Ash Wins a Pokemon Leauge

Yes so they aren't gonna give him that kind of advantage. Maybe he won't get any back at all but even if he got Glalie he wouldn't use it against Torterra or Garchomp. Don't even guess Bulbasaur because he NEVER takes him away for long.
hmm...good point! maybe thats why he will get a snover, another ice type! ooh!! i m gettin sooo confused!?! but we will come to know his reaction towards lucario during veilstone episodes. hope that will give some clue!
i meant *prowess.....but if u prefer *power, so be it. i was referring to his special aura ability...
Ok, I don't think anyone on the show should have a Riolu nor a Lucario. It doesn't fit anyone really...but there is always one critic of perfect logic that just won't stop complaining or insisting on something. It does have to be that Pokémon just because you think it should be.
Silver said:
Snover is mroe likely than Riolu but I'm sure Bonsly going to argue that >_>
Sure I am. First off, enlighten me on how that is. You cant just say something and not have a reason. Whereas I do have a reason. For one you cant ignore the hidden facts and hints. Ash ALWAYS gets a new type every gen. So thats one negative for Snover. But, seeing as how this season is unpredictable, thats a negative for Riolu. But just tell me why you think Snover is more likely when it has mentioned that Ash has that Aura Ability even in the anime. And lets not forget that Lucario can learn moves like Dragon Pulse which last time I checked, was super effective against dragon types.

mrshaun7 said:
ok. I just want to see if the 3rd gym leader will a lucario

Well she does. An upcoming episode title and summary confirms it.
Aura doesn't matter. It's probably just going to matter when Dialga and Palkia come around.
Silver said:
Aura doesn't matter. It's probably just going to matter when Dialga and Palkia come around.

And who says it doesnt matter? Well if it doesnt matter now then it didnt matter in the movie. Which by the way played a very big role in the movie. Also Dialga and Palkia might not ever come around since they already had their own movie and now their in another one. Now it doesnt mean that Ash will get Riolu. But I gaurentee you it will play a role in the d/p anime.
Silver said:
I thought Movies have no relation to the Animé. (As said by you)

No I said all of the movies had no connection with the anime, except for movie 8. Which movie 8 apparently does.
It doesn't make sense that only that would have a relation. If there's a relation then why haven't they said anything?
Silver said:
It doesn't make sense that only that would have a relation. If there's a relation then why haven't they said anything?

Umm they have. As I have said many times, it stated that Ash used his aura ability in the anime.
well, it will be all very clear once maylene shows up with lucario. we will get to see how ash responds to the situation. if its like "wow! what pokemon is that, lets see whats dexter has to say about it!"-than we know the movie has got nothn to do with the anime!
but if its like,"wow! a lucario---i can feel my aura all charged up!"-than we say hooraah! the movie is in!
shakir99 said:
well, it will be all very clear once maylene shows up with lucario. we will get to see how ash responds to the situation. if its like "wow! what pokemon is that, lets see whats dexter has to say about it!"-than we know the movie has got nothn to do with the anime!
but if its like,"wow! a lucario---i can feel my aura all charged up!"-than we say hooraah! the movie is in!

Okay that makes no sence at all what so ever. First of all, since the Aura doesnt matter then technicly Ash has had his aura since the beginning of the anime. Huh, you see how that sounds. Just because of Ash's reaction to when he see's Lucario means nothing. And by the sound of things it seems Ash may be using his Aura again in the gym title. Because its titled, Lucario and the Aura Sphere of rage! No this isnt a gym battle episode though. It seems that Ash wants to challenge Maylene but... And it kinda stops there. But I dont know of Maylene has the Aura ability or not. Somehow the 8th movie has a connection with Ash and the anime. Because in movie 8 thats where Ash first got his aura powers. So his reaction when he see's a Lucario means nothing at all.
but obviously it does. if the eighth movie has really any connection then of course Ash will mention it when he sees Lucario with Maylene. He should not act like he's seeing one for the first time....