There is actually already a thread regarding this that is dead:
Queendom is a deck that uses Milotic, Pidgeot, and Nidoqueen. Nidoqueen sets up very quickly and does a lot of damage within a short period of time. It's combos aren't as elaborate as other archetypes, but it is strong. I'm convinced that the only reason it is an archetype is because it won Worlds. It just happened to have all the right conditions to put it ahead of other decks.
I generally don't like archetypes for several reasons. I try to come up with my own strategy, and it can take weeks or even months of playtesting. All an archetype player has to do is download a deck list and playtest it a little bit. No sense of creativity or originality; winning comes first. I don't mind people playing archetypes, but I highly respect the people that go out of their way to create an original deck.
The other problem with archetypes is regarding independent creations. When I saw some of the spoilers for EX: DS on here, I noticed δ Metagross and δ Dragonite worked exceptionally well together. By the time I had the cards necessary to build a deck, and I had already built the deck, Meta-Knight started seeing increasing popularity. Even though I built the deck myself and playtested it, I had the potential to be labeled an "archetype player", when that is not true. On top of that, I lost all the hard work I put into the deck because everybody now knows how it plays.
I've even seen an entire LBS deck for sale on eBay once. I found that really depressing...