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Aphotics Trades - H: Japanese Cards | Shining Collection: Meloetta EX's

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RE: Aphotics Trades - H: Japanese VS Series, Playables, Rare and Hard to Find. W:CoL SL's

from your Triumphant wants I have:
Aggron RH
Celebi RH
Victreebel RH
Nidoqueen RH
Magmortar RH
Luvdisc RH
Pidgeotto RH
Yanmega RH
Absol prime
and Tentacool RH

from Undaunted I have:
Vespiquen RH
Gloom RH
Beldum RH
Skuntank RH
Raichu RH

from Unleashed I have:
Octillery RH
Xatu RH
Fearow RH
Primeape RH
Tyranitar RH
Pupitar RH (body)
Larvitar RH (mountain eater)
Carnivine RH
Wartortle RH
Roselia RH
both Onix RH
Metang RH
Emcee's Chatter RH
Interviewer's Questions RH

my first edition holos are:
Dark Vileplume
Dark Machamp
Dark Magneton
Mr. Mime
Misty's Tentacruel

also, I have E3 stamped pikachu (in lightly played condition)
Jumbo pikachu (base)

HGSS Reverse Holos:

I like:
Donphan prime
Jirachi (UL)
RH Beldum (UL)
Pikachu *

let me know what we could work out.
RE: Aphotics Trades - H: Japanese VS Series, Playables, Rare and Hard to Find. W:CoL SL's

noob - Charizard is pending, I'm mainly interested in the black controller, kabutops crystal and the mat. Let me know what we can work out.

SMP - The Donphan has increased in value more than a few RH's can cover unless they're staples.

Afro - G - The Donphan has increased in value more than a few RH's can cover unless they're staples.

pokefreak - Got a picture? Are the edges and corners ok on the front and back?

Carlitos - I'm not too interested in forming a trade based on your RH's but please feel free to make an offer. You have quite a few.

Zephilim - Was that a serious offer...?
RE: Aphotics Trades - H: Japanese VS Series, Playables, Rare and Hard to Find. W:CoL SL's

What do you value the Noctowl at? Also, do you have any holo energies?
RE: Aphotics Trades - H: Japanese VS Series, Playables, Rare and Hard to Find. W:CoL SL's

I have these from you wants:
1x Solrock RH
1x Banette Norm
1x Electivire RH
1x Grumpig RH
1x Lunatone RH
1x Magmortar RH
1x Electabuzz RH
1x Machoke RH
1x Magby RH
1x Magmar RH
1x Bellsprout RH
1x Nidoran Male RH
1x Ponyta RH
1x Voltorb RH
1x Indigo Plateau RH

1x Gliscor (RH)
1x Hariyama (RH)
1x Gloom (RH)
1x Metang (RH)
1x Scyther 36/90 (RH)
1x Grimer (RH)
1x Togepi (RH)

1x Misdreavus (RH)
1x Engineer's Adjustments (RH)
1x Pokemon Circulator (RH)

Interested in gengar ex. anyway we can make a trade?

also do you mind if I use your mew card list? I've been trying to find a complete list of mew cards for a while now.

also do you need any col rh or bw rh? maybe i could expand on the trade a bit if you do.
RE: Aphotics Trades - H: Japanese VS Series, Playables, Rare and Hard to Find. W:CoL SL's

Don't have a picture, sorry. I could get one to you by the end of the day though. All edges and corners are mint, just those light scratches on the front are not.
RE: Aphotics Trades - H: Japanese VS Series, Playables, Rare and Hard to Find. W:CoL SL's

Aphotic said:
noob - Charizard is pending, I'm mainly interested in the black controller, kabutops crystal and the mat. Let me know what we can work out.

SMP - The Donphan has increased in value more than a few RH's can cover unless they're staples.

Afro - G - The Donphan has increased in value more than a few RH's can cover unless they're staples.

pokefreak - Got a picture? Are the edges and corners ok on the front and back?

