DPPt/HGSS Arzamo's (formerly articuno1508's) "My Player" Thread - Gone to Smogon :/

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RE: articuno1508's "My Player" Thread - WITH GOOD IV'D DITTOS (Including all Trick Room natures)!!!

I hate Lv100's. They leave me no opportunity to EV train.

I just want TM's 64 and 71, Explosion and Stone Edge.
RE: articuno1508's "My Player" Thread - WITH GOOD IV'D DITTOS (Including all Trick Room natures)!!!

I have them both.
RE: articuno1508's "My Player" Thread - WITH GOOD IV'D DITTOS (Including all Trick Ro

articuno1508 said:
Amre92: How about Shuckle, Teddiursa, Growlithe, and Kangaskhan with Choice Band and TM04 for a few Jirachi clones? PM me to trade.

no problem, all of them for jirachi( the lv.5 one, if you can).
but you need to wait till I get diamond:shy:...

by the way, i'm still new to the forums, how can i post a link to my player thread???
RE: articuno1508's "My Player" Thread - WITH GOOD IV'D DITTOS (Including all Trick Room natures)!!!

:F I can't really wait that long. I'll try to get the items from someone else, but I still want the Pokemon.
RE: articuno1508's "My Player" Thread - WITH GOOD IV'D DITTOS (Including all Trick Room natures)!!!

well no problem
Hey, you can tell me what nature you want the legendary birds to be, and I'll try to find them..
RE: articuno1508's "My Player" Thread - WITH GOOD IV'D DITTOS (Including all Trick Room natures)!!!

Timid/Modest/Calm/Bold for all of them. Also, put their stats into this IV calculator, and if atleast four of the six stats come up as >20, that would be nice.

On a side note, your sig seems to be blinky and annoys my eyes...
RE: articuno1508's "My Player" Thread - WITH GOOD IV'D DITTOS (Including all Trick Room natures)!!!

would you trade your lv 100 Garchomp for my shiny eevee? and you said something like if you can trdae it affterwords and you can trade it afterwords
RE: articuno1508's "My Player" Thread - WITH GOOD IV'D DITTOS (Including all Trick Room natures)!!!

what do you want for your lv.5 jirachi?
RE: articuno1508's "My Player" Thread - WITH GOOD IV'D DITTOS (Including all Trick Room natures)!!!

riolu_ranger: OK. Let's trade after I clone.

ash ketchup: You don't have an offer. READ MY RULES.

EDIT: riolu, do you care if it has nick?
RE: articuno1508's "My Player" Thread - WITH GOOD IV'D DITTOS (Including all Trick Room natures)!!!

ok i am ready
RE: articuno1508's "My Player" Thread - WITH GOOD IV'D DITTOS (Including all Trick Room natures)!!!

Hey Arti, got an Adamant Croagunk/Toxicroak, and if you do give it a muscle band and teach it brick break would ya, plz????

I'll trade y somethin of they same value,k?
RE: articuno1508's "My Player" Thread - WITH GOOD IV'D DITTOS (Including all Trick Room natures)!!!

I don't understand your request... Do you want me to give it an item and a TM, then trade it back to you?
RE: articuno1508's "My Player" Thread - WITH GOOD IV'D DITTOS (Including all Trick Ro

I have coloured flutes and some of your wants, check my trading thread.

I will trade any of my haves for the Jolly Garchomp!
RE: articuno1508's "My Player" Thread - WITH GOOD IV'D DITTOS (Including all Trick Room natures)!!!

Are your event Pokes any good (natures/IV's)?
RE: articuno1508's "My Player" Thread - WITH GOOD IV'D DITTOS (Including all Trick Room natures)!!!

I will finally trade my Lugia w/ Choice Band for a Quiet ditto.....I would also like to trade something for your Heracross...I will have my new player thread up soon so I will post a link when it is finished.
RE: articuno1508's "My Player" Thread - WITH GOOD IV'D DITTOS (Including all Trick Room natures)!!!

no do you have an adamant croagunk/toxicroak, if you do, plz teach it brick break, then give is a muscle band if you have one, then trade it to me for something of equal value,k?

PS. Tobi is a good boy X3
RE: articuno1508's "My Player" Thread - WITH GOOD IV'D DITTOS (Including all Trick Room natures)!!!

That won't work either way. I don't have an Adamant croaker and you don't have anything I want.
RE: Arzamo's (formerly articuno1508's) "My Player" Thread - WITH GOOD IV'D DITTOS (Including all Trick Room natures)!!!

Updated with the following SWEET IV'd Pokes:

-Timid Gengar: 29 / 26 / 21 / 26 / 31 / 31
254 SpcAtk, 252 Spd, 4 HP
HP Grass 66 (meh, I like Energy Ball better)

-Quiet TyraniBoah: 31 / 31 / 26 / 26 / 18 / 7
252 HP, 254 SpcAtk, 4 Atk
HP Poison 70!!! (Very Lucky!)
RE: Arzamo's (formerly articuno1508's) "My Player" Thread - WITH GOOD IV'D DITTOS (Including all Trick Room natures)!!!

I have an EV-trained special attack Modest Mewtwo, lv.100. I'll trade that and LV.100 Ev-trained Modest LAtios for Shiny Eevee.
RE: Arzamo's (formerly articuno1508's) "My Player" Thread - WITH GOOD IV'D DITTOS (Including all Trick Room natures)!!!

Do you have any knowledge of IV's? This trade'll have to wait until later. I'll be busy now.
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