Art of the Week #2: Results: congrats to Silver_Cyh and Nekoban Ryo!

RE: Art of the Week #2: Submissions open until July 6th!

Nope, you still have 6 days to get everything in. I added you to the list, Chillarmy!
RE: Art of the Week #2: Submissions open until July 6th!

My first 2 entries.. Was premade a long time ago since I can't use Photoshop because my computer is too slow and hangs when I use PS..

If I can get my PS to work w/o having my laptop freezing by the deadline then I will edit this post with another entry...

RE: Art of the Week #2: Submissions open until July 6th!

Oh, hey, wait, can I do this too?
If so, Imma put this.
Did it lassnite
RE: Art of the Week #2: Submissions open until July 6th!

^ Saw it and don't really get it.. lol..
RE: Art of the Week #2: Submissions open until July 6th!

Nothing to get, just some shapes.
Art is for lookin' neat, amirite?
RE: Art of the Week #2: Submissions open until July 6th!

My entry
started with this card pack: click
extended the wings and got rid of the logo for this wallpaper:


Full version: click (1024 x 768)
RE: Art of the Week #2: Submissions open until July 6th!

Please can I enter, CMP?

XieRH said:
My sister thinks the shadow ball looks like sperms trying to fertilise an egg >_>
Your art always has some inappropriate meaning, like the Thundurus and Altaria LEGEND. Great anyway, though.
Nekoban Ryo said:
Eh, why not? I guess I'll submit my new PokeBall pic:
It's you! I've seen you on deviantART and didn't realise it was you. :D Hi there!
RE: Art of the Week #2: Submissions open until July 6th!

Of course you can, P0KEVORTEX! I'll add you to the list.
RE: Art of the Week #2: Submissions open until July 6th!

Here is one:


it has nothing to do with Pokemon. Then again, most of my art doesn't XD

I will try with my third entry to do something "Pokemon related". Might be a trainer since I am not that great at drawing Pokemon from scratch.
RE: Art of the Week #2: Submissions open until July 6th!

I might as well use this (it doesn't have to be brand new, does it?)
RE: Art of the Week #2: Submissions open until July 6th!

I might as well use this (it doesn't have to be brand new, does it?)

No, it doesn't. I used old stuff in the last contest myself. So your fine ^^
RE: Art of the Week #2: Submissions open until July 6th!

Thanks! Did you notice the hidden watermark?
RE: Art of the Week #2: Submissions open until July 6th!

SuperSleuth, that is really impressive. I'm jellin' pretty hard on all of errybody's art right now.
RE: Art of the Week #2: Submissions open until July 6th!

Next drawing:


next is a Pokemon drawing :3
RE: Art of the Week #2: Submissions open until July 6th!

Thanks! Did you notice the hidden watermark?

It's not hidden, it's just 1% brighter than the background. Also a watermark is supposed to cover the pic, not sit in some obscure corner where any one can erase it in 2 seconds flat in MS paint.
RE: Art of the Week #2: Submissions open until July 6th!

Here is my third entry in the works:

RE: Art of the Week #2: Submissions open until July 6th!

I'll be entering either a new Fakemon or a Spray Painting in this. Be prepared guys!
RE: Art of the Week #2: Submissions open until July 6th!

XieRH said:
Thanks! Did you notice the hidden watermark?

It's not hidden, it's just 1% brighter than the background. Also a watermark is supposed to cover the pic, not sit in some obscure corner where any one can erase it in 2 seconds flat in MS paint.

Well, I think that some people won't notice it. Also, since I'm letting bacon use it for a new signature idea, I don't want it covering everything, just a suttle way to add my name and still make it look ok.
RE: Art of the Week #2: Submissions open until July 6th!

Yakkov said:
Here is my third entry in the works:


Invisiblity cap makes hair underneath it invisibles also !

Well, I think that some people won't notice it. Also, since I'm letting bacon use it for a new signature idea, I don't want it covering everything, just a suttle way to add my name and still make it look ok.

Well that'd depend on whether or not you want it to be noticeable.
RE: Art of the Week #2: Submissions open until July 6th!

I want it notable if you're looking for it, but invisible at first glance.