Writing Athena Plays Fire Emblem: Binding Blade - Next Playthrough Starting Soon!

Lovely dialogue. At work I can really appreciate this comic relief.

I have definitely chosen the right character, although I will be alone ...forever T_T
Lovely dialogue. At work I can really appreciate this comic relief.

I have definitely chosen the right character, although I will be alone ...forever T_T
Me too...

How come the hottest character gets no supports? ;~;

Anyway, I haven't had time to read this so far, but I think I'm gonna plough through and read the first couple chapters. I always like chapters once I read them so I can see where I left off later on, so I guess if you really care you can see how far I get :p
How come the hottest character gets no supports? ;~;

You do get supports, they just happen to be with characters that weren't chosen for this.

Honestly, the widened Support matrix is one of the best enhancements in the 3DS-era FE games, in my opinion.
Chapter 4: Swordmaster Vom (this time with hair, and lots of it)

To fulfill Marquess Hector's dying request, Green and his companions head out towards Ostia. To get there, they must travel almost due west, and in the process they pass through the territory of Laus, ruled over by Lord Erik. As a child, Erik was pretty incompetent, whiny, jealous, and petty, and he got his ass kicked as a teenager by Eliwood and Hector after his dad got involved in some bad crap. It's been many years since then, but considering that this very chapter is taking place in Laus, we can probably assume that Erik is still a douchewaffle.

Meanwhile, in Laus, a familiar-looking Wyvern approaches the castle...

<Erik> Greetings, General Narcian!
<Narcian> Well met, Lord Erik! You really did the smart thing joining forces with Bern.
<Erik> But of course! It's not like the Lycian League ever did anything for me anyway.
<Athena> Yep, knew he was still a douchewaffle
<Narcian> So... I heard you had acquired a gift for me? :3
<Laus> Oh, yes, of course, here she is now. Clarine, come over here and meet general Narcian.
<Clarine> Oh, yes, hello. Is Klein around here anywhere? Erik told me he's keeping me hear to meet up with my brother...
<Narcian> Oh, I think you'll enjoy my company much more than his... ;D
<Clarine> Spend time with you? lolno. You may dress nice, but I can tell you're nothing more than lowborn scum.
<Narcian> Why you-- >:|
<Soldier> General! We've just received work that Castle Araphen was retaken by the enemy!
<Narcian> Oh, some of a... that stupid git Slater. Do you know anything about the enemy forces?
<Soldier> They appear to be led by Lord Green, the son of Marquess Pherae.
<Narcian> *sigh* I suppose I ought to clean up this mess. Take command of this girl and lock her up in a cell for me, would you?
<Clarine> Hey!
<Narcian> In the meantime, Lord Erik, I want your troops to set up a blockade between here and Ostia. Little Green is probably going to try and meet up with the rest of the forces in Ostia and we don't want that to happen.
<Erik> You can count on us!​

So, sure enough, Roy and his soldiers came across the blockade as they passed through Laus. There wasn't even a break for dialogue or anything, they just jumped right into the fight. Laus's Cavaliers were pretty reckless in attacking them, but Green, Jabber, DNA, and TGK all worked hard at taking them down as they progressed, slowly working their way west towards the castle.

Meanwhile, back in the castle...

<Clarine> Ugh, this prison cell is just the WORST.
<Vom> Psst, hey, you there.
<Clarine> Who are you? >:|
<Vom> I'm a mercenary hired by Lord Erik, but I'm here to rescue you. Come on, follow me and hurry up. I have a horse waiting for you out back.
<Clarine> Wait, what? Why are you doing this?
<Vom> Let's just say I really hate Bern. Now are you going to come with me or not?
<Clarine> Yes, yes, I'm coming, don't get your panties in a bunch.​

And so Clarine managed to escape from the castle. Mounted and ready to flee, she came across Green and his band as they fought towards the castle. Eager to secure protection, she rode up to Green and demanded asked with all the grace and nobility of her upbringing if the Lord Green would be willing to protect her in exchange for healing. Green complied and they continued the press forward.

