went to the fish section. Half of the fish were dead and the cages were filthy


Never buy fish from Wal-Mart. EVER! Most of them have ick (a deadly fish disease) and they people who work there know absolutely nothing about fish except how to scoop them out and give them to 5 year old kids who also know nothing about fish. It's neat to see how many people actually interested in fish here.
My brother and I keep fishes as pets. We only have 20 gallon and 175 gallon tank. We used to have 210 and 110 tanks but had to sell them.

Albino Taiwan reef(my favorite that has passed on):

>_>; Wow - a lot of people with crazy big tanks...

We own fish, but they're not really anything exotic. As I aged, I found myself liking the idea of owning fish less and less... I'd rather not have them stuck swimming in the same place over and over... Though, it's not like us not owning them would mean they'd be in the ocean. They'd probably be stuck in the pet store still... :(
Very Nice Looking fish you have there rage780!

Heres a Few Pictures of some of my Fishes.


My Archer Fish (My Favourite!)

Spiny Peacock Eel In his Driftwood hideout!

Golden Panchax
My brother and I are known around my area as African fish breeders; common or exotic, expensive cichlids. We have sold batches of fry(1.5 inches) to local or distant hobbyists. Most of my females can hold and produce 20-30 each time they breed. So I keep the fish as a hobby and as a profit making machine. lol....
My only wish is that my rare and exotic fish could produce the same amount of fry as my common$1-2 per fry vs $25-40(yes, I have taken into account the recession but I am selling these to certain clientele who does not want to wait for war and corruption to end in the area where they are caught). The most fry I ever sold of my rare species is 8 for $32.50 per fry last year

The second pic shows one of beta Cyphotilapia Frontosa Kapampa male in a "recovery tank". I separated him from the colony(our rarest and most expensive fish) and put him in "recovery tank" so that he can recover from his injuries caused by the alpha male who has a nasty habit of getting jealous and greedy in regard to females in the colony. We got most our colony when there was a more favorable condition to collect the species. Now, the species are rarely caught and imported. Kapampa are caught in Kapampa in Democratic Republic of Congo, plague by corruption(lots of military checkpoint) and fighting.

I will post more pics when I can find them.