Carlitos - I'm not too interested in forming a trade based on your RH's but please feel free to make an offer. You have quite a few.

Zephilim - Was that a serious offer...?

Donphan has decreased to around $18 according to most places. Mew has held steady at $15.
RE: Aphotics Trades - H: Japanese VS Series, Playables, Rare and Hard to Find. W:CoL SL's

well, could we start off with a Beldum RH UD for a Beldum RH UL and then go up from there?
RE: Aphotics Trades - H: Japanese VS Series, Playables, Rare and Hard to Find. W:CoL SL's

CML for:
Shining Noctowl
Shining Charizard
Gengar ex (My Biggest Want!)


RE: Aphotics Trades - H: Japanese VS Series, Playables, Rare and Hard to Find. W:CoL SL's

noob - Looking to get $15 for the Noctowl, and don't have any holo energies available right now.

mewyoshi - Sure feel free to use the list, I'm not sure if that's complete. If it's a purely RH trade it's going to have to be quite a few for the Gengar ex. I'm looking for CoL and BW cards as well.

pokefreak - Let me think about it a bit, if you have pictures that would help a lot.

SMP - Then I'll pass.

carlitosbob - Okay not sure if it's worth the stamp lol...

PokemonRulez101 - Nothing I'm really interested in sorry.
RE: Aphotics Trades - H: Japanese VS Series, Playables, Rare and Hard to Find. W:CoL SL's

where do you have the bw and col lists? i didn't see them on your first page.
RE: Aphotics Trades - H: Japanese VS Series, Playables, Rare and Hard to Find. W:CoL SL's

Aphotic said:
Afro - G - The Donphan has increased in value more than a few RH's can cover unless they're staples.
What wold you like me to add then? You could give me a list of what you're interested in besides Mew Prime and I could choose what I think is fair and shoot you an offer. Let me know, thanks.
RE: Aphotics Trades - H: Japanese VS Series, Playables, Rare and Hard to Find. W:CoL SL's

What can I say? I'm terrible at making offers. :p What do you value those JPN cards at so I can adjust the offer?
RE: Aphotics Trades - H: Japanese VS Series, Playables, Rare and Hard to Find. W:CoL SL's

that's why I said we would start @ a beldum 4 beldum. Or, if you are going to worlds, we can trade in person.
RE: Aphotics Trades - H: Japanese VS Series, Playables, Rare and Hard to Find. W:CoL SL's

wheres your list of col and bw wants?
RE: Aphotics Trades - H: Japanese VS Series, Playables, Rare and Hard to Find. W:CoL SL's

If you PM me your email I will send you the pics. Thanks.
RE: Aphotics Trades - H: Japanese VS Series, Playables, Rare and Hard to Find. W:CoL SL's

Would you do the Noctowl +something small to cover my extra shipping for the black controller?
RE: Aphotics Trades - H: Japanese VS Series, Playables, Rare and Hard to Find. W:CoL SL's

CML for xX Mint VS card(s) you can trade.
RE: Aphotics Trades - H: Japanese VS Series, Playables, Rare and Hard to Find. W:CoL SL's

mewyoshi - we haven't really made a list for col or bw, feel free to list whatever you have.

carlitos - most likely not going to worlds.

Afro-G - I'll get back to you next post.

Zeph - The difference is ridiculous.

Pokefreak - use photobucket

noob - honestly I would do it one on one but not sure if I'd want to add anything else.

Flaming - I'm interested in some of your RHs from BW and the Zekrom Promo. Also interested in your primes although most can only get you 1 VS card...if even.
RE: Aphotics Trades - H: Japanese VS Series, Playables, Rare and Hard to Find. W:CoL SL's

Photobucket isn't working on my laptop for some reason.
RE: Aphotics Trades - H: Japanese VS Series, Playables, Rare and Hard to Find. W:CoL SL's

Ok, I've got a Gengar Prime I could add. Did you see anything else on my list?
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