RE: Aphotics Trades - H: Lv. X|Primes|ex|Stars|Shining W: World Champ Mew ex's
prince of the sea manaphy
stricking back mewtwo
rockets raikou VS
pokepark pikachu
____' kyogre
lance's charizard
for my
base charizard
base blastiose
base venusaur
1st edition dark blastiose
base gyarados
rockets dark gyarados
base 2 mewtwo
fossil zapdos
or make an offer i also listed my unlisted cards in the PM i sent you so LMK
prince of the sea manaphy
stricking back mewtwo
rockets raikou VS
pokepark pikachu
____' kyogre
lance's charizard
for my
base charizard
base blastiose
base venusaur
1st edition dark blastiose
base gyarados
rockets dark gyarados
base 2 mewtwo
fossil zapdos
or make an offer i also listed my unlisted cards in the PM i sent you so LMK