

If I remember correctly, all 493 pokemon are supposed to be released by DP5. I've been wondering how will Arceus be released...

Will there be 9 different Arceus cards - one for each type? Or will there be 8 plate tool cards to change its type? Or will its poke-power/body let it change on a whim?

What are your thoughts?
howelllawson said:
If I remember correctly, all 493 pokemon are supposed to be released by DP5. I've been wondering how will Arceus be released...

Will there be 9 different Arceus cards - one for each type? Or will there be 8 plate tool cards to change its type? Or will its poke-power/body let it change on a whim?

What are your thoughts?

That would make the most sense to me!
Arceus, like Shaymin, isn't officially revealed yet. Heck, OFFICIALLY we weren't supposed to know about Darkrai until a week or two ago.

So NO, THEY WILL NOT BE IN DP5. Wanna make a bet, anyone?
There is a very slim chance Shaymin will be in DP5, but not Arcues. Since DP5 is sort of based off the 11th Movie, (which is suppose to feature Shaymin) there's a slim chance it might appear, but I doubt it.

Anyway, I think it will either be a Tool card or Poke-power. 9 Arcues cards are too much.
Based on what has already been said::

There is a gap between DP4 and DP5...

There is a good chance that DP5 will be in May or June, and DP6 will be in August;

*Maybe a Galactic set? Gust a guess
There isn't going to be a DP6 in Japan, but there will be one in the US.

And, no, it's not going to be a Galactic Set. We got a ton of cards cut from DP4, so they are going to use those cards to make DP6.
Even if Arceus comes out, it's going to be the main focus on the set something like darkrai is to GE. And to your question arceus should be able to switch types or the come in 3 cards like deoxys. Changing with tools is unlikely.
Arceus would change types with Plates, that would just happen to be Tools. I bet my money on it.

Anyway. I don't think Arceus will be released in DP5...As for Shaymin...Probably not too. :p.
Maybe it will be like the jungle Porygon and have a conversion attack with every type though. However the Poke power/Poke body would work or the 16 plates for his change ability. How can he be in the roster when he and Darka have not been confirmed for sure yet anyway?:)
i think the most convincing thought would be with a poke body or poke power..
and concerning all pokemon being featured by DP5..i don't think that would be possible..
correct me if i am wrong or out of date...but what about heatran and giratina??
don't tell me they will stuff all the legends into DP5??
My idea is that there will be plate cards.. then arceus can change power as long as you have that plate in your hand..
He'll likely continue the trend of making Rainbow-friendly cards (i.e. Garchomp, Ho-oh, Kecleon, Spinda, etc.) and have a body that makes him the type of every basic energy attached to him at once.
Arceus will never change it's type with plates! Think about it. Are they really going to release 8 cards in a single set that can be only used on a single pokemon? Even one plate would be stupid if only one pokemon can use it. I don't think so. It would just be a waist of good cards slots where there could be some really much more usable trainers. Would you take the plates over cards like Bebe's, POV, Night Maintenance or other good draw power card or searching stuff. People would be so fed up with getting a plate in every booster and no Arceus to use them on (I imagine it would be a Holo Rare).
No. If it is released as a card, it will have a Poke-Power or Poke-Body, that will allow it change type. (Remember Kecleons and Ninetales MT? Why nor Arceus?) Or it will be plain normal type.

One good option is to release Arceus as a special promo card. As well as Sheymin could be. I could easily imagine Sheymin being released as a movie promo card.
If and when Arceus is released in the TCG, it will probably have a Poke-Power similar to Deoxys and Castform, i. e. it would enable you to search your deck for another Arceus and replace it with one on your field. This means thar there would have to be 8 Arceus cards, 1 for each type.