ash: May, Misty, or Dawn?

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The Heart Break of Brock is the episode Misty said they'll be married someday. Only in the english version.

Ash and May never kissed.:p
I personally think that ash and misty both like each other the best. For me the other two either haven't clicked for me or never will click for me.
I'll guess I'll tell you...
(nothing to do...I_I)
Misty:Ash and Misty have a really good relationship but
Tracy is kind of getting in the way for the two...
Plus they kissed.:p
May:They are just friends
so don't think May and Ash will be together,
and May also likes Drew better...
Dawn:So it's Misty vs Dawn,
Misty is taller than Ash so it's ash's
choice if he likes older women,
Dawn is about Ash's age so all
I'm saying is if the longer the
adventure, the longer Dawn
and Ash will be together.

So,my guess is Dawn or Misty or
the next anime girl in the next generation...

And I'm pretty sure the last generation is the
5th one...
Dawn is 10 and Ash is 14 or 16 or something like that, He's way older than Dawn and Dawn is stupid anyways. Misty definitely, just because Misty was always Angry.
Darxtryder said:
Dawn is 10 and Ash is 14 or 16 or something like that, He's way older than Dawn and Dawn is stupid anyways. Misty definitely, just because Misty was always Angry.

No. Ash isnt 14 or 16. My guess is that the writers have him around 11 or 12. But not 14 or 16. But look this is pokemon. And they are not going to make people start getting married like that. Like I said, its only pokemon.
mewmaster2291 said:
Hello again, pokebeach. As my first poll, I ask this question:   Who do you think Ash likes (more than a friend) the most; ; May, Misty, or Dawn? Please post a reason, and just for kicks, You can answer the question vice versa. I personaly think he likes Dawn the most. Although they get in some fights(Whether that guy in the episode"Dawn of a new era" Should be in contests or gym battles), they help each other in others(Dawn being Ash's Cheerleader in "o'er the Rampardos we watched")

Melody93 said:
^that epi was the heartbreak of brock and that line we'll get married is dub not in the japanese version. However Misty accidently saying she knew what it was like to like someone that doesn't like her back was a real hint in the japanese version.

Ok first get this straight Ash doesn't love ANYONE right now. Someday Ash made grow up and I know his stupid new voice make him sound like he hit puberty but Ash has his dreams to focus on first.

In the begining I think the writer didn't plan on taking Misty out until jotho, when they discover pokeshipping they got excited and got carry away not thinking about the future. Because of that I think they go with Misty because they gain alot of fans for pokeshipping and it would break (or kill being I'm suicidal) pokeshipper's hearts if he end up with someone else. I don't see Ash actually becoming boy/girlfriend with any one before the show ends but however Ash has been kissed twice and after how the show repeats it self there is a good chance of that happening again even if it doesn't go anywhere.
lucario aura wielder said:
Can someone post a link to ash kissing may from the 9 movie.
That's about as likely as finding a grain of sand in a needle stack. It won't happen.

To the person who started the "ash kissing may" thing and everyone who believes it: Give us proof or it didn't happen. Pictures don't count.

On topic, no. He won't get any of those 3, and he won't get any outside of fanfics. The writers will keep it kid-friendly. >_<
robbie, the thread hasn't been active for over a month. Please do not reply to topics where the most recent post is 2 weeks old or older.
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