TGK ran out of his tome so he and DNA headed south to restock at some local shops. The others continued their slow progression west into a band of reinforcements led by memorable long-haired Myrmidon. Clarine recognized her savior and ran forward to greet him.

<Vom> Hey, what are you still doing there?
<Clarine> It's not my fault you dumped me in the middle of a battlefield. Some rescue!
<Vom> Welp, I guess you're lucky you met up with some people to take care of you, then. Can I go now?
<Clarine> Of course not!
<Vom> *sigh*
<Clarine> Don't you sigh at me. I'm doing you a favour. Stop fighting for those losers and join my team's side.
<Vom> *arches eyebrow*
<Clarine> You see, I remembered what you said about hating Bern, and the guys I'm with here are fighting against Bern. Which means your little "pal" Erik is working for the side you despise.
<Vom> Well, when you put it that way... sure, why not. If your leader doesn't mind accepting a turncoat, I'd be happy to join up with you guys.​

Together with their new members in tow, Roy's forces converged on Laus Castle, eager to break through the blockade. Erik himself was guarding the castle's gate, and it took the combined forces of Jabber, DNA, and Vom all working together to take him down.

<DNA> Looks like the rest of the Laus forces are running away.
<Green> Good. Everyone get some rest while we have a nice castle to crash in. *sigh*
<Mora> You okay, Green? :<
<Green> Kinda depressed, tbh. I mean, I never would have imagined that a member of Lycian League would turn traitor and side with stupid Bern. :\
<Mora> Yeah...
<Green> Sorry, no offense. I guess it just means we'll need to stay on our toes. None of the other Marquesses can be trusted. And Lord Hector dead... I'm afraid there might not be a peaceful solution to this war anymore.
<Mora> I hope you won't mind that I'd prefer to stay with you.
<Green> You don't want to go home to Bern?
<Mora> No. I strongly disagree with what my brother is doing. I don't know why he's trying to drag dragons into a human war or how that's supposed to "free" the world, but I hope to stop him if I can.
<Green> Wait, what?
<Mora> Of, Robin's a crazy one alright. He somehow got this notion that he can "liberate the world" with dragons. It's all he talked about for years. Somehow that's the purpose behind this current war.
<Green> Do you have any idea what that even means?
<Mora> Nope. But all it's causing is violence, betrayal, and bloodshed. So like hell do I want to be a part of it. I'll stick with you, thanks.​

Current Team!

Lord Green
- Lv. 8 Lord
DNA - Lv. 1 Paladin
Jabber - Lv. 8 Cavalier
TGK - Lv. 7 Mage
Vom - Lv. 5 Myrmidon


Supports: Now that units are finalized, we need to decide on who is going to support whom. Lots of Supports are open for suggestion, so please speak up on what you'd like to see! The only actual romantic ending supports are those for Green, so keep that in mind. Here are the remaining available options, now complete with full usernames since everyone is named:

Green: Athena, DNA, Silver, Keeper, Jabber
DNA: Green, Jabber, Athena
Jabber: DNA, Green
bbninjas: Athena
Athena: Green, BV, DNA, BB
BV: Athena
Keeper: Green

Confirmed Support matches:

Vom, Celever, Zeiss, and SM are confirmed no supports.

Player Notes

Erik confirmed for douchewaffle. I really do love how he was this huge asshole in FE6 so they decided to make him even more of an asshole in FE7 to lead up to it. He dies without fanfare this time around, though.

Another fairly easy early game chapter. We've got way too many units at this point and we're using hardly any of them, so it's kind of hilarious. Bors is the most useful of all of the non-use units since I just leave him unequipped and have him move forward to pull enemies and tank hits.

