
Do you think there should be an Archetype Section?

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Vegeta ss4

The Next World Champ!!!
Why is there no archetypes on this forum????
I think it would be majorly beneficial for other players that are new and it will make them better players.
Just a thought.....

Who is in favor of archetype section??
Yes/No/Dont Care
i simpley don't really Care. It could be better with, but it is totally unneeded
No ... because then we would have to argue about which decks are really archetypes and which ones are just good rogue decks or whatever.
I think we need an archetype forum. Even if a newer player looks at the Deck Garage, the deck's strategy might be obvious and people don't say the archetype's strategies often. Also, it could be beneficial to have an archetype forum because it would probably show more unteched lists giving people a better idea on the main frame of an archetype.
Well it really does not matter to me but vanderbilt is right it would just be kaos and we would all just fight if it really is or something
No way we can argue what would be considered "archetypes".
The Pokegym has it pretty much right on the hammer.
What is your definition? Tournament winning decks? Known types? For example, everybody knows the Mercury decktype, but it doesn't really win tourneys often. As such, is it an archetype or not? Same now for Destiny.
I would say any "name" deck that is common knowlegde could be considered an archtype. While Mercury might not be a big winner in tournaments, it's still a known deck strategy so I would consider it an archtype. Current archtypes that I can think of of the top of my head are Metanite, Flygon Ex d, Metalix (MSN), Raieggs, Bannette Ex, SallyGross, Flymence, Mercury, and maybe Destiny.
Darkwalker said:
I would say any "name" deck that is common knowlegde could be considered an archtype.  While Mercury might not be a big winner in tournaments, it's still a known deck strategy so I would consider it an archtype.  Current archtypes that I can think of of the top of my head are Metanite, Flygon Ex d, Metalix (MSN), Raieggs, Bannette Ex, SallyGross, Flymence, Mercury, and maybe Destiny.

Flygon EX δ varients=yes
Metalix=sort really isnt an archetype because not many people play it but we can on this site consider it one.
Raieggs=sadly it is but I hate the deck because it is sooooo bad. Why do people play it?
Boom and speed ban= yes and no...yes to boom and no to speed ban
Flymence= NO...what has it won???
Mercury=It was widly used but not anymore but it once was an Archetype so yes.
Destiny=NO....there are too many different vareints on this list...there is like 10 card differences between every destiny deck. It is a pretty good deck...very for this site I would say NO because it is a hard deck to play and there(no offense) are some noobs on this site that prolyl arent very good...seriously no may just be a young gun so TAKE NO OFFENSE!!!!!

Ither decks include...
Flaridos= BDIF(thats my opinion LOl)
Shiftry=IMO it isnt quit an Archetype deck because only a few good players have one with it but it is a fun deck to play and it is fairly easy to play.
There are more decks that could be considered Archetypes out right now but I just woke up so I can't think of them.
If you want an archetype section, and you already know Pokegym has what you're looking for, why don't you go there?

Lou Cypher said:
By that standard, we'd have things like "Venusaur CG" as archetypes.
Holy Star said:
If you want an archetype section, and you already know Pokegym has what you're looking for, why don't you go there?
Tons of people that are on this site arent on the other site Bela. It would be very beneficial for MANY players on this site.
At any rate, after some discussion with the other moderators, it was decided to not create such a section. This is simply to prevent people from netdecking archetypes and not putting any thought into building a deck. (Not to say people couldn't write something if they wished; I'm not saying you can't write an article on an archetype.)

And yes, it's rather silly to stamp out netdecking on a forum that is dwarfed by another forum that has such a section.
Holy Star said:
At any rate, after some discussion with the other moderators, it was decided to not create such a section.  This is simply to prevent people from netdecking archetypes and not putting any thought into building a deck.  (Not to say people couldn't write something if they wished; I'm not saying you can't write an article on an archetype.)

And yes, it's rather silly to stamp out netdecking on a forum that is dwarfed by another forum that has such a section.

I dont quite understand why we can't have Archetype section. I understand what you are saying to an extent but Pokegym which seems to be a better site at this point with much more popularity and better deck help and the archetype section. It pros out way the cons if we were to have an archetype section. Say you have a new player come here and they arent good at making decks...Are we to say that you should have no advantage and you should have no help to make a deck? Netdecking is somethign that always happens...Not a single person can say that they havent netdecked. After time the new players will begin to learn the point of view from other great deck builders and the newbie would be able to become a good player. I know I am ranting here and I am known for ranting but I am befounded as to why you have rejected it. To me it is a bit ignorant and pretty much a person reason IMO. I think that you should really reconsider your "decision" because I think the decision you have chosen is 100% wrong.
I doubt you gained any info from my ranting post but hopefully you understand what I am saying to an extent.

also...I have stated this before...The "pros" OUTWAY the "cons"...