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Aphotics Trades - H: Japanese Cards | Shining Collection: Meloetta EX's

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RE: Aphotics Trades - Lv. X|Primes|ex|Stars|Shining - Bring - Gengar and Machamp Prime

I don't know if I am willing to trade any of those for the Noctowl.
RE: Aphotics Trades - Lv. X|Primes|ex|Stars|Shining - Bring - Gengar and Machamp Prime

konter - Here are the 2 I have 1 2

Spyked - I value the Mews at max $15 a piece and the Charizard I'm trying to get at least 60 in trade value, might have to pass on it.

Torterra - Then I'll pass thanks.
RE: Aphotics Trades - Lv. X|Primes|ex|Stars|Shining - Bring - Gengar and Machamp Prime

I can do a champ for one. LMK also, is the crystal in the corner JPN?
RE: Aphotics Trades - Lv. X|Primes|ex|Stars|Shining - Bring - Gengar and Machamp Prime

Conditions aren't perfect but I apparently can't find one in mint condition haha. And yes the crystal is japanese.
RE: Aphotics Trades - Lv. X|Primes|ex|Stars|Shining - Bring - Gengar and Machamp Prime

on troll and toad the shining charizard is 60 and the mew primes are $18 each. i could toss in the machamp prime plus a lot of your undaunted wants if you could add in the shining alakazam.

or i could just add in money to even out the trade.
RE: Aphotics Trades - Lv. X|Primes|ex|Stars|Shining - Bring - Gengar and Machamp Prime

Machamp Prime
Magnezone Prime
Cards from Undaunted&Unleashed in RH

Leafeon X JP
Pikachu *
I don't know the current going rate for these cards.
If you want CML for more. I have unlisted cards.
RE: Aphotics Trades - Lv. X|Primes|ex|Stars|Shining - Bring - Gengar and Machamp Prime

Spyked - Could you swap the Machamp with the Gengar Prime? Let me get you an updated UD set when I get back from work tomorrow so we can hash out the details.

VidFox - I'm interested in your Machamp Prime, Magnezone Prime and Gengar Lv. X. I only have 2 Pikachu *'s and it looks like they both might be going out. Care to make an offer for the Leafeon Lv X?
RE: Aphotics Trades - Lv. X|Primes|ex|Stars|Shining - Bring - Gengar and Machamp Prime

hmm. possibly. i might even be able to do 3x mew prime, machamp prime, gengar prime, and some of your undaunted/other wants(depending on what i have) for the shining charizard, alakazam, and possibly the kyogre*/pikachu*. butt sounds good. pm me/lemme know whenever it is updated. i also have a Flygon X if you would like to work that in as well.
RE: Aphotics Trades - Lv. X|Primes|ex|Stars|Shining - Bring - Gengar and Machamp Prime

Could you CML for Blaziken FB X?
RE: Aphotics Trades - Lv. X|Primes|ex|Stars|Shining - Bring - Gengar and Machamp Prime

I was looking through my stuff and I found from your wants:

1x Politoed UL (RH)
1x Cherrim UL (RH)
1x Pokemon Circulator UL (RH)
1x Scizor UD (Holo)
1x Dodrio (RH)
1x Sableye UD (RH)
1x Skuntank UD (RH)
1x Beldum UD (RH)
1x Ratata UD (RH)

Are you intrested in any of it? If so, do you have any of my wants, and how much would you be willing to trade for all of it? Please LMK.:)
RE: Aphotics Trades - Lv. X|Primes|ex|Stars|Shining - Bring - Gengar and Machamp Prime

Spyked - This is the updated version of the cards I'm missing for UD

Undaunted Wants

1x Bellossom (RH)
1x Gliscor (RH)
1x Houndoom (RH)
1x Scizor (RH and Normal)
1x Togekiss (RH and Normal)
1x Umbreon (RH)
1x Dodrio (RH)
1x Drifblim (RH)
1x Hariyama (RH)
1x Leafeon (RH)
1x Rotom (RH)
1x Tropius (RH)
1x Vespiquen (RH)
1x Vileplume (RH)
1x Gloom (RH)
1x Jolteon (RH)
1x Lairon (RH)
1x Metang (RH)
1x Pinsir (RH)
2x Raichu (RH)
1x Sableye (RH)
1x Scyther 36/90 (RH)
1x Skuntank (RH)
1x Vaporeon (RH)
1x Aron (RH)
1x Beldum (RH)
1x Doduo (RH)
1x Drifloon (RH)
1x Grimer (RH)
1x Makuhita (RH)
1x Misdreavus (RH)
1x Murkrow 58/90 (RH)
2x Pikachu (RH)
1x Ratata (RH)
1x Slowpoke (RH)
1x Slugma (RH)
1x Sneasel (RH)
1x Togepi (RH)
1x Ruins of Alph (RH)
1x Team Rocket's Trickery (RH)
1x Special Metal (RH)

Grizzly - Nothing I'm really interested in.

Afro-G - What are you looking for?
RE: Aphotics Trades - Lv. X|Primes|ex|Stars|Shining - Bring - Gengar and Machamp Prime

All the things I'm intrested in:
1x Absol G Lv. X
1x Entei + Raikou Legend Bottom
1x Smeargle UD
Possibly a few smaller things

I also have a Togekiss UD (Holo). Feel free to CML if you want more stuff.:)
RE: Aphotics Trades - Lv. X|Primes|ex|Stars|Shining - Bring - Gengar and Machamp Prime

i have vileplume RH, a regular umbreon(you prob dont need), bellossom RH, metang RH, misdreavus RH. The only one actually worth anything is the vileplume RH. The rest i could do as throw ins.

i also have a decent amount of TR holos if you need.
RE: Aphotics Trades - Lv. X|Primes|ex|Stars|Shining - Bring - Gengar and Machamp Prime

Afro-G - Sorry there's not enough for me to trade.
Spyked - Let me know what you want to add main thing are the primes.
RE: Aphotics Trades - Lv. X|Primes|ex|Stars|Shining - Bring - Gengar and Machamp Prime

Magnezone Prime
RH Junk Arm

Shining Noctowl Damaged
RE: Aphotics Trades - Lv. X|Primes|ex|Stars|Shining - Bring - Gengar and Machamp Prime

No thanks.
RE: Aphotics Trades - Lv. X|Primes|ex|Stars|Shining - Bring - Gengar and Machamp Prime

You aren't willing to trade the primes I'm in need of so there's no point really.
RE: Aphotics Trades - Lv. X|Primes|ex|Stars|Shining - Bring - Gengar and Machamp Prime

How much do you value the Noctowl at?
RE: Aphotics Trades - Lv. X|Primes|ex|Stars|Shining - Bring - Gengar and Machamp Prime

welll from this last cities i now have: 4 mew prime 2 machamp prime 2 geng prime. plus the undaunted things. so how does:
Shining Charizard 1st Ed.
Alakazam*(not mint)

Mew Prime x3
Machamp Prime x1
Gengar Prime x1
Vileplume RH UD x1
Bellossom RH x1
Metang RH x1
Misdreavus RH x1

look good? lmk or counter. thanks! pm me to confirm if its good.
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