Green has gotten some amazing luck with some really awesome level-ups, including a perfect level this very chapter. He already out-stats DNA significantly in everything but Skl and Res. TGK is also doing well, but Jabber has had some very unlucky level-ups and is still struggling to ORKO enemies (though his Def is very nice). DNA is DNA.

And a warm welcome to our newest unit, Vom. Armed with his trusty Killing Edge, he makes quick work out of enemies, though it's difficult for him to kill anything without it. :U He's a very nice unit though and a welcome addition to our team.

Nothing particularly interested happens next chapter that I can see, but it should be fun regardless. I hope you all are looking forward to it! We have another Support pair confirmed but it would be nice of those of you reading along could give you opinions on the other available options, thanks. <3
<Narcian> Oh, some of a... that stupid git Slater.
Chapter 5: Obligatory Bandit Chapter

Green and his companions continue on their journey to Ostia, but we can't let the plot proceed that quickly, so let's have a bandit chapter before we get there. Wynaut.​

<Bandit> Hey boss, there are some army dudes coming!
<BanditBoss> Lol let's fight them because we're bandits.

Meanwhile, with our heroes...

<Villager> Hey, you, red-haired guy.
<Green> Yes?
<Villager> Save our village from bandits or something maybe? They've taken control of a castle or something or other it doesn't really matter just kill the bandits please so we can move on.
<Green> lolkay​

Meanwhile, in the aforementioned village that needs protection...

<Celever> So, what do you say, baby, want to curl up with me next to the fire and listen to some... sermons? ;D
<Villager> Ummm...
<Dorothy> *enters* Saul? You here?
<Villager> I really should... umm... go over there... *flees*
<Celever> *sigh* You're scaring off all the girls, Dorothy.
<Dorothy> *facepalm* Will you forget the girls for one moment? The Lycian Army is on its way and they supposedly have Princess Mora with them.
<Celever> Excellent! We shall meet up with them post-haste. Come with me!
<Dorothy> *mumbles* You only want to help her because she's pretty.... -_-;;​

And so brave Lord Green led his army to kill the nasty bandits. They could have gone through a gate to take them out easy, but instead they decided to take the long way around the mountain to visit the village and kill lots of dudes and gain some nice exp so Vom could catch up to everyone else. Eventually they made their way to the castle where Vom slowly whittled down the boss's hp over several rounds and in the process gained like two levels and he even got a +Str level up so everyone was happy.

Man, bandit chapters are boring.

<Green> Well, that was boring.
<DNA> Hey, Green, this Priest here wants to meet with you and Princess Mora.
<Green> I wonder how they knew she was traveling with us... oh well, let's see him anyway.
<Celever> Lord Green! It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Celever, and I come on behalf of the St. Elimine Church. *bows* And this must be the gorgeous Princess Mora! I can hardly believe my eyes, your beauty extends beyond all rumour.
<Mora> Oh, uh, thanks? >.>
<Celever> Anyway, enough chit-chat. You have the Fire Emblem with you, don't you your highness?
<Mora> :O! How did you know?
<Celever> The church found out that it disappeared from the Shrine of Seals. The timing just so happened to coincide with your departure to Lycia.
<Mora> ... ... ... <.<;;;
<Celever> And so they sent me to confirm the truth. Why did you take it?
<Mora> I.... I confess. Yes, I took the Fire Emblem. I wanted to stop my brother, and...
<Celever> Do you know what the Emblem is for?
<Mora> Something about awakening a sword to slay dragons? I dunno exactly, but it sounded pretty cool and powerful.
<Celever> *arches eyebrow*
<Mora> Also Robin was hella afraid of it falling in the wrong hands. I thought that maybe if he thought that it was stolen by an enemy he would stop he conquest whatever, but, well, obviously that didn't happen.
<Celever> Well, what now?
<Mora> Pfft, you think I'm going to tell you my super sekrit plan?
<Celever> I was afraid you'd say that... but at least you do have a plan. In that case, I would like to come with you, if I may.
<Green> Sure, sounds fine with me. I mean, we already have 2 healers, but let's take another, wynaut.​

Current Team!

