So I am feeling lazy as it's late on a Saturday night... Well not late, but still.. I apologize if I state what others have already.
Here is how I view the situation- Do I think Alien life exists? I think it's possible. Do I think alien life has ever existed? I think it's extremely likely.
Here is why... The universe is estimated at around 15 billion years old, now in that time so much could have and did happen, let's not forget that in the past few million years alone on earth, there has been mass extinctions. Earth has come close to complete destruction before and one must assume that other planets have gone through these same incidents.
The fact is the existence of mankind plotted onto a scale of how old the universe is, is TINY and the time we have been technologically advanced is a speck in time. So to put it into perspective it's like taking a bundle of hay and throwing a needle in, looking for 2 minutes and then trying to deduct a conclusion on whether or not there is a needle in it. We have only just started looking in a huge bundle of hay.
I am almost certain there have been alien species on planets which existed and then died out, quite a few times too- before we began looking- even before we were making fires.
Now you also have to take into account the size of space, it's unbelievably huge and there is SO much we haven't even seen yet, and by the time we do find them another race could have probably existed and died already- let's remember that time is relative and other planets don't have the same existence of time as earth does.
To keep it simple I attached a graph I made of the chances of interaction between aliens and humans alone, nevermind the 1/10000000000 shot of actually looking in the right place. (Those lines of alien existence are generous too).
And when I say alien I don't mean green men with brains in helmets, I mean any life. As that's the definition.