Artisan Cave's Shop of Smeargles

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I can put an outline around the saphire if you like. It might be more see-able. Here: Shield Badge v2

If there is any problem at all feel free to tell me.
Thanks SZ, I liked that border myself. I was pretty happy with all those banners actualy :D.

Dr Ooler: Your requests are done. We don't mind you requesting more if you ever need anything else.





EDIT: Monferno, finished your request as well.


Meh. I didn't cut 'em myself (athough I probably could rival that quality if I wanted to). Got 'em off, it's a pretty cool place.
Tobi_Akatsuki's_Idiot said:
Shadow Spinda where art thou???

:'( c'mon i need Raptinge...plz ASAP...
I you must just PM him. If he doesn't want to though he doesn't have to.
Aqua Smeargle said:
Uh, monferno..? You've got credit to SZ in your sig. I (the one who took your request) am Aqua Smeargle.

Oh..Sorry! I saw SZ post it and I though he made it.:p I'll change it!
Hi, I know in your first post it doesn't include any badges, but I know that SZ can do badges. Would any of you (if none, than SZ) please do a set of badges for me? (Take your time. I prefer work taken slow, its better that way)

Stream badge: A teel blue color with a green emerald in the center. It has three horn's at the top of it.

Earthquake Badge: A brown badge with a crack diagonally through it.

Rapid Badge: A white badge with feathers across it, and wings on its sides.

Telepathy Badge: A dark purple badge that shimmers in many places, with a red ruby in the center.

Murky Badge: A pitch black badge with horn's at the top.

Meadow Badge: A bright green badge with small flower's of pink, white, and red on it.

Battery Badge: A black badge with yellow lines at the top and bottem, with white lines going through the sides.

Common Badge: A plain, white badge with a brown topaz in the center.

Sorry if this is to much... Pm me with them one at a time, please (or all of them at once. Whichever is easier). Thanks a bunch!
Aqua Smeargle said:
Welcomkanna, here's your requests:







Dr Ooler, yours will be coming soon.

They're Cool !! Thanks !!

Anyway, can you make me an Bellossom Sig (same there, above ^) without Texts and make it a little bit smaller....
kawaii_Mew, I'll add you ASAP. If you have a Watermark please provide a link to it. If not I suggest you get one. Written credit is not nessecarily required, and unless you mark it I can't guarantee you'll get credit.

ssb4ever, if you want you can take some of the badge requests. I will be attempting them from top to bottom, so if you start from bottom to top we can finish them quicker.

Anyway, taking badge request, top to bottom. I will post them 1 at a time and PM you when they are done.

Edit, First 2 are done. I'll just save it up until they are all done, and keep you posted by number:
Yes. A little symbol placed on the work used as built in credit for the work. Thus making written credit unnecissary. Click on the link in eah workers name for an example. You can make one like AS, or use one like ...anyone else. You can also modify it to make it more personalized, like mine.
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