Lord Green
- Lv. 9 Lord
DNA - Lv. 1 Paladin
Jabber - Lv. 9 Cavalier
TGK - Lv. 9 Mage
Vom - Lv. 10 Myrmidon


Supports: Now that units are finalized, we need to decide on who is going to support whom. Lots of Supports are open for suggestion, so please speak up on what you'd like to see! The only actual romantic ending supports are those for Green, so keep that in mind. Here are the remaining available options, now complete with full usernames since everyone is named:

Green: Athena, DNA, Silver, Keeper, Jabber
DNA: Green, Jabber, Athena
Jabber: DNA, Green
bbninjas: Athena
Athena: Green, BV, DNA, BB
BV: Athena
Keeper: Green

Confirmed Support matches:

Vom, Celever, Zeiss, and SM are confirmed no supports.

We've had a single vote for DNA/Jabber, Green/Keeper, and Athena/BV. If there's no other suggestions, I'll confirm those tomorrow.

Player Notes

Bandit chapters. Ugh.

So, yeah, hardly anything interesting about this chapter at all. At least we got a bunch of exp to Vom so now he's actually MORE leveled than anyone else. Wooo.

We get to meet Celever in the plot, though, and that was amusing. I didn't expect him to be a lady-chaser type, so I found that extra hilarious. As implied in the dialogue, we didn't actually get to use him this chapter (which is why he's not appearing in our roster yet), but we will get him at the start of next chapter.

Last chance to put in your votes for supports over the weekend! See you guys with the next chapter on Monday~ <3
He only gets like 4 exp per kill this early in the game. There's a reason I'm not giving more kills to our other units for now. :p
Are there any restrictions to supports? Because I don't see why we can't just have everyone support everyone :p
Supports are limited in GBA games so that each character can only have 5 Supports total. Since a full Support chain takes up 3 slots (and that's the only real real to get complete stories/dialogues since resolution often doesn't happen until the A conversation), you can only have one complete Support per character.
Oh, in that case I agree with the proposed supports, actually.

Sorry for not letting you have love, bb </3
I'm pretty sure "our boy" ro- ...ehm Green is Lilina's/Athena's true love interest and most possible cannon relationship. Because I tend to support cannon relationships I "support it" :D

Anyway, great chapter again. I'm looking forward to see what's next :)
Chapter 6: Let's trust this shady-looking Shaman dude for no raisin

Roy decides to completely ignore his belief that he shouldn't trust anyone and takes his troops to Lord Orun's castle in Thria to spend the night. Will it end horribly? Let's find out!

<Jabber> Finally we can get a good night's rest in a proper bed. ~_~;;
<DNA> It's a shame that Lord Orun is too ill to greet us properly...
<Green> Yes, that man Wagner seems to have everything under pretty tight control... Lord Orun's adviser apparently. But...
<TGK> But I wonder why Lord Orun would hire a Shaman to be his advisor? I mean, dark magic and all, kind of shady.
<Vom> The whole thing smells rather hinky, doesn't it?
<Green> Yes, it does.
<Celever> And there are an awful lot of soldiers patrolling...
<Green> The more I think about it, the less I trust it...
<ThiefChick> *appears* As well you shouldn't.
<TGK> Eep! *hides behind Celever*
<Green> Who are you?
<ThiefChick> I heard that Wagner guy talking about ambushing you guys. Pretty sure he killed Lord Orun and plans on taking you all to Bern or something. Or maybe just the princess chick.
<DNA> What, and so you think we should just trust you?
<ThiefChick> *shrugs* Your choice.
<Green> Well... let's see if we can spring his trap then.​

Green and his troops gathered their things and prepared to depart. Jabber was the last one to leave the room, looking longingly at his bed as he passed. They took the shortage passage to the outside, heading towards the central corridor. However, it wasn't long before the shady-looking Wagner man came up to them.

