Ash Wins a Pokemon Leauge

His Staravia is most likely gonna make Staraptor and Chimchar is gonna make Infernape. His Buizel will probably go into a Floatzel because none of his other common Water Pokémon have evolved.
well, crabby evolved....
dunno about floatzel, i have a feeling that buizel will pass on as it is.
he had only four water pokemon before buizel. u cant divide them into common-uncommon groups when its such a small number. besides kingler had much screen time during pallet-league finals. Ash also brought it back in johto finals but it could not participate since it got hurt by some stupid electrodes.
What I mean by common is the Pokémon that were always on his team. Kingler was the only one of his uncommon ones and it evolved. Totodile Squirtle and Corphish were his common ones and they didn't evolve.
That makes it even worse cause Kingler was extremely strong, I think one of ash's strongest pokemon! He really needs to get back in battles!
i believe we will see him in sinnoh! though ash prefered to battle only with gen-exclusives during hoenn, i hope he changes his mind this time. he was not that stupid during johto and thats a positive thing!
Yah, and he brought back Phanpy (don't think I spelt it right) in the Hoenn region/battle frontier.
Ya but Phampy still had training to. It wasn't as strong as Kingler. If he was going to bring one back I'd guess at Heracross or a Tauros.
Herracross and tauros are also pretty strong, I would say he would bring back...hmmm cyndaquil or tododile maybe. He really needs Kingler, it would not only be great for the sinnoh but if he makes it, the elite 4. Or maybe he would bring back corphish, A nice Crawdaunt on his team would do him wonders.
he is getting Buizel so a water type is out of the question. Maybe the primape he said he would be baCK FOR.
Ash says alot of stuff no way you can believe that:p I think we all know we are never going to see Primape, Lapras, Pidgeot, or Butterfree again. Wow that was a real downer:p
mrshaun7 said:
hmm... I think he may bring back cyndaquil to be a typlosion

One problem, Ash already has Chimchar on his team so that aint going to happen any time soon. So Ash bringing back a fire, water, or grass type at this moment doesnt even have a chance of happening.