Artistic Inquiries Thread - Ask Anything Related to Art!

RE: Art Questions Thread

XieRH said:
Erm... this is really more of a place to ask for technical questions pertaining to art, not so much critique on other people's art.

MylesPrower said:
Ask any art-related questions here.

6-Dimension said:
I asked this on the old thread, where can you find high quality Sugimori art?

Erm... Gomen nasai, mod! I wasn't critiquing the OFFICIAL ART, I was more asking an art related question as to why they are both pointing down in case there was a real reason anybody knew. Gomen nasai! Gomen nasai! I tried to search for an appropriate thread for light, artwork related discussion. Could you tell me where something like that belongs? Sumimasen!
RE: Art Questions Thread

BlueBeach said:
I was more asking an art related question as to why they are both pointing down in case there was a real reason anybody knew.

It's a trivial issue IMO. I doubt you'd ever get an answer out of this one.
RE: Art Questions Thread

How do you make some bits darker and brighter for example on bulbasaur:

And how they have done circles of shadow going from dark to light here near the wings :
(Know this is fake btw it was just a good example)
Notice how he is greener on some parts than on others? And brighter on some parts than others? What program is best for this and how do you do it?
RE: Art Questions Thread

reshiramdude -- Xous actually made a great Sugimori-style art guide which can be found here. Both Jasc Paint Shop Pro and Adobe Photoshop are good choices, and the technique involved is essentially the same. PSP is free (to the best of my knowledge), while PS costs money.
RE: Art Questions Thread

CMP said:
reshiramdude -- Xous actually made a great Sugimori-style art guide which can be found here. Both Jasc Paint Shop Pro and Adobe Photoshop are good choices, and the technique involved is essentially the same. PSP is free (to the best of my knowledge), while PS costs money.

Thank you very much!!!
RE: Art Questions Thread

If you are having trouble finding those programs for free, try searching for GIMP. It is free and is a similar program to those. The tutorial wont work exactly the same, but its not too different and you can basically achieve the same result.
RE: Art Questions Thread

safariblade said:
If you are having trouble finding those programs for free, try searching for GIMP. It is free and is a similar program to those. The tutorial wont work exactly the same, but its not too different and you can basically achieve the same result.

This was very helpful too. Thank you very much guys!!
RE: Art Questions Thread

No problem at all. Post here of you have any more questions. Feel free to PM me also of you need anything.
Good luck with your art. :]
RE: Art Questions Thread

How do you make an avatar so that the background is transparent will show transparency and not whiteness when it's saved.

Do you just save it as a PNG with a transparent background? Because that didn't seem to work for me.
RE: Art Questions Thread

Nengeni said:
How do you make an avatar so that the background is transparent will show transparency and not whiteness when it's saved.

Do you just save it as a PNG with a transparent background? Because that didn't seem to work for me.

It depends on the program you're using. What are you using?

If the program can handle transparent backgrounds, then saving as a .png should work.
RE: Art Questions Thread

CMP said:
reshiramdude -- Xous actually made a great Sugimori-style art guide which can be found here. Both Jasc Paint Shop Pro and Adobe Photoshop are good choices, and the technique involved is essentially the same. PSP is free (to the best of my knowledge), while PS costs money.
PSP is not free. (I'm a PSP Pro X owner/user. At least that isn't free.)
RE: Art Questions Thread

You could always use GIMP2.0, which is essentially like a free version of photoshop.

Edit: Got the transparent background to work, thanks.
RE: Art Questions Thread

Is there an art program like Paint Tool SAI
I've been using Photoshop Elements 5 (it's the only program circulating around the family for my purposes I could get ahold of) and I've tried GIMP, which was an annoyance...
The only one that seemed to click with me was Paint Tool SAI, but my free trial ended, so is there one that's like SAI or something that's simpler than GIMP and PS? I've tried MS Paint too, but the lack of layers bothers me.
RE: Art Questions Thread

Regarding transparency, I use GIMP. PNG and GIF are the main image formats that people use for transparency. GIF is smaller in filesize but is limited to 256 colors and can't do partial transparency.

What do you have trouble on with GIMP? It took me a while to learn it, and I don't think I'm close to understanding it all, but it suits my purposes. (I've never used Paint Tool SAI, so I can't help you on finding a program similar to that.)
RE: Art Questions Thread

I'm not 100% sure if this is the right place to ask but can any one recommend a decent tablet which isn't too expensive? And what's the price range of tablets?
RE: Art Questions Thread

Wacom Bamboo Pen is good and pretty cheap. I got mine used for ~32€. I recommend looking out for hardly-used tablets on auction sites.
RE: Art Questions Thread

I know this question is a bit similar to one recently answered, but how do I use transparent backgrounds on GIMP/Paintbrush for Macs?
RE: Art Questions Thread

Regarding my question about art programs, i got that resolved so yeah.
As for tablets, I have the Wacom Bamboo Pen, which was around 78 USD, I don't know jack about other currency but i'm pretty sure you can get any kind of Wacom tablet for cheaper if you look around a bit. Wacom imo is the best brand for drawing tablets, so give them a try. There are a few stand-alone brands of tablets that are cheap and still pretty good so I'd look out for some of those too.