<Wagner> Lord Green... leaving so soon?
<Green> Yes, unfortunately I've received a message of utmost importance and I must be off immediately.
<Wagner> But it's the middle of the night! Lord Orun would never forgive me if I failed to give you his hospitality.
<Green> If you take us to him, I'll be happy to offer my condolences in person. Otherwise, I'm afraid we need to leave.
<Wagner> There's nothing I can say or do to make you stay?
<Green> ... ... ...
<Wagner> In that case.... guards, attack! Take them out, but make sure to leave Princess Mora alive!
<Green> Welp, I guess it's time to kill everyone.
<Celever> Yay, I can come too this time! \o/​

Now that Green finally had a preparation screen available, he was able to leave behind the unwanted units and only bring his best bros. Oh, and the thief kid and Merlinus too, I guess, lots of doors and chests available. Since they knew they'd be killing and looting, they reversed their earlier plan of going through the courtyard and instead detoured into the eastern hallway, Jabber and DNA leading the way.

They had progressed about halfway down that corridor when Green happened to notice that the Thief Chick from earlier had shown up and was preparing to loot. Sensing a possible recruit but not wanting to potentially lose any valuables, he cursed a little bit, then send Jabber and DNA as far ahead and possible, telling them to loop around and block the doorways that led to treasure chests but commanding them to not harm the Thief Chick at all if they could avoid it.

With Jabber and DNA off to protect and herd the thief chick, it was up to Green, Vom, and TGK to take care of the majority of the enemies that were pouring down after them. Celever got a lot of work in by healing up every lost point of HP. They slowly worked towards the center so Chad could loot all the chests. Eventually Green caught up with the Thief Chick, but she refused his advances and fled. Oh well; at least the treasure was protected.

Once Chad finally got his slow butt around to collect all the loot, they moved in towards the boss. Along the way, Green happened to find a Nomad chick locked in a cell, and she joined the group, too. Finally in the throne room, Wagner was surrounded on all sides, but it only took a crit from Vom to take him down in a single round. Kind of an anti-climatic boss, really.

<Sue> So, thanks for saving me, I guess. I'm Sue.
<Green> You're from Sacae, right?
<Sue> Yeah. We were under attack from Bern and betrayed by one of the other clans. My grandpa is a pretty important dude so I was able to take shelter with Lord Orun but then he was killed and that Wagner guy took me prisoner.
<Green> Wow, that's a pretty fascinating story! We'd probably go into it more, but we didn't draft you, so I don't really feel like spending too much time on your dialogue.
<Sue> Awww... :<
<DNA> I've got some bad news, Lord Green. We just received word from our spies that Ostia is in a state of chaos.
<Everyone> :O!
<DNA> Apparently a splinter group has formed that wants to surrender to Bern. They're started a rebellion and have even kidnapped Princess Athena!
<Green> Welp, I guess we better hurry then. Onwards!​

Current Team!

Lord Green
- Lv. 10 Lord
DNA - Lv. 1 Paladin
Jabber - Lv. 11 Cavalier
TGK - Lv. 11 Mage
Vom - Lv. 11 Myrmidon
Celever - Lv. 6 Priest


Supports: Are now finalized!

Confirmed Support matches:

Player Notes

Our first chapter restart, woohoo! Not because someone died, but because I was afraid of missing treasure. I really wasn't prepared for "Thief Chick" to show up and start looting stuff, so I restarted and changed our direction so that we'd be able to block her and still get all the goods.

It's nice to finally have a prep screen so we can trade stuff around easily and not bring a bunch of dump units that we won't be using. Though I also learned that Merlinus is actually a deploy unit. Derp! He gets a regular inventory, too, so I guess he's kind of useful for opening doors and things. I dunno. It's awkward.

