DPPt/HGSS Arzamo's (formerly articuno1508's) "My Player" Thread - Gone to Smogon :/

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RE: articuno1508's "My Player" Thread - I Love Natures and IV's

Seems a bit unfair to me...How about for a Jolly Dragonite (any level, just not hacked)? I'm gonna use it as my HM slave #1 :p. Bibarel will be #2.
RE: articuno1508's "My Player" Thread - I Love Natures and IV's

Hmm.. The Dragonite... Ok... I'll breed one until I get a Jolly and make it into a Dragonite...
RE: articuno1508's "My Player" Thread - I Love Natures and IV's

I've got:
Seedot, Mawile, Solrock, Lotad, Pineco, Gligar, Caterpie, Ekans, Growlithe, Weedle, Sandshrew & Vulpix
All I've got to do is to breed them.
RE: articuno1508's "My Player" Thread - I Love Natures and IV's

Borocay: OK, just PM me when you're done.
LV: Seems the only thing I have in your Wants list is the Celebi... Anything else I can trade for them? Oh, I need to update after DROPB's trade. Don't need Lotad, Gligar, or Vulpix any more.
RE: articuno1508's "My Player" Thread - I Love Natures and IV's

I want an EV trained Pokemon, and it seems like you have some pretty good Pokémon. Do you still need Lugia? If you do, I have one. If you dont, I have evey other legendary except Ho-Oh and Manaphy and the Sinnoh ones not out yet. Maybe we can get a trade together.
RE: articuno1508's "My Player" Thread - I Love Natures and IV's

Only if they have good natures and atleast above-average IVs. You DO know about IVs, don't you?
RE: articuno1508's "My Player" Thread - I Love Natures and IV's

No I dont. Im a Poken00b -_-. Sorry.
RE: articuno1508's "My Player" Thread - I Love Natures and IV's

Lol...I have a question.. Do you really need it to be Jolly when you're just gonna make it a HM Slave? LOL..Just a queston
RE: articuno1508's "My Player" Thread - I Love Natures and IV's

Well...yeah, I'm a perfectionist :p. I don't raise any Pokemon that doesn't have a good nature and preferably, good IV's, too.
RE: articuno1508's "My Player" Thread - I Love Natures and IV's

So you mean you need the Dragonite to have Good IV's too????
RE: articuno1508's "My Player" Thread - I Love Natures and IV's

Nah, it's not necessary on an HM slave :p. If you can, do best out of 5 Jollies. Hey, Borocay, you ready yet?
RE: articuno1508's "My Player" Thread - I Love Natures and IV's

jirachi for any pokes in my player thread except the shiny luxio
RE: articuno1508's "My Player" Thread - I Love Natures and IV's

Anything with a good nature? List them, as well as IV's if you know them.
RE: articuno1508's "My Player" Thread - I Love Natures and IV's

Hey, can we trade tomorrow? I already have the Chansey you're looking for, but I have to transfer the Kyogre.
RE: articuno1508's "My Player" Thread - I Love Natures and IV's

well, naughty nature salamence
RE: articuno1508's "My Player" Thread - I Love Natures and IV's

delta_storm: Sweet. PM me when we are both on.

Ho-oh: I'd rather have a good-natured legend or a good-natured XD Pokemon in my Wants list.
RE: articuno1508's "My Player" Thread - I Love Natures and IV's

what if for a nice Sp.attack IV Kyogre
RE: articuno1508's "My Player" Thread - I Love Natures and IV's

No, I'm getting one already tomorrow. It is Naive and has good IV's all around.
RE: articuno1508's "My Player" Thread - I Love Natures and IV's

Wath do you want for a Skorupi?
RE: articuno1508's "My Player" Thread - I Love Natures and IV's

M-quaza: Shuckle. Trade now? I'll breed it.
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