Art of the Week #2: Results: congrats to Silver_Cyh and Nekoban Ryo!

RE: Art of the Week #2: Voting open until July 10th!

I agree with the new rules too.
RE: Art of the Week #2: Voting open until July 10th!

Twenty minutes in EST until July 10th. Hurry up and vote, everyone!
RE: Art of the Week #2: Voting open until July 10th!

22 and 13 please :p

Lol, I got my vote in 9 minutes beforehand :eek:
RE: Art of the Week #2: Voting open until July 10th!

#11 and #22. Great work guys.

EDIT: Drat. I'm late. If my votes don't count, then #11 and guys owned.
RE: Art of the Week #2: Voting open until July 10th!

Congrats to everyone! Here are the final tallies...

1. 3
3. 1
6. 1
8. 1
9. 2
11. 8
12. 2
13. 2
15. 2
17. 2
18. 2
20. 1
22. 8
23. 2
24. 1
25. 1
26. 2

Great job to everyone who participated! All of the entries were awesome and proved what talent we have here on the Beach!

Congratulations Silver_Cyh on a fantastic job, winning an honorable mention with the following entry:
Awesome job, Silver_Cyh!

We do have a tie (which would stay whether or not I'd count EspeonROX's votes :p) for first place, however. Now, my question is, before we announce a winner, is if you'd guys would like a tiebreaker -- or would everyone rather declare two people the winner?
RE: Art of the Week #2: Results!

What about sudden death? They each have a certain amount of time to draw a specific thing from scratch and we vote for the winner.
RE: Art of the Week #2: Results!

I say declare them both the winners. That's just my opinion though.
RE: Art of the Week #2: Results!

aww~ thanks. :'D It's my first contest, and I don't really have confident in my work... D:. So it's quite stunning for me...

Please feature Nekoban Ryo's art too. That work has the same vote count too~ :3

*and I thought 11 is the Serperior? =3 *
RE: Art of the Week #2: Results!

It is. I think that Flygon got 3rd or something and the others will be mentioned soon.
RE: Art of the Week #2: Results!

count me in as well!!^^

Oh shucks i am way....... toooooooooo late!!!
RE: Art of the Week #2: Results!

Thanks for the votes, guys! I personally think entry #11 looks better and probably took more effort.

I suppose since the deadline is up, it's only fair that we both be declared winners, but whatever you have in mind is fine with me. :)
RE: Art of the Week #2: Results!

11 doesn't show up for me, and so far I like 6 & 22. I wanted to vote on this but came back late from Nats.
RE: Art of the Week #2: Results!

Well, in light of a tiebreaker, I think it's fair to declare both Silver_Cyh and Nekoban Ryo the winners! Congratulations, guys -- you both deserve the win!

Silver_Cyh's entry...

Nekoban Ryo's entry...

Once again, thanks to everyone for participating! All of the entries were of great quality, and I hope to see you all enter future AotW as well.

Now, I'd like everyone's feedback on what they'd like to see in future AotW. I think it's a given that in the future, each participant only gets one entry. Let me know anything else you think would improve the competition, including future themes, length of the competition, etc.

I say we do human characters for the next theme. Maybe we could design Pokemon trainers?
Yakkov said:
I say we do human characters for the next theme. Maybe we could design Pokemon trainers?


I can't draw people to save my life everyone's lives. :(

I don't think there should be a theme, I just think anyone should be able to enter anything. It would be more fun that way, IMO, and more people would enter.
I'm also very bad at humans. I'm okay at the basic form, but I can't draw detail in clothing to save my life :\

Also, 1 entry per person :3

Oh right, congrtaz to the winners!