The chapter itself wasn't so bad. I did lots of derping around to prevent Thief Chick from stealing all the stuff, but none of the enemies are overly powerful, so it wasn't bad. We were able to spread thin and still get plenty accomplished. DNA is also aaaaaalmost ready to level up. He probably will next chapter.

I kind of hoped to let Celever spam heal the boss, but Vom got a crit and ended that plan. OH WELL. We'll spam heal with Celever next chapter with the Arena. :U

Hope you all enjoyed!
Chapter 7: ITC: Jabber makes us tonnes of gold

As the group marched towards Ostia, Green listened closely to the story of the Ostian Rebellion to learn as much as he could about the situation before his arrival. Apparently the instigators were General Leygance and Lieutenant Devias.

<Green> Lieutenant Devious, you say? Man, why would anyone have trusted him in the first place with a name like that?
<DNA> Yes, well, he spells it differently.
<Green> Fair enough. And these were the guys who kidnapped Athena?
<DNA> Yes, she's apparently being held captive in the castle.
<Green> Geez, only 6 chapters in and this is already the second kidnapped princess that I'm rescuing. Well, let's take a look at what we're up against. How many Ostian soldiers have joined into the revolt?
<DNA> ... Quite a few, I'm sad to say. They're terrified of Bern. And Bern has also sent some wyvern riders to help bulk up the rebellion's forced.
<Green> Don't you have any good news? >_<
<DNA> Well... Lord Hector did hire some mercenaries from Ilia that are still on our side.
<Jabber> It's a sad day indeed when mercenaries are more loyal than native Ostian troops.
<Green> Will they still fight for Lycia even with Lord Hector's death?
<DNA> That's what they claim. Ilian mercenaries are fiercely loyal.
<Green> Still, the numbers are not on Lycia's side at all. I wonder if Etruria would help us at all? I got to know General Cecelia rather well in Ostia; she was my tactics teacher.
<DNA> That might not be the best move politically, but I don't think that matters all too much with our lives at stake, and also the lives of countless Lycians.
<Green> Indeed. It's settled, then! I'll send her a letter by messenger. Hopefully they'll be able to send aid.
<DNA> I'll send it forth at once, sire.
<Green> Excellent. Once you get back, we'll storm the Ostian Castle town.​

The rebels had indeed spread all throughout the town making the beginning of the battle rather difficult. Rebel troops took refuge in houses, hided behind fences, and otherwise caused a bunch of mischief. With only 5 capable fighters to his name (including himself), Green kind of derped around a lot in the beginning trying to kill as many enemies as possible while keeping Celever and Merlinus safe. Eventually he was able to meet up with the Ilian Mercenaries (Zelots, Trek, and Noah) and they had a bit of an easier time of it.

Finally, the flow of enemies from the town and the castle began to slow and Green started pushing further in towards the castle itself. He had the Mercenaries finish visiting the houses and stocking up at the local stores, and told Jabber to work out at the arena to gain funds and exp, with Celever nearby to help keep him healed. With those tasks appointed, Green himself went forward with DNA, TGK, and Vom to take the castle, with Chad along to loot some chests.

Green had just finished taking out the castle defenders when he heard the sounds of reinforcements approaching from the south. He sent DNA and Vom to head back and help Jabber fight them off while he and TGK continued toward the boss. Once the reinforcements were done and Jabber had finished his arena mission, TGK and Green worked together to kill the chapter's boss, the treacherous Lieutenant Devias, and Green capped the throne.

<Green> Yes, I got it! But, wait a second... this isn't the proper Ostian throne. It's just a lawn chair propped up near the castle gate. :|
<DNA> Yep, I'm afraid we'll still have to take the castle itself. Many dangerous foes are inside.
<Green> Well, we need to rescue Princess Athena as soon as possible. Everyone, forward!​

Current Team!

