Are These Cards Real or Fake?

RE: [split] Card Errors Database - Provide a Picture When Reporting Errors - No Misprints

Duvall said:
so...i believe i have a misprint that has never before been seen....i could be wrong, but i cannot find anyone else with the same misprint
Okay.... What well what is it
RE: Are These Cards Real or Fake?

Duvall said:
so...i believe i have a misprint that has never before been seen....i could be wrong, but i cannot find anyone else with the same misprint

Post pics always need pics here
RE: Are These Cards Real or Fake?

I was checking the Shaymin card I bought a few weeks ago and noticed something odd. The yellow border on the left side of the card is noticeably thinner than it is on the right side. The blue border on the backside also seems very slightly darker than my other cards. Is it possible for an official card to get misprinted like this, or would this be a clear sign of a fake card? Also, in the case of it being a fake, what's the point of faking a cheap, low-in-demand card? I'd think they spend more on the ink and paper than what they're making from selling it.

I'm sorry for the low quality picture, this is the best I could make:
RE: Are These Cards Real or Fake?

Milennin said:
I was checking the Shaymin card I bought a few weeks ago and noticed something odd. The yellow border on the left side of the card is noticeably thinner than it is on the right side. Is it possible for an official card to get misprinted like this, or would this be a clear sign of a fake card? Also, in the case of it being a fake, what's the point of faking a cheap, low-in-demand card? I'd think they spend more on the ink and paper than what they're making from selling it.

I'm sorry for the low quality picture, this is the best I could make:

Its not fake, it is just off center, its pretty common. If the card is very thin, then it is fake.
RE: Are These Cards Real or Fake?

That is a miscut. It happens quite often. I pulled 12 from a box that have the edge of the next card on them. Some people say all miscuts have added value. They are so common in my opinion only extreme miscuts should have any added value.
RE: Are These Cards Real or Fake?

Thanks, guys. I was watching some videos about fake cards just earlier and that made me paranoid about my cards, lol. But glad it probably is a real card then. :D And no, it's not thin at all, it feels like any of my other cards.
RE: Are These Cards Real or Fake?

I can't post pics at the moment, but I have a Ralts card that says it's from the EX Sandstorm set. However, the year says 2004, when the ones I've seen in scans say 2003. Also, it doesn't have the E dot code border thing. It actually looks more like the 2006 Dragon Frontiers reprint. I compared it to another EX series card I have and I can't spit anything physically fake about it. The colors are all correct on the back, the material of the cards matches up, even the text on the card is matching. If it is indeed a fake, they did a ridiculously good job on it
RE: Are These Cards Real or Fake?

Look at the number on your Ralts. If it's 60/101 then it is indeed from Dragon Frontiers where there happens to be a reprint of the Sandstorm version. If it's any other number then it's fake.
RE: Are These Cards Real or Fake?

Pikachu6319 said:
Look at the number on your Ralts. If it's 60/101 then it is indeed from Dragon Frontiers where there happens to be a reprint of the Sandstorm version. If it's any other number then it's fake.

RE: Are These Cards Real or Fake?

Slowbro Master said:
I can't post pics at the moment, but I have a Ralts card that says it's from the EX Sandstorm set. However, the year says 2004, when the ones I've seen in scans say 2003. Also, it doesn't have the E dot code border thing. It actually looks more like the 2006 Dragon Frontiers reprint. I compared it to another EX series card I have and I can't spit anything physically fake about it. The colors are all correct on the back, the material of the cards matches up, even the text on the card is matching. If it is indeed a fake, they did a ridiculously good job on it

Could be from:

EX Battle Stadium or EX Master Trainer Decks :)
RE: Are These Cards Real or Fake?

IIRC the Battle Stadium cards were just taken from Ruby/Sapphire and Sandstorm sets.

I don't remember the Master Trainer decks enough to say where they would come from, but weren't those basically just the basic version of the Battle Stadium Cards?
RE: Are These Cards Real or Fake?

Pikachu6319 said:
IIRC the Battle Stadium cards were just taken from Ruby/Sapphire and Sandstorm sets.

I don't remember the Master Trainer decks enough to say where they would come from, but weren't those basically just the basic version of the Battle Stadium Cards?

Yes they were but both products had cards with no dot code on it
RE: Are These Cards Real or Fake?

Do you have a pics of the cards so we can see if they have a possible error or if they are real or if they are fake? Thanks XD.:)
RE: Are These Cards Real or Fake?

