ash: May, Misty, or Dawn?

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To heck with those 3, ash was with them ( and will be with Dawn) for way to long with out making a move. He should go for Saloon maiden Anabel. She can actaully fend for herself, which you don't see alot of in anime.
it's really hard to decide who ash likes more cause they started making him change in the AG series. and he's completely different in DP (actually considerate and smart o_O) so it's weird. but he's like an older brother for dawn and may who are new to the whole 'Pokémon world'. and of course, at the start of AG ash states he's been on his journey 3 years, and may says she's 10. two years pass until DP so ash is 15 while dawn said she's 10. misty was never specified and assumed to be ash's age.
there is too much hinting done in almost all the series for ash and misty, even when she's absent (see Movie 6). same goes for drew and may and well with dawn, i bet her at that zoe/nozomi character got something there xD pretty much all the rivals get paired up. haha
No, we never know Misty's age, for all we know, she's probably right for Brock. May alreadys likes Drew, we know that, and now with Dawn, she likes no one at this point, but you can't cancel out the idea that Dawn will end up having a crush on Ash and the end up creating a little mini-series about it
honestly though, i'd really not expect the producers to pair up ash in DP, especially so late in the series. i mean if they start having dawn blush every time she's around ash or something, it's going to feel weird, cause in DP she's the main character (which is lame cause ash is supposed to be. ugh. and plus the series 'cannot have such adult content for lil kids' >.< ) . if she hasn't started to crush already it's prolly not gonna be ash who she likes.
44 episodes into the first season ash and misty have already been accused of being a couple, blushed yada yada and 44 episodes into DP and all i've gotten out of it was the misty lure in that one episode :p
I say Misty's the right type for Brock, and Misty can pull his ear everytime he sees a pretty woman
May and Manaphy said:
I say Misty's the right type for Brock, and Misty can pull his ear everytime he sees a pretty woman

well if you go by that, max pulls his ear when he sees them too. so you're implying that... ;D

but brock shows no interest ever in any of the people he travels with lol
they even give a hint in the pokemon ranger and the temple of the sea
ash is king of the sea
manaphy is prince
manaphy thinks may is it's mother so she would have to be the queen
ash king+may queen=perfect relationship
they also show a LOT of parts where It's just the two of them.....being fighting.....
MAY AND ASH WON'T END UP BEING TOGETHER ! That was just a scene in the movie, and since May likes Drew, aj, THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN !

(I got that off my chest, and now I feel better)
I don't like Misty, and who knows Misty might (and I hope she does) not like Ash. May likes Drew, eaving Dawn all alone. Dawn wins by default
Dawn and Pachirisu said:
I don't like Misty, and who knows Misty might (and I hope she does) not like Ash. May likes Drew, eaving Dawn all alone. Dawn wins by default

Okay May DOES NOT like Drew! Dawn does not like Ash more than just as A friend from what I have seen. And Ash likes Misty just as A friend. End of story.
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