Lord Green
- Lv. 12 Lord
DNA - Lv. 2 Paladin
Jabber - Lv. 20 Cavalier
TGK - Lv. 13 Mage
Vom - Lv. 13 Myrmidon
Celever - Lv. 10 Priest

Player Notes

Ohboy, this chapter was amusing. With only 6 units drafted so far (and only 5 of them combat units) we are definitely way under the recommended number of units to use. It really kind of bit us in the ass in the beginning of this chapter because there are so many enemies and they start aggroing very fast. Even better, almost all of the enemies have ranged weapons and 2 of our 5 fighters are sword-locked, so they can't attack back during EP. JOY! :U

We made it, though, mostly by copious use of terrain dodging (thank you Vom) and with the help of the Mercenaries, both as green NPCs prior to recruiting and later afterward as well. Recruiting the Mercs was actually kind of derpy because one of them kept running away and looked like he wanted to suicide against the castle's reinforcements. I managed to reach him just in time. Stupid AI.

As you can see, Jabber got some... significant experience this level. :U I usually chat with @NotJim while I play these chapters and some times I ask him for suggestions on things. This time, I asked him what I should do with the arena (this being our first arena and all), and he said I should get Jabber up to Lv. 20 with it. So here we are! Jabber had actually been disappointing in previous chapters (lots of poor level-ups) but he mostly redeemed himself by getting primarily good level-ups in the Arena, and earning a bunch of money, too. We will actually get a Knight Crest next level so we can promote him right away.

Celever also got some good exp while keeping Jabber up and running. I hope to keep spam healing with him as much as I can over the next few levels to get him promoted soon, too, hopefully by Ch. 11 (which is the first time you can get Light magic tomes).

Tomorrow's chapter nets us 2 new units: me (hurray!) and BB. Since BB is our thief of choice, I'll stop deploying Chad now (which is good because he sucks).

Hope you all enjoy!
Chapter 8: Yay, I get to be in the game now \o/

Inside the castle with the rebels...

<Soldier> Sir! The enemies routed our outside forces and are making their way into the castle now!
<Leygance> Curses. I knew I shouldn't have trust that devious fellow. *sigh* I guess we'll just have to defeat them in here then. I refuse to become the laughingstock of Bern! You, organize troops in a defensive perimeter around the castle. And you over there... I want you to see to it that Princess Athena is quietly assassinated during the battle.
<Soldier> But sir... I thought you wanted to keep her alive?
<Leygance> I had hoped she might make for a valuable hostage, but... well, let's just say that I fear some of the men may hold more loyalty to her than to me, and I don't want there to be any problems.
<Soldier> If they find out you killed there, won't there still be problems?
<Leygance> Well, that's why I told you to do it "quietly"! Make it look like she was a casualty of the battle and we can even blame her death on the enemy.
<Soldier> Well, alright then...​

Meanwhile, back at the castle gate with our heroes...

<BB> Oh hey Green, 'sup?
<Green> Uh... who are you? >_>
<BB> I'm BB the ninja! You can just call me BB if you'd like. I'm kind of an all around spy, thief, and general sneaky dude in service of House Ostia.
<Celever> Well, you certainly do look very... sneaky.
<BB> Anyway, I've been running around Lycia spying about, doing odd jobs, but as soon as I heard about what happened in Araphen, I came back as quick as I could. I might not have been able to save Lord Hector at all, but I'll be damned if I let these rebels get their greasy mitts on Princess Athena.
<Green> Do you know where she's being held?
<BB> Yeah, I've been scoping things out. They've got her locked up in a small room towards the center of the castle. The guy in charge is this scumbag Leygance.
<Green> Alright, well, consider yourself officially drafted into the Lycian army. We'll make saving Athena our first priority, then we'll take out this Leygance fellow and retake the castle!
<BB> Woohoo! \o/​

With BB on their side, Green and his men stormed into the castle guns swords blaring. The castle was something of a labyrinth with twisty corridors and lots of sneaky ambush spots, but they plugged along, killing the foes in their way. Eventually they reached a room with a broken wall and a few loyal Ostian troops joined in to help with the cause. Together, they swung around to another hallway and began the trek south towards the throne room.