I think it's one from what a poster above me said, out of some EX battle deck. I saw a few of the same ones on ebay
RE: Are These Cards Real or Fake?

Hey guys! This is my first post here, so if it's in the wrong spot please let me know! I made a post on and was told that the Alakazam card I have may be part of an extremely rare test print pre-1998. I was told to post my card & some info about it here in hopes that we all can learn more about my card, and if it's real / what it's worth!

Link to post on reddit:

Direct link to pictures of my Alakazam:

And a couple links with what it may be a part of:!
RE: Are These Cards Real or Fake?

mattman23 said:
Hey guys! This is my first post here, so if it's in the wrong spot please let me know! I made a post on and was told that the Alakazam card I have may be part of an extremely rare test print pre-1998. I was told to post my card & some info about it here in hopes that we all can learn more about my card, and if it's real / what it's worth!

Link to post on reddit:

Direct link to pictures of my Alakazam:

And a couple links with what it may be a part of:!
If that's real you are extremely lucky. Okay, so to check if it is real
Do you remember where and when you got it?

Compare the back of the card to a real card, make sure the color shading is the same

Okay, this next test is very hard, but it is by far the most reliable. Look at the side of the card. Not the sides of the front and back, but the edge. On all real cards, there is a very thin black line between the white edges of the card. If that black line is there, this card is undoubtedly real. If the line isn't there, it doesn't necessarily mean that the card is fake. I'm not sure if these pre-production cards had the line.
RE: Are These Cards Real or Fake?

If that's real you are extremely lucky. Okay, so to check if it is real
Do you remember where and when you got it?
-I know I got it either as a gift or traded for it 10+ years ago. I'm from MN, so it would have come into my hands in the Mpls, St. Paul area.

Compare the back of the card to a real card, make sure the color shading is the same
-The left is the Alakazam, the right is my Mewtwo (as pictured in my post above)

Okay, this next test is very hard, but it is by far the most reliable. Look at the side of the card. Not the sides of the front and back, but the edge. On all real cards, there is a very thin black line between the white edges of the card. If that black line is there, this card is undoubtedly real. If the line isn't there, it doesn't necessarily mean that the card is fake. I'm not sure if these pre-production cards had the line.
-From what I can see with this card, I do see a line, but it's not as define as my other cards. So I'm not sure if that's just a color-difference line I'm seeing or if it's the black line you're speaking of
Wartortle Marked 1st Edition with a Fossil Stamp?

Ok, hoping this sort of post is allowed as my first one!
Long story short, I found all my pokemon cards I had as a kid that I haven't seen in about 7 or so years!
I've already set up to sell them all off to a freind bar this one card that I'm poting this topic about before I flog it! (As I don't actually play Pokemon and the only thing that interests me about it is the artwork on the cards)

All of the cards I have I've been able to look up and find exact matches, rough values, pictures that match etc.But this one card I can't seem to find anywhere. No image matches it exactly, I'm 99% sure it's not a fake, and it's not in the most amazing condition, but regardless.. it's still a bit strange to me and I need some help forom the gurus to tell me what's up with it :p

So, enough of me blabbering, the card is a Wartortle, but it's marked with the 1st edition stamp (nothing new) but also with the fossil symbol (getting a bit more odd now)
I can't seem to find record of a fossil Wartortle at all. 1st edition with the same picture, no biggie, but not with the fossil icon!

Here's a picture of the card anyhow, hopefully you guys might be able to tell me if I've found something interesting from my childhood or wether it's just such an un-important card that it's not even been photo'd/scanned before! Haha.

RE: Need some clarification on a card! HALP!

The card, including numbering, points to it being a Base Set Wartortle (the same card was also reprinted in Base Set 2, though it's 63/130 in that set). It's hard to write it off as an error since Fossil was released after Base Set, but then, there were a lot of errors back in the WotC printing days. If it's fake, it's a well-made fake; the only thing that really stands out to me aside from the obvious set symbol error is the 1st Edition symbol placement which seems too far right and up (the Fossil symbol itself also seems too close to the border of the card).

Looking at it more, it's also weird how the 1st Edition symbol is faded so much more than the rest of the black text. If I were to guess, I'd almost think that someone took a Base Set Wartortle and added the 1st Edition and Fossil symbols later. After all, it's certainly not a 1st Edition Base Set card with the shadowing, etc. There have been instances of people adding 1st Edition stamps to non-first-edition cards in hopes of making them worth more, though I don't think I've heard of anyone adding a set symbol.