BB spotted a room full of chests and ducked inside to start picking some locks. While protecting him, Green happened to recognize the same Thief Chick (tm) that was involved in the mess at Thria. He talked to her for a bit, but she wriggled away and escaped from the castle. She was kind enough, however, to unlock the door to my cell, which let me go meet up with Green and his companions

<Green> Athena! :D
<Athena> Green! :D
<Green> Here, come help us fight, I got you this magic tome.
<Athena> Yay! Thanks~ <3​

Together at last, we proceeded through the last southern hallway towards the throne room. The way was flanked by two staircases full of reinforcements pouring in, so I tried to get as much exp as possible by taking down as many as I could. Green, Vom, and BB held off the attacks to focus on giving me kills. Soon the flood dried up and we were able to head into the throne room. BB ran ahead to grab the last few chests While Jabber, DNA, Green, TGK, and I all worked together to take down Leygance for good, the fool.

<Green> There, the castle is ours.
<Athena> Thank you so much for your help, Green. I'm sure my father will appreciate it. By the way... where is he now, anyway? I heard there was a big battle in Araphen; is he still there cleaning up?
<Green> Well, you see, umm....
<BB> I'm afraid your father is dead, your highness.
<Athena> I see. I can't say I'm not surprised. Daddy always said he would die in battle.
<Green> You can cry, um, if you want to, that is.
<Athena> Pfft, you think I'd cry in front of you? I'll deal with my grief in my own time. For now, this battle has taken way too long so let's boogie.​

Current Team!

Lord Green
- Lv. 13 Lord
DNA - Lv. 2 Paladin
Jabber - Lv. 1 Paladin
TGK - Lv. 14 Mage
Vom - Lv. 14 Myrmidon
Celever - Lv. 14 Priest
BB - Lv. 12 Thief
Athena - Lv. 7 Mage

Player Notes

Long chapter is looooong. Not only does it take a while to get around anyway, but I wanted to feed a bunch of exp to Celever and Athena, which slowed us down considerably. Final turn count was something like 78. Yeesh.

BB and Athena joining helps bulk us up pretty good. BB will primarily be a support role, mostly because thieves can't promote in FE6 for some reason, so his stats will quickly be outclassed as the game progresses. However, he's decent for now, and will always be useful for stealing and chests, so he'll see a decent amount of deploy. He joined at Lv. 10; I figure I'll try and feed him some levels while I still can to get his stats up a bit.

Athena joins at a whopping Lv. 1. Oh, and her base Spd is so low that she's actually doubled by most units. The nice thing is that because of her level deficit she gets over 50 exp per kill, so it doesn't take her all too long to get going. Managed to feed her 6 levels, including the boss kill, and hopefully it'll only get easier from here on out now that she's got some Mag and Spd under her belt. It was hard to feed her at the beginning, though, and took a decent amount of finagling.

Most of the turn count however came from trying to feed Celever exp against the boss. I used up his entire javelin on Vom (which took way too long), healing with Celever after every hit. I would have kept going with his steel lance, too, but I do actually have some other things to do today and this chapter took long enough, so I called it quits here. I'll keep boosting him up as much as I can, though, in preparation for a Ch. 11 promotion (since that's the earliest we can buy magic that he can wield).

And speaking of promotion, Jabber is now a Paladin! \o/ We picked up a Knight Crest in one of the treasure chests and I gave it to him immediately since he couldn't gain any more exp at Lv. 20 anyway. It gave him some nice stat boosts and he now outclasses DNA in every stat except Res. We also got a Guiding Ring (which we're saving for Celever) and an Elysian Whip (which we'll be holding onto for a while for Skyleaf or Icarus), as well as a bunch of cool weapons and shit.

Next chapter will be our very first gaiden chapter! I hope you all will enjoy it. :3